
The conference was very illuminating, informative and enjoyable. The fellowship with fellow ROCers was great. We particularly enjoyed the RJ workshop, and are now looking forward to being trained as ROC RJ volunteers!
ROCYW conference 2016 - bring it on!!! Douglas Jones - Northwich

You all did an amazing conference. Life changing for many. Nothing but praise and thanks from the Connection church. Inspired us all to take it on to another level.

Caitlyn is excited to share about ROC with her church in South Africa - which isvery youth oriented. JackieMarsh

First of all we thank you for the invite and all that was done to help Danielle and myself over the weekend.

We thoroughly enjoyed the conference and look forward to next year!

We are just waiting to ser how God will use us in Amble and surrounding area.

Thank you so much.

Kind Regards,

God Bless you all at ROC.

Bill and Danielle Cruickshank

We loved it from start to finish - just arrived home and got into bed ... Happy tired !

The conference was a great success and you should both be extremely proud of yourselves and your team...

The 24hrs reflected your personality - it was encouraging & prophetic / it had a real family feel and sense of togetherness : it wasn't glitzy or a production (show) - it was the real deal and and very authentic ...

Congratulations on a successful 1st conference ..

Ian and JackieWilliams, Torquay

Amazing to be down with you today - sorry it couldn't be longer. It seems there are demand at every turn at the moment. But today has left me in awe of God who provides more than we can ask and imagine..... even if it does take a few years and few ups and downs before we get there! And loved spending time with Frank today - tell him I said thanks for his honesty but also his humility of faith today. Ian Wills, Glasgow

What was your highlight
of RYW Conference?

To understand/ see the overall vision.

ROC project feedback

Project set up and process

Well, I enjoyed every part of

the conference

Meeting like-minded-people - very

inspirational & encouraging. Worship with the fantastic band to our great God

The whole 'feel' of the conference

Friendly & welcoming yet informative &


Mixing with other Christians who

share a heart for the community+

making not only a positive impact

but actual positive change to the lives of others

Setting up a community project

was excellent because it was very practical. Debra Green's talk in this morning was also excellent because it was visionary. However, all sessions were very good and helpful.

The first session - Matt Baggott

Great Worship Band

Listening to Matt Baggott

ROC project feedback

Worship, speakers,

Great experience

Hearing about all the different

projects around the country

Meeting other 'ROCKERS'

Worship brought healing to my heart.

My husband died a week ago (in glory now). Have had laryngitis last 3 days. No voice to sing but received plenty. Last song 'I love you Lord' blew me away as that is the exact song me &a pastor sang to my dying husband a week ago on 6 June. God is definitely at work and awesome.

Loved hearing amazing testimonies

of what God is doing across the UK

Info re ROC (and )building

The Restorative Justice sessions

Thanks Becky & Andy &Sheena.

Debra's messages very affirming

Debra's opening discourse on Saturday

Hearing about other projects which have been successful


Sir Matt

Application of faith within work

'Gathering the few'

Deliberate purposeful vision


the testimonies of 'normal' people on what &how they have done it gives some of us hope. Well done!

Chats with delegates

Encouraging stuff!

Just chatting to people and hearing


Fundraising course and worship

Coming together with other projects and sharing with others

Listening to what god is doing around the UK

Seeing what is possible and potential when a local church partners with ROC

Positive police partnerships

Funding workshop

Hearing great stories and inspirational

ideas for serving our communities

The quality with which we were looked after: smiley faces . build relationship with organisers, staff),drinks/ food often, balance of talks, breaks,

workshops etc.

1 to 1 conversations inspiring

Excellent speakers

Spirit filled

Difficult to say- A perfect Introduction to your amazing ROC organisation

Having stories of how God is working

in communities and how ROC works

Seeing a vision came into reality

The praise and worship

Worship, morning and afternoon

sessions (worships)