Chess Meeting – Minutes – 19/11/03

Chair: Janine Williams – NewcastleUniversity

Morning Session:

ASLI (Association of Sign Language Interpreters)

Granville Tate and Gill Mellor introduced the ASLI Code of Practice for Educational Interpreters and Guidelines for Employers.

They gave a background of ASLI and the task groups including education, law and mental health.

Discussion groups discussed each one in turn and feedback concerns and thoughts to Granville and Gill. These concerns were based around confidentiality, blurring of responsibilities, competence. It was felt that the Code of Practice was trying to cover too many age groups. A separate one was advised for HE. Gill and Granville are keen to continue to develop the relationship between ASLI and CHESS, and to look in more detail at the further development of the Code for HE use.

(Copies of OHP’s are available on request. Please contact Jannine Williams)

Afternoon Session:

Apologies: Tony Wistanley, Judith Mole, Chris Baxter, Martin Smith

Minutes from Last Meeting:

Matters Arising:

1BSL in examinations – Paddy Turner discussion on Deaf-link

An email was sent out on deaflink (4/11)

The response was helpful.

Lot of problems with BSL in exams. CHESS may need to provide guidance.

There was a general discussion regarding using a video camera with students who sign answers. There were a number problems raised:

  • Making changes and reviewing the answer would be difficult for the student.
  • How much time should be allowed. (25%?)
  • Setting up equipment – who is responsible?
  • Who pays?

There were implications

  • If one of the learning outcomes is to produce a written report in English.
  • Examing bodies (such as Social Work): where there are strict criteria

2BSL/English Interpreter shortages and DSA funds (including the new BA Social Work course) – Lynne Barnes to lead discussion

At UCLAN there are a number of students were the cost of the support is more than the amount available by DSA.

Some courses have high contact time. The length of sessions may necessitate the use of a co-worker and thus increase costs.

Universities can agree to use Hardship funding but this is limited to the amount per student. The student may need the Hardship grant for other things extra to support. (Some universities may not allow Hardship/Access fund to be used for support costs)

It maybe that students need to be told about the difficulties in providing support for all their contact time.

Action:Figures could be produced from other institutions of other students who will be over their DSA

3Relationship with Skill – Paddy Turner and Jannine Williams update

The relationship with SKILL and webpage has been resolved.

4Topics and venues for remaining 2003/4 meetings to be agreed – suggestions from June minutes:

Newcastle – March 2004

(Assessing deaf student)

Wolverhampton – June 2004

Manchester – November 2004

(Services for Deaf Students)

Other suggestions: Electronic Notetaking for deaf students

5Headstart report on progress

Had a successful Summer School in Sheffield it was attended by 19 students. The aim is to encourage deaf students to HE and help in the transition period.

There will be a second summer school in summer 2004 for those who have applied to university and are about to start in September 2004.

Other Events:

Deaf Conference at UCLAN, a National Conference for Deaf Students being organised by the students themselves.

6CHESS Developments

  • Hastings meeting. In response to SKILL
  • Template for attendees to fill in regarding Dietarty requirements/supprt needs etc.

Action: Ann to look at this


  1. Advertising Leeds University Interpreting course is up and running. Small 1st group. Some classes are mixed with spoken language classes.
  2. Marketing: How can we market CHESS better and publicise it more. When it first started 8 years ago it was aimed at providing support to universities and service providers. It is now a much larger group. It is important to encourage deaf students as their feedback is useful.

Action: Items for next agenda. How can we broaden access to CHESS? Publicity actions.