Pre AP Chemistry Final Spring 2015


Experiment / Initial [NO]
(M) / Initial [O2]
(M) / Initial Rate of
Formation of NO2
1 / 0.10 / 0.10 / 2.5 x 10¯4
2 / 0.20 / 0.10 / 5.0 x 10¯4
3 / 0.20 / 0.40 / 8.0 x 10¯3

The initial-rate data in the table above were obtained for the reaction represented below. What is the experimental rate law for the reaction?

a. rate = k[NO] [O2]
b. rate = k[NO] [O2]2
c. rate = k[NO]2 [O2]
d. rate = k[NO]2 [O2]2
e. rate = k[NO] / [O2]

2. The loss of electrons is called






3. A synthesis reaction takes place between magnesium and nitrogen, what is the product?

a. Mg2N3b. MgN

c. N3Mg2d. Mg3N2

4.Use the information below to determine the order of the reaction with respect to reactant B.

A + B --> P

Experiment Initial

Number [A](M) [B](M) Rate (M/s)

1 0.273 0.763 2.83

2 0.273 1.526 2.83

3 0.819 0.763 25.47

a. 1





5. What is the charge on the iron ion in the formula FeO ?

a. 1+b. 2+c. 3+d. 4+

6.What is the oxidation state of silver in the silver ion?






7.What is the sum of the coefficients in the balanced equation?

2Na2S2O3 + I2 2NaI + Na2S4O6

a. 4b. 5c. 6d. 7


For numbers 8-12, match each item with the correct item below.

a. / R-OH
b. / R-COOH
c. / R-O-R
d. / R-NH2
e. / R-C3H7

8. carboxylic acid b

9. ether c

10. propyl e

11. alcohol a

12. amine d

13. Ratio of the actual yield to the theoretical yield is expressed as

a) mole yieldb) gram yieldc) excess yieldd) percent yield

14. Consider the following reaction at equilibrium:

2SO2(g) + O2(g) <--> 2SO3(g) H = -99 kJ/mol

If the temperature is increased, then ______when the total pressure is held constant.

a.the concentration of SO3 will decrease

b.the partial pressure of SO2 will decrease

c.the equilibrium constant will increase

d.the total volume of the system will decrease

e.the partial pressure of O2 will decrease

15. Reaction rate depends on all the following except..

a.collision frequency

b.collision energy

c.collision orientation

d.size of molecule

e.none of these

16. Which of the following is a base according to Arrhenius’s definition?

a. HC2H3O2b. NH3c. NaHCO3d. NaOH

17. Hydrogen gas reacts with copper(II) oxide to form copper metal and water vapor according to the reaction:

CuO + H2 Cu + H2O.

What mass of copper is produced if 325 L of hydrogen at STP are used up in this reaction?

a) a) 0.179 g

b) 723 g

c) 921 g

d) 0.393 g


18. What type of carbon carbon bond is found in an alkyne?

a) single

b) double

c) triple

d) quadruple

19. How many moles of magnesium oxide are produced by the reaction of 3.82 g of magnesium nitride with 7.73 g of water? The reaction must be balanced.

___ Mg3N2 + ___H2O  ___NH3 + ___MgO

a.4.57 b. 0.0378c. 0.429 d. 0.0756 e. 0.133

20. Which of the following is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a sample of matter?

a.chemical kinetics


c.reaction rate

d.absolute temperature

21. Which of the following is an alkene?




d.propyl bromide

22. The value of Kc for the reaction below is 0.016. Under a set of equilibrium conditions, [HI] = 0.12 M and [H2] = [I2]. Calculate the concentration of I2 (M).

2HI(g) <--> H2(g) + I2(g)

a.1.3 x 10-2

b.4.4 x 10-2

c.3.1 x 10-1

d.1.3 M


23. What units are used to measure heat?

a.grams or kilograms

b.kelvins or degrees Celsius

c. joules or kilojoules

d.all of the above

24. What units are used to measure specific heat?




d.All of the above

25. A 4.00 g sample of iron was heated from 0.00ºC to 20.0.ºC. It absorbed 35.2 J of energy as heat. What is the specific heat of this piece of iron?

Use q= m c change in temp

a.2816 J/g·ºC

b. 2.27 J/g·ºC

c.2.27 J/g

d.0.440 J/g·ºC

26. A reaction was found to be second order in carbon monoxide concentration. The rate of the reaction ______if the concentration of carbon monoxide is doubled with everything else kept the same.


b.remains unchanged


d.increases by a factor of 4 reduced by a factor of 2.

27. The reaction X + Y <--> 2M has Kc = 0.89 at 672 K. At equilibrium, ______.

a. products predominate substantially

b. reactants predominate substantially

c. roughly equal molar amounts of products and reactants are present

d. only products exist

e. only reactants exist

28. Reduction takes place at the ______in a galvanic cell.



c.salt bridge


29. The Greek letter  in front of another symbol stands for

a."heat stored in."

b."mass of."

c. "rate of."

d. "change in."

30. The device used to measure the amount of heat absorbed or released in the chemistry lab is a _____..

a. thermometer

b. manometer

c. calorimeter

d. mercury thermometer

31. A mixture of gases is made up of Argon at 0.80 atm, hydrogen at 0.20 atm, and oxygen pressure is what? If the total pressure is 1.5 atm, what is the partial pressure of oxygen?

a. 2.5 atmb. 0.5 atmc. 1.0 atmd) 1.5 atme. none of these

32. For a certain reaction, Q=2.33, while K=3.54. What do you expect to happen?

a. The reaction will proceed forward

b. The reaction will proceed backward

c. The reaction will proceed away from equilibrium

d. The direction cannot be determined.

