Trustwide Recruitment and Retention Group
Held on the 8th August 2014
Boardroom A, Farm Villa
Present:Donna EldridgeDeputy Director of Nursing
Mike CurtinLead Nurse, Acute Service Line
Lorraine JacobsPractice Placement Facilitator
Ruth BaileyAssociate Director HR
Glen CookHR Manager
Claire CloudeService Manager, Forensic Service Line
Angela ShorterActing Director, Acute Service Line
Jane AdamsService Manager, Canterbury & Coastal
Tracy WellsHR
Pat NorthService Manager
Sam SpenceHR Business Partner
Olusade OtegbeyeHR Business Partner
Apologies:Michele StreatfieldLead Nurse, OPMHN & Specialist Services
Andrew DickersLead Nurse, CRSL
Charlotte StewartHR Advisor
Emma BowlerLead Nurse, Forensic Service Line
Item No. / Action1. / Minutes of Previous Meeting
Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as correct.
2. / Matters Arising
2.4 / Donna will invite Fiona Anderson
Recruitment Strategy
Lorraine has sent Ruth paragraph on Return to Practice to be incorporated in the Strategy.
This is all on staff zone but you cannot find where to go on the website pages you cannot find the recruitment part.
Recruitment Tool
Donna explained that this has been sent out and has gone through the Modern Matron meeting. / DE
3. / Recruitment Strategy
Ruth has circulated the Recruitment Strategy with the agenda which she hopes will be the final version. Band 5 has been put in the Strategy but there was discussion around Band 2 which would be affordable and Band 3 which we could still cover the cost.. Band 3 is written in the Strategy and Donna felt more comfortable with thisand would be happy to leave it as Band 3.
Ruth asked if everyone was happy with the Strategy we could launch it. Everyone agreed.
4. / Using reward to recruit and retain staff
A long discussion took place around ways of retaining and recruiting staff. It was discussed in OSG and a couple of options were made.
- Hiring bonus to attract staff to us to be paid at the end of the probationary period
- Employees’ referral scheme – when a staff member is appointed the employee gets a bonus which would be £250-£500
There would beeligibility criteria which we would be able to obtain back if they left at 12months at 5% for Band 5. It would be a set amount of £1200 for Band 5 and Band 6 after passing the probationary period. Lorraine asked if the return to practice nurses at Band 5 under the probationary period would be entitled to the bonus. It was also asked where the money would come from which is something that needs to be taken into account. Donna explained what is happening is that a paper outlining thisis being takento EMT on Monday and they can make the decision to say if it is affordable.
Donna stated that in Manchester people were interested in what we could offer them. Mike was concerned about what other Trusts are doing as relocation fees would be £2000 and one £1500. OSG did have a conversation with Oxleas and they offer £1200 but we could do a trial period.
We need to attract people into Kent but it is hard to recruit in areas such as Thanet because of the attraction of London Trusts. Seconded nurses were also discussed as they could go to London Trusts once they have qualified. They are on Band1 point 1 and some have a bursary. However HCW that we support to do 3 years training and have placements with us so we leave seconders’ at the moment and they can be added in.
It was decided that we would do the bonus for a trial period and see who it attracts and Donna stated that if this was passed before September then at the London Recruitment Fair we can offer £1200. This will be taken forward to EMT.
The relocation policy was discussed which is very rarely used which could be up to £8000 for local Service Lines. Alternatively we could offer much less than relocation so this could be included in the policy £1000/£5000. Further discussion took place and Jane asked if this could be added in the advert but Glen stated that the relocation package is normally asked for first and he has never known anyone to ask and the move would have to be a minimum of 50 miles. Tracy will look at the policy. / TW
5. / Notice Period Update
The notice period is the same as other NHS Trusts. EMT agreed to this on the 1st August.
- 1-5 years unchanged at 4 weeks notice
- 6-7 years 8 weeks notice
- 8 & above 12 weeks notice
It was felt that Service Lines did not have a voice. Sam explained that there were 3 kinds of issues with increasing the notice period. Ruth stated that we need to way up the pros and cons but we need to factor the managers discretion as we can release people early especially for internal moves.
