Text Summary ofthe Job Placement Services Benchmarks Diagram
For DRS Providers
- Purpose: The Referral identifies the type and amount of assistance the DRS counselor anticipates a consumer may need to gain and maintain employment.
- DRS counselor completes the Job Placement Services Referral Form (DARS3430) and sends other pertinent information, reports and testing to the potential job placement provider.
- DRS counselor, consumer and job placement provider all must attend the Job Placement Planning meeting to complete the Job Placement Service Plan (DARS3431). The DRS counselor is responsible for completing the form at the meeting with feedback from all attendees.
- No payment is made to the job placement provider to attend the meeting.
Benchmark A
- Job Placement-1st day on the job.
- Job Placement Services (DARS3432A) - Support Summary, Benchmark A must be completed.
- The consumer’s Job Placement must meet 50 percent or more of the Employment Conditions and an employment goal outlined on the Job Placement Service Plan(DARS3431).
- The consumer’s job placement is achieved after the consumer has completed 1 day of paid employment.
- The consumer must be satisfied with the job.
- Verification of all information submitted on the DARS3432A, Job Placement Services—Support Summary, Benchmark A must be completed prior to payment of benchmark.
Benchmark B
- Job Placement, after 45 days of paid employment.
- DARS3432B, Job Placement Services—Support Summary, Benchmark B must be completed.
- The consumer’s Job Placement must meet 50 percent or more of the Employment Conditions and an employment goal outlined on the Job Placement Service Plan, DARS3431.
- Benchmark B, Job Placement, after 45 days of paid employment is achieved after the consumer has completed 45 days of paid employment.
- The consumer must be satisfied with the job.
- Verification of all information submitted on the DARS3432B, Job Placement Services—Support Summary, Benchmark B must be completed prior to payment of benchmark.
Benchmark C
- Job Placement, after 90 days of paid employment.
- DARS3432C, Job Placement Services—Support Summary, Benchmark C must be completed.
- The consumer’s Job Placement must meet 50 percent or more of the Employment Conditions and an employment goal outlined on the Job Placement Service Plan, DARS3431.
- Benchmark C, Job Placement, after 90 days of paid employment is achieved after the consumer has completed 90 days of paid employment.
- The consumer must be satisfied with the job.
- Verification of all information submitted on the DARS3432C, Job Placement Services—Support Summary, Benchmark BC must be completed prior to payment of benchmark.
Professional Placement Premium
- Achieved after completion of Benchmark C, Job Placement, after 90 days of paid employment.
- Professional Placement is defined as position that requires the completion of at least a bachelor’s degree.
- Decision to pursue professional (bachelor degree or higher required) must be indicated on the DARS 3431, Job Placement Service Plan.
- Provider must complete the Professional Placement Premium section on the DARS 3432C Job Placement Services—Support Summary, Benchmark C and include a copy of the job posting or job description documenting the educational requirement for the position the consumer was hired into.
Updated 11-18-2010