Key Facts at the end of March2010

Bay of Plenty Region

This fact sheet defines the working-age population as aged 18–64 years, to reflect the minimum age of entitlement to most benefits and the age of eligibility for New Zealand Superannuation. All information in this fact sheet refers to working-age recipients of the benefits concerned. Trends in numbers receiving main benefits are more reliably shown by comparisons between the same quarter 12 months apart than by comparisons between consecutive quarters.

All main benefits[1]

Characteristics of working-age recipients of main benefits (aged18–64 years), atthe end ofMarch2005and at the end ofMarch2010

Percentage of recipients who were: / Mar2005 / Mar2010
Male / 37.4 / 39.9
Female / 62.6 / 60.1
Māori / 53.7 / 52.4
Pacific people / 2.2 / 2.2
18–24 years / 16.3 / 18.4
25–39 years / 37.8 / 33.9
40–54 years / 28.3 / 31.0
55–64 years / 17.5 / 16.7
Declaring earnings / 17.8 / 14.1
Caring for a dependent child aged under 6 years / 24.9 / 24.2
Number of working-age recipients of a main benefit (aged 18–64 years) / 27,411 / 27,568

Source: IAP, numbers ofworking-agerecipients of a main benefitat the end of March.

Note:Numbers receiving a main benefit exclude the partners, spouses and dependents of recipients of

a main benefit.

Duration receiving a main benefit as a proportion of all working-agerecipients of main benefits (aged 18–64 years)

Proportion of working-age recipients of main benefits
Proportion continuously receiving current benefit:
Less than one year / 39.1
Between one and four years / 32.2
Between four and ten years / 17.9
10 years or more / 10.8
Proportion continuously receiving any benefit:
Less than one year / 33.2
Between one and four years / 30.6
Between four and ten years / 18.2
10 years or more / 18.0

Source: IAP, proportion ofworking-age recipients of main benefits at the end ofMarch2010.
Unemployment Benefit[2]

Characteristics of working-age Unemployment Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years), at the end ofMarch2005 and the end ofMarch2010

Percentage of recipients who were: / Mar2005 / Mar2010
Male / 66.9 / 71.7
Female / 33.1 / 28.3
Māori / 65.5 / 58.0
Pacific people / 2.4 / 3.1
18–24 years / 24.2 / 30.2
25–39 years / 32.5 / 32.0
40–54 years / 22.0 / 26.4
55–64 years / 21.3 / 11.3
Declaring earnings / 16.1 / 11.7
Caring for a dependent child aged under 6 years / 9.3 / 7.7
Number of working-age Unemployment Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years) / 5,354 / 3,982

Source: IAP, numbers of working-ageUnemployment Benefit recipients at the end ofMarch.

Note:Numbers receiving an Unemployment Benefit exclude the partners, spouses and dependents of Unemployment Benefit recipients.

Duration receiving an Unemployment Benefit as a proportion of working-age Unemployment Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years)

Proportion of working-
age Unemployment Benefit recipients
Proportion continuously receiving current benefit:
Less than one year / 84.2
Between one and four years / 13.9
Between four and ten years / 1.7
10 years or more / 0.3
Proportion continuously receiving any benefit:
Less than one year / 72.3
Between one and four years / 21.0
Between four and ten years / 4.3
10 years or more / 2.4

Source: IAP, proportion ofworking-age Unemployment Benefit recipients at the end ofMarch2010.

Domestic Purposes Benefit[3]

Characteristics of working-age Domestic Purposes Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years), at the end ofMarch2005 and at the end ofMarch2010

Percentage of recipients who were: / Mar2005 / Mar2010
Male / 10.8 / 14.3
Female / 89.2 / 85.7
Māori / 60.0 / 61.5
Pacific people / 2.3 / 2.2
18–19 years / 3.0 / 3.4
20–24 years / 14.8 / 17.0
25–39 years / 53.9 / 46.7
40–54 years / 24.6 / 27.7
55–64 years / 3.8 / 5.1
Declaring earnings / 22.5 / 16.6
Caring for a dependent child aged 6 years or under* / 59.6 / 60.4
Caring for a dependent child aged 7–13 years* / 31.7 / 28.8
Caring for a dependent child aged 14 years or over* / 8.6 / 10.8
Caring for two or more dependent children* / 53.4 / 48.6
Number of working-age Domestic Purposes Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years) / 11,310 / 11,502

Source: IAP, numbers ofworking-age Domestic Purposes Benefit recipients at the end ofMarch.

Note:*proportionsshown are for clients receiving a Domestic Purposes Benefit – Sole Parents only.

Duration receiving a Domestic Purposes Benefit as a proportion of working-ageDomestic Purposes Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years)

Proportion of working- age Domestic Purposes Benefit recipients
Proportion continuously receiving current benefit:
Less than one year / 31.4
Between one and four years / 39.9
Between four and ten years / 20.0
10 years or more / 8.7
Proportion continuously receiving any benefit:
Less than one year / 26.7
Between one and four years / 39.0
Between four and ten years / 21.2
10 years or more / 13.1

Source: IAP, proportion of working-ageDomestic Purposes Benefit recipients at the end ofMarch2010.

