Chester Parks and Recreation Adult Basketball Program

October 27, 2008 to March 23, 2009

·  This program is limited to members who have paid $10 for one night per week and $15 for 2, for a resident, and $15 one night per week and $20 for 2, for a nonresident, and registered. All members must sign in, nightly.

·  No spectators are permitted.

·  Participants are permitted in the Chester Elementary School multipurpose room on Monday and Thursday evenings between 6:45 and 8:30PM ONLY. If you registered for one night per week, and that night is cancelled, you may participate in the alternate night the same week.

·  Thursdays are limited to members over age 30. Participants on Mondays must be at least 16 years old.

·  Basketball does not meet during school vacation days, severe weather closing of the school, or when there are scheduled school events that conflict. Please refer to the sign in sheet for scheduled cancellations.

·  Building use is restricted to the multipurpose room and the restrooms in the immediate hallway.

·  Food and drinks are not permitted in the school.

·  White soled sneakers must be worn.

·  Do not hang on the rim.

·  Use caution in the school driveway and parking lot. There may be other programs meeting on the grounds or in the building.

·  Enter and exit by the main corridor. Keep the outside multipurpose room doors shut. These are for emergency exit, only.

·  Excessive physical contact is not permitted.

·  Participation will be revoked of participants not adhering to this policy, or an acceptable code of conduct. Representatives of the Park and Recreation Commission or the Chester Elementary School have the authority to revoke participation.

·  No refunds will be given.

·  Requests for exceptions to this policy, or reinstatement, must be made in writing to:

Town of Chester

Park and Recreation Commission

203 Middlesex Avenue

Chester, CT 06412

Please mail the attached, COMPLETED form, and fee to the Commission address above, prior to playing.

Make checks payable to "Chester Park and Rec".


In consideration of my participation in the following activity:

Adult Recreational Basketball

October 27, 2008 through March 23, 2009

The undersigned does release, acquit, discharge, and hold harmless the Town of Chester, the Chester Parks and Recreation Department, and any of its officers and employees from any actions, claims, damages, costs or expenses growing out of my participation in the said activity, due to the negligence of the Town of Chester, the Chester Parks and Recreation Department or its officers or employees. This release and agreement is binding upon myself, my heirs, executors, administrators or assigns. I agree to adhere to the program policies of the Chester Parks and Recreation Commission.

Signed this ______day of ______, 2008




Printed Name




Phone Number


e-mail address

I will be participating on (please circle night or nights):