Please note:These requirements are for an applicant applying to be evaluated by the SETASA for accreditation as a Delivery and Assessment site
The list of evidence requirements is NOT COMPULSORY, but guides the applicant on evidence that can be provided during the visit as proof of compliance to the SETASA representative
For FULL ACCREDITATION the applicant must adhere to all the performance requirements. The minimum requirements for PROVISIONAL ACCREDITATION are highlighted in bold.
Conformance Requirements / Evidence Requirements(Examples of proof) / Evidence Submitted / Comments / Recommendations
1.General Information
1.1What is the legal status of the applicant? /
- Partnership
- Company
- Trust
- Close Corporation
- Section 21 Company
- Agency
1.2Is the applicant a levy paying company? /
- Copy of SDL number
1.3What is the nature of the applicant’s business relating to education and training? /
- Main focus of education and training
1.4Does the applicant adhere to the NQF objectives at a systemic and operational level? /
- Copy of operational policy to address NQF objectives for the period of accreditation
1.5Does the applicant have a marketing strategy in place? /
- Evidence that delivery and assessment of leaning programmes are marketed
- List of target audience
- Evidence of monitoring to ensure continuous improvement of marketing of product
2.Not Applied For Accreditation To Another ETQA
2.1Is the applicant abiding by the principle of ‘One provider, one ETQA’? /
- Signed statement that the applicant is not accredited or applying to be accredited by another ETQA
3.The Ability To Achieve The Desired Outcomes
3.1Does the applicant have a mission statement in terms of education and training? /
- Copy of the education and training related mission statement
3.2Does the applicant have the necessary resources, policies, procedures, equipment, material and systems in place to ensure quality delivery and assessment? /
- Evidence of feedback from stakeholders, learners and unions
4.Registration In Terms Of The Applicable Legislation
4.1Is the applicant registered in terms of the applicable legislation, if needed? /
- A copy of the registration certificate
4.2Is the applicant registered with the Department of Education as a provider? /
- A copy of the application for registration
- A copy of the registration certificate
1.Physical, Administrative And Financial Resources
1.1Are the facilities accessible to the learner and in place? /
- Evidence of the premises in terms of:
- The location
- The number of learners that can be accommodated at the same time
- If premises are hired or leased, proof on the nature and conditions of the agreement governing access
- Location of workplace component
- Location of institutional component
1.2Is a record keeping system in place to record learner applications for entry, registration or progress? /
- A copy of the format of the reports (delivery and assessment) according to SAQA and SETASA requirements
1.3Is a document and data control and confidentiality system relating to the provision of learning programmes in place? /
- A description of storage areas and access control procedures and regulations
1.4Does the administrative system make provision for the capturing of learner entry and withdrawal from a learning programme? /
- A copy of learner entry form / process
- A copy of learner withdrawal form / process
1.5Is the applicant capable of satisfying its obligation to the learner? /
- Copy of a statement signed by an auditor
- A copy of the previous year’s audited financial statement
- A 2 year business plan, including financial projections
- Costing structure to deliver and assess the learning programme
2.Appeal Process
2.1Is an appeal process in place that is accessible to staff and learners? /
- Evidence that the staff and learners made aware of the appeal process
- Evidence the necessary documents are in place to lodge an appeal
2.2Are the outcomes of appeals fair, reliable and valid? /
- A copy of the records of outcomes of appeals
3.Management Of Off-Site Or Work-Site Components (If Applicable)
3.1Is a customer service agreement between the primary provider and other sites in place? /
- A copy of the customer service agreement
3.2Is a system in place to maintain learner information across sites? /
- Evidence that record keeping system reflects different sites
3.3Is evidence in place that assessments and delivery are managed adequately across sites? /
- A copy of correspondence and meeting with off-site site
4.Learner Entry, Guidance And Support
4.1Is access to delivery and assessment available to all potential learners? /
- Evidence that entry to all learners in terms of race, sex, gender or disability are catered for
4.2Learners needs are evaluated on entry to the learning programme / RPL? /
- Evidence that RPL entry criteria has been identified
- Evidence that a learners RPL support process has been identified
- Evidence that the PPL process has been identified
During delivery and assessment
4.3Is the orientation material available and does it provide adequate information to the learner? /
- A copy of the orientation material
4.4Is counselling and support freely available to the learner? /
- Copy of counselling process
4.5Is the future career pathways outlined and explained to the learner? /
- Evidence that learner has access to support on future career paths
4.6Is the feedback on performance informative and constructive? /
- Evidence of the feedback process
- Evidence of remedial support system
5.Record Keeping And Reporting
5.1Are the learner records kept and reported in accordance with SAQA and SETASA requirements? /
- A copy of the format of the reports according to SAQA and SETASA requirements
5.2Are record keeping and reporting policy and procedures in place? /
- A copy of the record keeping and reporting policy and procedures
5.3Does the applicant has the ability to certify the learner if offering skills programmes or unit standards /
- Copy of learner certificate in place and approval on format obtained from SETASA
- Learner certification policy and procedure in place
- Approval obtained from SETASA to use logo to certify learners
1.Learning Programmes
1.1Does the applicant has access to the applicable NQF registered unit standards / qualifications? /
- Copy of unit standards / qualifications
1.2Are the learning programmes aligned to the registered unit standards / qualifications? /
- Evidence that the design of learning programme enable learner to achieve the listed outcomes
- Evidence that learning programmes are structured to allow for multiple-entry and multiple-exit levels
- Evidence that design of the learning programmes allow for the learner theoretical and practical learning component, and if applicable experiential learning