Sickness Benefit[4]

Characteristics of working-age Sickness Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years), at the end ofMarch2005 and the end ofMarch2010

Percentage of recipients who were: / Mar2005 / Mar2010
Male / 58.1 / 60.0
Female / 41.9 / 40.0
Māori / 42.9 / 42.8
Pacific people / 1.7 / 1.9
18–24 years / 12.2 / 14.5
25–39 years / 28.4 / 27.4
40–54 years / 36.2 / 37.3
55–64 years / 23.1 / 20.7
Declaring earnings / 11.6 / 10.3
Caring for a dependent child aged under 6 years / 6.8 / 5.4
Number of working-age Sickness Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years) / 3,854 / 4,850

Source: IAP, numbers of working-ageSickness Benefit recipients at the end ofMarch.

Note:Numbers receiving a Sickness Benefit exclude the partners, spouses and dependents of Sickness Benefit recipients.

Main incapacity group for working-age Sickness Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years), at the end ofMarch2010

Incapacity group / Proportion of working- age Sickness Benefit recipients
Psychological or psychiatric conditions / 37.8
Musculo-skeletal system disorders / 16.7
Accidents / 9.0
Cardio-vascular disorders / 5.6
Pregnancy-related conditions / 2.4
Other disorders and conditions / 28.4
Total / 100.0

Source: IAP, proportion of working-ageSickness Benefit recipients at the end ofMarch2010.

Duration receiving a Sickness Benefit as a proportion of working-ageSickness Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years)

Proportion of working- age Sickness Benefit recipients
Proportion continuously receiving current benefit:
Less than one year / 52.8
Between one and four years / 35.8
Between four and ten years / 10.6
10 years or more / 0.7
Proportion continuously receiving any benefit:
Less than one year / 45.0
Between one and four years / 35.5
Between four and ten years / 12.6
10 years or more / 6.8

Source: IAP, proportion of working-ageSickness Benefit recipients at the end ofMarch2010.

Invalid’s Benefit

Characteristics of working-ageInvalid’s Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years), at the end ofMarch2005 and the end ofMarch2010

Percentage of recipients who were: / Mar2005 / Mar2010
Male / 53.2 / 53.1
Female / 46.8 / 46.9
Māori / 36.4 / 38.0
Pacific people / 1.6 / 1.6
18–24 years / 7.4 / 8.0
25–39 years / 22.8 / 19.6
40–54 years / 37.4 / 37.5
55–64 years / 32.5 / 34.9
Declaring earnings / 13.6 / 13.6
Caring for a dependent child aged under 6 years / 3.2 / 3.1
Number of working-ageInvalid’s Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years) / 5,267 / 5,869

Source: IAP, numbers of working-ageInvalid’s Benefit recipients atthe end ofMarch.

Note:Numbersreceiving an Invalid’s Benefit exclude the partners, spouses and dependents of Invalid’s Benefit recipients.

Main incapacity groups for working-ageInvalid’s Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years), at the end ofMarch2010

Incapacity group / Proportion of working- ageInvalid’s Benefit recipients
Psychological or psychiatric conditions / 26.2
Intellectual disability / 15.6
Musculo-skeletal system disorders / 11.5
Nervous system disorders / 7.8
Cardio-vascular disorders / 8.8
Accidents / 4.8
Cancer and congenital conditions / 8.1
Other disorders and conditions / 17.2
Total / 100.0

Source: IAP, proportion ofworking-ageInvalid’s Benefit recipients at the end ofMarch2010.

Duration receiving an Invalid’s Benefit as a proportion of working-ageInvalid’s Benefit recipients (aged 18–64 years)

Proportion of working-
age Invalid’s Benefit recipients
Proportion continuously receiving current benefit:
Less than one year / 7.9
Between one and four years / 28.7
Between four and ten years / 32.0
10 years or more / 31.5
Proportion continuously receiving any benefit:
Less than one year / 5.9
Between one and four years / 17.1
Between four and ten years / 27.4
10 years or more / 49.6

Source: IAP, proportion of working-ageInvalid’s Benefit recipients atthe end ofMarch2010.

Centre for Social Research and Evaluation Regional Fact Sheet – Bay of Plenty region

Ministry of Social Development March 2010

[1] Includes Unemployment Benefits, Unemployment Benefits – Hardship (includes Unemployment Benefits – Student – Hardship), Independent Youth Benefits, Domestic Purposes Benefits – Sole Parent, Domestic Purposes Benefits – Care of Sick or Infirm, Domestic Purposes Benefits – Women Alone, Sickness Benefits, Sickness Benefits – Hardship, Emergency Maintenance Allowances, Invalid’s Benefits, Widow’s Benefits and Emergency Benefits.

[2] Includes Unemployment Benefits and Unemployment Benefits – Hardship (excludes Unemployment

Benefits – Student –Hardship).

[3] Includes Domestic Purposes Benefits – Sole Parent, Domestic Purposes Benefits – Women Alone,

Domestic Purposes Benefits – Care of Sick or Infirm, and Emergency Maintenance Allowances.

[4] Includes Sickness Benefits and Sickness Benefits – Hardship.