6. / London Recruitment Fairs
The recruitment fare will be held at the Business Design Centre, London which is near the Barbican. Donna and Lorraine will be attending the first day and there will be Service Line representatives.
- Acute – Gwen McGahey
- CRSL – Clare Lux
- Forensic – Wendy (1st day) Louisa (2nd day)
- OPMH – Sade to confirm Amanda Hatfield-Tugwell
7. / Vacancy Data
Staff have been working really hard to pull the data and there are 185 WTE qualified and unqualified vacancies but this does not take into account offers that have already been made. Donna will have a discussion with Tracy.
Documents can be scanned including their badge and where they would like to work and send all information to recruitment. If they interested in a specific job then also scan the job reference number and we can send job description to them. The hiring manager should have a conversation with them. We need to make sure the jobs are on site and we need all vacancies.
Discussion took place around generic adverts and around rolling adverts for St. Martins, Priority House and Little Brook and to get the job on the system but you need an authorise to recruit form with the cost code. One form for each vacancy but one advert. Keep the advert going and then pull off the ones that have applied and once they have been screened for shortlisting the advert can go out straight away with the closing date changed. Glen stated that it is crucial that all vacancies are on the system.
Ruth explained that feedback from staff that we need to listen to.
- KMPT known for shortage of staff which screams desperate
- No room for progression at KMPT
- Preceptorship
- Rolling advert keep going – have got staff retention problems
- Once interviewed takes forever taking a long time
Where to advertise was also discussed e.g. Nursing times, RCN Bulletin and online. Mike asked about Service Line Open Days and an advert needs to be designed to put on the system. It is important to get OPMH vacancies. Some vacancies have gone through redeployment 65.28 vacancies. Pippa likes trajectories.
Donna explained that nobody tells you what to do some people need training. / DE & TW
8. / Heart Radio
Mike explained that originally we were looking at radio as the best way forward and Heart Radio put a proposal forward. TMP, Nursing Magazine trade publications. 80% target audience passive.
Tracy explained TMP advertising consultancy and they will schedule a number of options and build a profile of the KMPT story and they have done this with other Trusts. It is all an online process which sits in advertising and you click on the job site and we pop up. Bulletin and standard put in a paper journal as a marketing piece but that was just an option. Everyone is driven to this site and we need to build up a picture on NHS jobs 2 and build up a commitment to the Trust e.g.
- KCC will send the links
- Select imagery
- Bullet on Line
- Nursing Times
- Face Book
- Paperclip on Google
- Bigger profile – who we are
Mike stated that Heart Radio is between £30,000 and £50,000 is the cost of a longer time venture. Longer term this would seem to be not a bad solution. A short sharp emergency fix with Mike Smith on commercial radio might be the best way to go but we need to see how it goes. Tracy stated the TMP do not go for radio.
Pat explained that Cheryl Fenton from KCC is working with the same agency in terms of Social Workers.
Ruth stated that the way forward would be that we need a conversation after the meeting.
Lorrain told the group that Greenwich are advertising on Heart Radio and it does attract people here and now. TMP 80% passive people and online is passive as well.
Peter stated that the way forward is to start getting that going as a longer term resource. The time frame is not 5-days but 15-days work involved in us making a decision.
Agreement has not been agreed in principal but it needs to go to EMT on Monday with all costings. TMP link in with Comms and Peter stated that they must use our template.
A meeting is to be arranged to build on this with one clinician from each Service Line and Comms.
9. / Website
Comms are updating the KMPT website which will include a new Corporate image and it will link in with the work proposed work Tracey is doing.
10. / Any other Business
Donna asked if Ruth was happy going to EMT on Monday and they can catch up at the end of the month. Clare asked if we got anybody from Manchester but Donna did not know but she told the group that the stand looked good although they were tight for space.
There are a couple of Open Day events happening one at Little Brook Hospital in Dartford on the 18th September and the other in Canterbury on the 26th September.
11. / Date and Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting is the 26th September 9.30- 11.30 in the Large Boardroom, Canterbury