1.3Are the education and training resources identified and in place? /
- Evidence of the educational resources (software, audio visual material, books, manuals and trainers)
- Inventory list of equipment, machinery and tools linked to the unit standards
1.4Are the learning goals defined and in place? /
- Copy of learning goals
1.5Are the curricula reviewed and modified to match changes in career pathways and opportunities? /
- Evidence on how feedback led / inform curriculum change
1.6Are the methods of delivery appropriate for the identified outcomes? /
- Evidence of the methods of delivery
1.7Is the identified teaching and learning strategies appropriate for self-paced and self-managed learning and achievement in place? /
- Evidence that flexible delivery is or can be maintained
1.8Does the education and training staff meets the minimum criteria for the position they will hold? /
- Evidence that internal or external trainer has:
- Contextualised experience in area of practical or theoretical delivery, thus worked in the specific area and seen as a subject matter expert
- Evidence that if delivering the practical component (experiential learning), the trainer has:
- Evidence that if delivering the theoretical component the trainer is:
1.9Are the learning programmes evaluated and updated if needed /
- A copy of the outcomes of evaluations
1.Assessment and Moderation
1.1Does the organisation have access to assessors or moderators /
- List of staff to be trained as assessor and moderators
- List of access to external assessor and moderators
1.2Does the assessor meet the minimum criteria to assess learners against specific unit standard / qualification? /
- Evidence that assessor is:
- Registered as a constituent assessor with the SETASA; or
- Registered as a generic assessor against ASSMT 01 and a subject matter expert has been identified which will be together with the registered assessor conduct the assessments
1.3Does the moderator meet the minimum criteria for the position they will hold? /
- Evidence that the internal or external moderator is:
- Registered as a constituent moderator with the SETASA, or
- Registered as a generic moderator against ASSMT 02 with the ETDP SETA and a subject matter expert has been identified which will be together with the registered moderators conduct the moderations
1.4Is an assessment system in place to ensure that fair, valid and reliable assessments will be made? /
- Evidence that frequency of assessments are identified
- Evidence that assessment guides for the learning programmes are in place
- Evidence that sufficient assessment resources available as per scope of assessment
- Evidence that assessment methods, instruments and techniques identified are appropriate to outcomes assessed of the unit standards or qualification
- Evidence that the types of evidence to be collected are appropriate to outcomes assessed of the unit standards or qualification
1.5Does the assessor conduct fair, valid and reliable assessments? /
- Evidence that assessment is conducted according to the SAQA and SETASA requirements
1.6Are there sufficient resources available as per scope of assessment? /
- Evidence that the ratio of resources to learners is acceptable
1.7Is the assessment information, including learning outcomes, assessment criteria, as well as assessment procedures and dates provided to the learner? /
- A copy of the plan of assessment is and evidence that it conforms to SAQA and SETASA requirements
1.8 Is the security of the assessment and assessment process ensured? /
- Evidence that confidentiality are maintained as captured in the assessment policy
1.9Is a moderation system in place to moderate assessors against specific unit standard / qualification? /
- Evidence that frequency of moderations are identified
- Evidence that sufficient moderation resources available as per scope of moderations
- Evidence that moderation methods, instruments and techniques identified are appropriate to the assessments being moderated
1.10Are the assessments and assessment system moderated according to the prescribed standard? /
- A copy of the moderation schedule
- Documented evidence of moderations
1.Staff Selection, Appraisal And Development
1.1Does the applicant in terms of recruitment and selection comply with applicable legislation? /
- Evidence that applicant applies to applicable requirements e.g. employment equity and labour relations requirements
1.2Is evidence in place that staff is competent in relation to their roles and responsibilities? /
- A copy of an organisational chart / structure in relation to the different functions
1.3Are adequate relief or supplementary staffing arrangements in place? /
- A copy of a guideline for the use of supplementary staff
1.4Is evidence in place of an effective staff appraisal, system? /
- A copy of the staff appraisal and review activities
- Evidence of stakeholder participation in the development / adoption of appraisal instrument
- Evidence of learner and assessor feedback
Development / Development.
1.5Is staff development related to the needs and gaps identified? /
- A copy of the needs analysis
- A copy of the Workplace Skills Plan
1.6Is a development plan for employees in the organisation clearly defined? /
- Details of the development plan
- Evidence that the development plan is accessible and available to all staff in the organisation
1.Quality Management System
1.1Does the applicant have a quality management policy in place? /
- A copy of the policy statement
- A copy of the organogram outlining staff roles and responsibilities
1.2Does the applicant have copies of the necessary minimum SAQA policies and procedures in place? /
- Copies of policies and procedures for:
- Marketing
- Learning programmes development, delivery and evaluation
- Capturing, maintenance and updating of learner information
- Management, maintenance and upgrading of facilities, resources and learning materials
- Staff selection, appraisal and development
- Selection of learners and the mechanisms for providing guidance and support
- Assessment
- Recognition of prior learning
- Moderation
- Appeals
- Record keeping and reporting
- Security of information
- Financial, administrative and physical structures, resources and internal lines of accountability
- Collaboration, if needed
- Management of off-site or worksite components
1.3.Is a quality management review mechanisms to:
- Collect information on the organisation’s performance
- Ensure that the quality management policies and procedures remain effective
- A copy of the review procedures
- A copy of the review implementation plan
- Evidence of quality assurance reviews
Document No: / ETO-TP-001 (DA) / Compiled By –Title / ETQA Manager
Revision No: / 1.0 / Approved By –Title / CEO
Effective Date: / 01/02/04 / Title: / Accreditation Evaluation (DA)
Page: / - 1 -