53rd Australian Cherub Champoionships
Royal Qld Yacht Squadron, Brisbane Qld
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XXX 53rd Australian Cherub Championship
28th December 2015to3rd January 2016
Hosted by Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Inc., Brisbane, Queensland
The organising authority of the regatta is the Cherub Class Owners Association of Queensland in conjunction with the Royal Queensland Yacht SquadronInc.
The Regatta will be conducted from the 28th December 2015to3rdJanuary 2016on the waters of Waterloo Bay adjacent to the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadronin Brisbane, Queensland.
1.1The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing 2013 - 2016 and the Yachting Australia prescriptions and special regulations.
1.2The class rules, constitutionsand by-laws of the Cherub National Council of Australia(CNCA) shall apply.
2.1Advertising will be as defined by ISAF regulation 20.
2.2Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority.
2.3The organising authority reserves the right to refuse advertising by a boat or competitor whenit is in conflict with an event sponsor or the laws of the Queensland or AustralianGovernments.
3.1The regatta is open to all boats of the Australian Cherubclass registered with the CNCA and complying with CNCA rules and restrictions.
3.2 All competitors shall comply with ISAF Eligibility Code and must be financial members of a Yachting Australia affiliated club and the appropriate State Cherub Class Owners Association that is affiliated with the CNCA.
3.3 All competitors may be required to present at Registration their current YA Silver Membership card.
3.4 Once registered, boats may be eligible for the following trophies:
Open: Newhaven Yacht Squadron Trophy: Best placed boat at the completion of the championship series.
Junior: Basil Wright Perpetual Trophy: Best placed skipper under the age of 21 and over the age of 18 on the 1st of December 2015.
Cadet: Gordon Wright Trophy: Best placed skipper under the age of 18 on the 1st of December 2015.
Veteran: Veterans Perpetual Trophy: Best placed veteran crew (skipper and forward hand) who have an average age equal to or greater than 28 on the 1st of December 2015.
Female Skipper: W.M. Blaskett Perpetual Trophy: Best placed female skipper at the completion of the championship.
Female Crew: Women’s Crew Trophy: Best placed female crew at the completion of the championship.
Handicap: Matthew’s Brothers Perpetual Handicap Trophy: Best placed boat on handicap at the completion of the championship.
Best Presented Boat: O’Mahony Boat Construction Perpetual Trophy: Boat deemed by the race committee to be the best presented boat competing in the championship.
- Eligible sailors may enter online at with an entry fee of $350 before 1 December 2015.
- Late entries will be accepted until 28 December 2015 and will be subjected to a $50 late entry fee, totalling $400.
5.1Program of Events
Day / Date / Event / First Warning SignalMonday 28th December 2015 / Registration & Invitation Race / 1355 Hrs
Tuesday 29th December 2015 / Race Day (2 Races) / 1355 Hrs
Wednesday 30th December 2015 / Race Day (2 Race) / 1355 Hrs
Thursday 31st December 2015 / Race Day (1 Race) / 1355 Hrs
Friday 1st January 2016 / Lay Day / 1355 Hrs
Saturday 2nd January 2016 / Race Day (2 Races) / 1355 Hrs
Sunday 3rd January 2016 / Race Day (2 Races) / 1355 Hrs
5.2Nine (9)races are scheduled to be sailed.
5.3No more than three (3)races will be sailed on any one day.
5.4No warning signal shall be made after 1530 hours onSunday 3rdJanuary 2016.
5.5A social calendar will be uploaded to the event webpage when available.
- Registration will be conducted on Monday, 28th December 2015 between 1000 hours and 1530 hours
- Each boat shall comply with the CNCA’s Rules and Restrictions Rev 2, 2006.
- Measurement of boats, equipment and sails should be conducted and signed off by the State Measurers prior to registration, but no earlier than Tuesday, 1st December 2015. The will be limited resources to conduct measuring on registration day.
- Boats that require alterations to comply with the CNCA’s Rules and Restrictions Rev 2, 2006, may be re-measured prior to 1200hrs of Tuesday, 29th December 2015.
