Chem 113L: Analytical Chemistry LaboratoryFall 2014

Laboratory: BROH 329 Mon : 1:15 – 4:15pm

Thurs: 1:15 – 4:15 pm

(Lecture:Tue, Thurs 09:45 – 10:50 am; BROH 314/TBA)

Instructor: Dr. Debjani Bhaduri

Office: BROH 332; 925-631-4425;

Office hours: M:9:00 – 10:30 a. m. ; 1;00 - 2:00 p. m .

W: 9:00 – 10:30 a. m. (or by appointment).

Course Pre-requisites: Chem 10/11

Course Materials:

  • Text: Daniel C. Harris; Exploring Analytical Chemistry, 5th Edition.
  • Bound Laboratory notebook(available at the bookstore)
  • Recommended: Anne M. Cogill and Lorrin R. Garson;

(Short Cut:Quick Guide to Citing: Using the ACS Style Guide

is listed on the Library's Subject Guide for Chemistry)

  • Lab Coats are mandatory. Please bring your coat from Day 1. Safety glasses and gloves are provided.

Disability Statement: Reasonable and appropriate accommodations, that take into account the context of the course and its essential elements, for individuals with qualifying disabilities, are extended through the office of Student Disability Services. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Student Disability Services Coordinator at (925) 631-4164 to set up a confidential appointment to discuss accommodation guidelines and available services. Additional information regarding the services available may be found at the following address on the Saint Mary’s website:/

Communication: will be through email(SMC) and Moodle. Students should check both daily.

1. Along with analytical process theory, time will be spent on writing analytical reports. Since scientific writing has a particular style with citationrules, students will follow current American Chemical Society(ACS) guidelines for written professional, scientific reports. Guidelines to scientific writing will be similar to those initiated in Chem 11 and will be further improved upon in this course.

2. The Analytical Bid Project will be based on experimental work and library research. Submission of drafts and experimental outlines will be required. The final report will be presented to the class and then submitted for a grade. Reports must include accurate references. Consult the laboratory schedule for due dates for these.

i) Library: perform literature searches, review reference material, completion of bibliography etc. Consult the Reference desk, (925) 631-4624 also see the links provided on Moodle

ii) Center for Writing Across the Curriculum (CWAC); Dante 202, Phone: 925-631-4684CWAC: Center for Writing Across the Curriculum, offers two options for all students, of all disciplines and levels:

Testing and Grading:

In addition to the calibration / error analysis lab, there are 5 analytical experiments each involving an unknown analyte whose concentration is tobe determined. Each experiment is worth 100 points. Students will perform experiments on a rotation basis. Points awarded will be based on the accuracy and precision of your results as well as for neatness, clarity and content.

Notebooks must be handed in by the deadline (Monday, Dec. 8th, 4:00 pm).See lab schedule for point breakdowns.

Experiments600 points

Analytical Bid Project150 points

Notebook 150 points

Note: Laboratory grade constitutes 60 % of the overall course grade.

Approximate Grading Range:100 - 80%A

80 - 65%B

65 - 50%C

50 - 35%D

Below 35%F

Points win be deducted from the total for the following:

•Failure to complete lab in a timely manner

•Dishonesty in reporting results and/or using results and data from another student.

•Plagarism in reports and papers.

•Not following safety rules (see below).

•Failure to maintain a clean lab and clearing up and putting away chemicals/equipment.

Attendance in lab: will be recorded. Do not be late for class. If you have planned your time in the lab well, you will have the option to repeat up to two experiments.

The following are required for admittance to lab:

1. Notebook (Bound, available at the bookstore) - MUST BE WITH YOU IN LAB. No other record keeping method is permitted.

2. Note: “ No notebook/no labcoat/ no lab admittance” policy !

3. Standard scientific calculator is required. You are responsible for knowing how to operate your calculator with speed and accuracy. Bring it to every class. Dead batteries are no excuse! No cell phone as a calculator use.

