Board of Trustees of John Wood Community College

Counties of Adams, Pike, Hancock, Calhoun,

Schuyler, Brown, Morgan, Scott, Cass

And State of Illinois

September 17, 2014 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Date: 09.17.14 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
Location: YMCA, 896 IL 99 850 E Street, Mt. Sterling IL 62353
Time: 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order/Appointment of Assistant Secretary / Page
2. Roll Call
3. Introductions
3.1. New Employee - None
4. Special Report
5. Consideration of Items from the Floor
6. Public and/or Employee Comment
6.1 Mr. Pat VanDeVelde, Scott County Development Corporation, NFP president, and Mr. Terry Denison, Jacksonville Regional Economic Development Corporation RE: Westermeyer Industries business expansion project – extension of the enterprise zone through the Western Illinois Economic Development Authority
7. President and Committee Reports
7.1 ICCTA/West Central Region Report - Mr. Reginald Coleman, Mr. Jerry Hagmeier
7.2 Board Executive Committee Report - Mr. James Gay, Mr. Larry Fischer, Ms. Jeanetta Green / Table folder
7.3 Board Curriculum Committee Report - Mr. Dene Lambkin, Mr. Reginald Coleman / Table folder
7.4 Board Finance Committee Report - Mr. Randy Sims, Mr. Jerry Hagmeier / Table Folder
7.5 Board Personnel Committee Report - Mr. Larry Fischer, Ms. Jeanetta Green
7.6 Student Trustee Report - Mr. Seth Terwelp
7.7 Administration Report - Mr. Michael Elbe / 1-2
8. Consent Agenda
8.1 Consent business Items
8.1.1 Request approval of 08.20.14 regular meeting minutes / 3-9
8.1.2 Request approval of bills for payment/Finance Committee
8.1.3 Request approval of monthly financial statements for June and August/Finance Committee
8.1.4 Request approval of trustee travel expenditures for June and August
8.1.5 Request approval of curriculum deletion and inactivation / 10
8.2 Grant items None
9. Personnel items
9.1 Request authorization to employ new staff and faculty, accept resignations, retirements, and implement status changes as presented / 11-12
10. Business
110.1 Request adoption of a resolution to extend the enterprise zone through the Western Illinois Economic Development Authority (WIEDA) with a graduated abatement schedule as proposed in the resolution / 13-18
10.2 Request authorization to accept the bid from S.J. Smith Company for $27,326.64 for six welders to be used at the Workforce Development Center / 19
10.3 Request approval of the Facility Master Plan / 20
10.4 Request approval of the ILEAS Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement and resolution authorizing the execution of a Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement and the Existence and Formation of the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System by Intergovernmental Cooperation / 21-47
110.5 Request authorization to grant Friday, January 2, 2015 as an employee holiday
/ 48
11. Discussion Items
11.1 Calendar of Events / 49
12. Notices and Communications
13. Other Items
14. Closed Session
14.1 A closed session will be necessary to consider the appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees of the public body
15. Adjournment
September 17, 2014 Board of Trustees Meeting