- At anytime during the regatta, a boat can be instructed by a race committee equipment inspector or measurer to proceed immediately to a designated area for inspection.
- The sailing instructions will be available after30th November 2015 on webpageand at registration.
- The Regatta will be conducted on the waters of Waterloo Bayadjacent to the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadronin Brisbane, Queensland.
- Attachment 1 shows the location of the regatta and the approximate location of the racing areas.
- The courses to be sailed will be Triangular / Loop format in accordance with the CNCA constitution.
- Course diagrams, including the order in which marks are to be passed, and the side on which each mark is to be left will be provided in the Sailing Instructions.
- The short format race target duration will be 45 minutes when two (2) or more races are to be sailed on that day and 85 minutes when one (1) long format race is to be sailed on that day.
- Rule 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.
- Any boat that is retiring or has taken a penalty shall sign the infringement form within the protest time limit.
- The low point scoring system of RRS Rule Appendix A will apply.
- Five (5) races are required to be completed to constitute a series.
- (a) When five (5) to six (6) races have been completed, a boats series score will be the total of her race scores.
- (b) When seven (7) to eight (8) races have been completed, a boats series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
- (c) When nine (9) races have been completed, a boats series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her two worst scores.
- All competitors shall wear personal flotation devices which are in good condition and are in accordance with the specifications issued or approved by a national authority or standards organisation and branded in the country of origin or manufacture.
- Attention is drawn the following rules:
Rule 1.2 - Life-saving Equipment and Personal Flotation Devices which reads: “Each competitor is individually responsible for wearing a personal flotation device adequate for the conditions.” - Rule 4 - Decision to Race which reads: “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone”.
- Rule 41 shall apply when an official safety boat crew assists a boat and/or returns her crews to their boat for safety reasons.
- The sail number of a boat which receives outside help will be reported to the race committee with details of the incident. The report may be submitted as evidence during a protest.
Team managers, coaches and other support personnel shall register by completing aregistration form available at registration. Approved Support Boats shall keep at least 100mclear of the course area during racing, except when asked to assist by the race committee. Support boats must be able to communicate on the designated VHF frequency at all times.
In participating in an event, a competitor automatically grants to the organising authority and thesponsors of the event, the right in perpetuity, to make, use and show, from time to time and attheir discretion, any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped or film television and otherreproductions of him/her during the period of the competition for the said event in which thecompetitor participates and in all material related to the said event without compensation.
While on the water, a boat shall not carry equipment capable of making radio transmissions or receiving radio transmissions except for equipment provided by the organising authority. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones, WI-FI and internet based technologies.
- Prizes shall be awarded as follows:
Open Championship: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Handicap: 1st, 2nd,3rd
Junior : 1st
Cadet: 1st
Female Skipper : 1st
Female Crew: 1st
Veteran: 1st
Best Presented Boat
16.2Perpetual trophies will also be awarded to the first overall in Open, Junior, Cadet, Female Skipper, Female Crew, Veteran, Handicap and Best Presented boat.
16.3Further prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the organising authority.
- Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race.
- The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with, or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of AUD5,000,000.00 or the equivalent. All owners/competitors who sign the Entry Form are deemed to have made a declarationthat they hold such cover.
Any amendment to this Notice of Race will be posted on the event web site.
The general grounds of the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Inc are secured by fencing on the land side, however there is unsecured access via the marina. Boats will be allowed to be stored overnight on the designated rigging area. There is also limited space for road trailers in the designated storage areas. The boats will be stored at the owners own risk.
There is room for container storage so please contact Jason McLaren on 0418 800 363 or email to liaise with RQYS.
Please refer to the accommodation section of the RQYS website. There are various options available including camping at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron, dormitory style accommodation at Yachting Queensland and the Manly Marina Cove (both adjacent to RQYS). Other accommodation can be found in the Manly/Wynnum area.
For further information please refer to the Australian Cherub Website or Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron regatta website:
Alternatively, please contact the following Qld Cherub Class members:
Cassie Billet on 0401 869 359 or email
Jason McLaren on 0418 800 363 or email
Attachment 1: Map of Waterloo Bay area.