33. What is entropy?

a.measure of a system’s disorder

b.measure of a system’s enthalpy

c.measure of a system’s internal energy

d.measure of a system’s average Ek

34. The freezing of ice is an example of an

a.endothermic change

b.exothermic change

c.chemical reaction

d.None of the above

35. Activation energy is

a. / the energy required to form the activated complex.
b. / the net energy required to turn reactants into products.
c. / the heat of reaction.
d. / free energy.

36. Transition state between a reactant and the final products is called

a. collision theory

b. activation energy

c. reaction rates

d. activated complex

37. Of the compounds below, ______could be a cyclic alkane.





e.none of these could be cyclic

38. Calcium carbide (CaC2) reacts with water, producing acetylene (C2H2):

CaC2 + 2H2O -> Ca(OH)2 + C2H2

Production of 13 g of C2H2 requires ______g of H2O.

a.18b. 9.0c. 4.5d. 4.8 x 102e. 4.8 x 10-2

39. Which of the following is NOT a basic property?

a. reacts with metal to form hydrogen gasb. bitter taste

c. slippery to the touchd. conducts electricity

40. Which of the following equations represents a neutralization reaction?

a. Ca(OH)2 + 2 HNO3 Ca(NO3)2 + 2 H2O

b. CHCH + 2H2 CH3CH3

c. CH4 + O2  CO2 + H2O

d. Cu(NO3)2 + 2NaOH  Cu(OH)2 + NaNO3

41. Which of the following describes an acid?

a. bitter taste

b. contains an OH- group

c. sour taste

d. slippery to the touch

42. What is the pH of a solution with a [H+] of 0.0001 M?

a. 1b. 4c. 10d. – 4

43. A solution with a hydroxide ion concentration of 1.0 x 10-4 has a pH of _____ and is ______.

a. 4, basicb. 10, basicc. 4, acidicd. 10, acidic

44. Which of these solutions is most basic?

a. pH = 2b. pH = 11c. pOH = 4d. pOH = 13

45. If the pH of a solution is 4, what is the pOH?

a. 1.0 x 10-4b. 1.0x 10-10c. 4 d. 10

46. According to the Arrheneous definition, an acid:

a. acts as a base when it accepts a hydrogen ion.

b. gives off hydrogen ions in solution.

c. can act as an acid by accepting hydrogen ions.

d. can accept but not donate hydrogen ions.

47. How many grams of CO are needed to react with an excess of Fe2O3 to produce 279 g of Fe?

The equation for the reaction is: Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) -> 3CO2(g) + 2Fe(s)

a. 210 g b. 55.8 g c. 44 g d. 28.0 ge. 44.0 g

48. Charles’ Law says that the volume and ___ temperature are ___ related.

a. Celsius, directlyb. absolute, inverselyc. Celsius, inverselyd. Kelvin, directly

49. ) As the temperature of a gas increases, the rate of motion of the particles____.

a) increasesb) remains the same

c) decreasesd) varies depending on pressure

50. A metal cylinder is filled with a gas. The temperature of the gas doubles. Assuming the cylinder does not expand, what happens to the pressure?

a) It doublesb) It reduces to half its original pressure. c) No change will occur d) Not enough information.

51. A gas is cooled from 150 K to 50.0 K. If the original pressure was 2.5 atm, what would be the pressure in atm be at the lower temperature?

a. .83b. 7.5c. 0.25 d. need volume to calculate

52. When a system reaches equilibrium,

a) the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction.

b) there is more product than reactant in the reaction vessel.

c) all of the reactants have disappeared.

d) the reaction stops occurring.

53. A balloon is filled with of chloroform gas, CHCl3, to a volume of 12.5 liters. If the temperature of the gas is

25C and the pressure is 102.5 kPa, how many moles of chloroform are in the balloon?

a. 52.4b. 624 c. 6.16d. 0.517e. none of these

54. A gas occupies 5.0 L at standard pressure. What volume will in liters it occupy at 400 mm Hg?

a. 2.63b. 9.5c. 80.0d. 0.0125e. none of these

55. A 0.109 g sample of a pure gaseous compound occupies 112.0 mL at 100.0 C and 750. torr. What is the molecular weight of the compound?

a. 3.02 x 10-5b. 30.2 c. 6.56 x 10-7d. 49.8e. 28.0

56. Organic chemistry is based on the element

a. oxygen

b. nitrogen

c. hydrogen

d. carbon

57. How much volume will 5.24 grams of carbon dioxide take up at 25˚ C and 1.25 atm?

a. 2.33 Lb. 3.64 Lc. 103 Ld. 8.60 Le. none of the answers

58. Relatively slow rates of chemical reaction are associated with which of the following?

a. the presence of a catalyst

b. high temperature

c. high concentration of reactants

d. strong bonds in reactant molecules

e. low activation energy

59. What is the molarity of an 25.0 mL sample of H2SO4 that requires 18.0 mL of 0.25M NaOH to completely neutralize it?

__H2SO4 + ___NaOH  ___ Na2SO4 + ___ H2O

a) 0.18 M b) 0.09 Mc) 0.36 Md) 0.25 M

60. Which substance is serving as the reducing agent in the following reaction (hint: assign oxidation numbers 1st)?

Fe2S3 + 12 HNO3 2 Fe(NO3)3 + 3 S + 6 NO2 + 6 H2O


b. Fe(NO3)3

c. NO2


e. H2O