4. Ball point or Ink pens : pencil work and white out are NOT allowed.

5. ALL work is to be recorded in your notebook. No scrap paper or cheat sheets are to be used.

6. Refer to Moodle Chem 113 site for details on keeping records in your notebook.

Important Note: You cannot start a new experiment until a protocol has been established. This means that i) the previous one is completed with results only handed in and ii) preliminary notes/outline/calculationsreagents, reagent preparation, equipment for the next experiment are recorded in the lab notebook and initialed by the instructor.

Withdrawal:ConsultGael Express for deadlines and forms. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that all signatures and form are returned to the Registrar by the deadline date. A withdrawal from lecture will result in an automatic withdrawal from this laboratory and vice versa

Incomplete: is not given to a student because of poor grades nor to allow the student to repeat the course at a later date. It is given under special circumstances and requires faculty and Department Chair's approval.

Safety: A safety agreement will be signed on the first day. Lab Coats are mandatory.

1. Safety glasses must be worn at all times whether you are working or not.

2. Gloves are provided.

3. Proper dress i.e. mainly cotton, of appropriate length(long pants, shirts/blouses should be ofsufficient length to cover mid sections).

4. No sandals, or open toed shoes are allowed.

5. Food and drink is not allowed inside the lab at anytime.

6. Use of cell phones/mobile devices/ear buds/headphones strictly prohibited.

7. If unsure how to proceed consult and consult again the instructor.

8. Work in the HOOD when working with concentrated acid or bases.

9. After consultation with your instructor,clean up all spills even water.

10. Check for disposal of any substance. Do NOT discard anything down the sink without checking with your instructor.

11. Label all containers that hold chemicals with its name, concentration, date of preparation andyourname.

12. Maintain a “clean” space in your work area.

13. Clean up your glassware and counter space after every session.

14. Use the oven / microwave responsibly and use the log book consistently.

Unsafe behavior i.e. horseplay/ practical jokes, playing with glassware/ chemicals will be grounds for a certain F in the course.

Anyone not following the rules listed above will be asked to leave the lab immediately.

Available on Moodle:

1. General Practices: i) General Practices of working in Analytical Laboratory

ii) Cleaning Glass Ware

iii) SDS Notes and links

iv) Note Book Guidelines

Analytical Chemistry 113 L (Dr. Bhaduri)Fall 2014

List of Experiments: / Notebook Notes
(Protocol) / Points
#1 Calibration of Equipment; Error Analysis / Review ACS Guidelines / Week 1 / Exp. 50
Spreadsheet/Data Analysis: 50
# 2 Analysis of an unknown for percent potassium hydrogen phthalate using volumetry. / Unknowns # 2 / lab protocol,
sample prep / Exp 100 pts
# 3Gravimetry:determination of calcium in calcium supplements / Unknowns # 3 / lab protocol,
sample prep / Exp. 100
#4 Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron in Vitamin Tablets / Unknowns #2 / lab protocol,
sample prep / Exp. 100
#5 Redox titration:analysis of aVitamin C tablet / Unknowns # 5 / lab protocol,
sample prep / Exp. 100
# 6: Electrochemistry : estimation of active ingredient in Children’s Tylenol® / Unknowns # 6 / lab protocol,
sample prep / Exp. 100
7. An Analytical Lab Bid: submit a proposal(bid) for carrying out analysis of an unknown material(choose an unknown from 1 - 6) by a different method
Details will be discussed in lab / Submit:
i) Title and
ii)analyte selected iii)with timelines for draft and final version) when 5th exp. is completed. / Outline:10
Final Proposal: 55
8. Presentation of Analytical Bid Proposal / Written Proposal: due Mon, Dec 4th, 4:00 pm / Presentation: 50

Note: All students will do experiments highlighted in blue at the beginning of the semster

Notebook to be submitted: Finals Week by Mon, Dec 8th, 4:00 pm