January 19th, 2016 9:30am
LOCATION: Green Valley Recreation-Social Center in Casa Paloma II
— Draft Meeting Minutes —
1. Call to Order-Meeting called to order at 9:30am by President Burma Montoya.
2. Establish Quorum and Approval of Agenda
Roll Call:
Burma Montoya-President-Present
Joe Whitefield-Vice President-Present
Joe Virag-Secretary/Treasurer-Present
Dave Thomas-Director-Present
Dave VanAbel-Director-Present
3. Approval of Minutes
A. December 15th, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting-Meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made, seconded and carried to accept the minutes as submitted. (Whitefield/Virag)
B. January 7th, 2016 Special Board of Directors Meeting for Common Area Concrete Curbing Meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made, seconded and carried to accept the minutes as submitted. (Thomas/Whitefield)
4. Financial Report
A. December 2015-Financial report was provided, reviewed and accepted. Management requested the Board authorize the transfer of 57,000 from the operating account to the reserves which will bring the reserve balance to the threshold amount established in the Reserve Study. Request unanimously approved. Management will obtain CD rates for review at the next meeting.
5. Committee Reports
A. Architectural-Chairpersons, Dave VanAbel- No report- Homeowner commented that the Association needs to paint light posts in common area.
B. Courtesy-Chairperson, Joe Fields noted that realty signs are being displayed at the edge of roadways. Management will research policy on signs. Joe commented that issues with dogs are getting better. Homeowners informed to call Joe with questions or comments.
C. Landscape-Chairpersons, Dave Thomas and Joe Whitefield-Dave Thomas commented that Landscapers are not following instructions. It was requested that common areas along La Canada be cleaned but work has not yet been done. He also asked that a large tree that had fallen over be cut up and removed and this has also not been done. Management noted that the large tree is an additional cost. Estimate provided to the Board for approval. Tree was not in an area that required emergency action. Dave Thomas Made a motion to obtain bids from 3 landscape companies for maintenance services with identical specs to be put out to all bidders. Burma Montoya seconded the motion, Motion carried. Landscape Committee to establish specs and scope of work to be provided to all bidders. Joe Whitefield commented on weed issues in the common area noting that the wash in common area along conquistadores is overgrown. Palm tree in common area near 490 Profetas is shedding. It was suggested that the maintenance schedule be included on the website.
D. Maintenance-Ron Packman
Curbing-Information provided regarding curbing repairs and installation needed. Suggested delaying curbing project. Discussion held. Action not taken.
Drainage Scope of Work for Civil Engineer RFP-Scope of work not provided.
E. Social-Chairperson, Penny Daniels reported on the social activities for the community. Penny noted that she will have a few cones that homeowners can use for the garage and patio sale. Signs will placed by Penny and an ad will be placed in the Green Valley News. Dave Thomas commented that those participating in the patio sale should insure one side of the street in front of their homes is clear for emergency access. Invitations for new homeowner brunch will be hand delivered. Good time for board to meet new homeowners.
F. IT Committee (Website)-Dave VanAbel reported that volunteers will be needed in the future to maintain the website. Request made for directory on website. Management will send directory info request out with annual meeting notice and compile a directory.
G. Budget Committee
2016 Draft Budget-The draft budget was reviewed. Dave VanAbel moved that $5,000 be added for curb repair and Website be reduced from $1800 to $250. Dave Thomas seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Dave VanAbel committed to maintaining the website for another year. Christmas lights will be paid for under miscellaneous expense. A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the budget with the noted edits/additions. (Montoya/Whitefield)
H. Nominating Committee-It was noted that there will be two positions open for election at the March Annual Meeting. Volunteers are needed.
6. Old Business
A. Drainage Issues-No action taken.
7. New Business
A. Compliance Issues
Hearing Notices/Responses
271 Cactus Loop-Parking, Oil on Street, Walking Dog Off Leash, Failure to Clean up After Pet- Management noted that the tenant responded to the Hearing Notice in writing on behalf of the owner noting that he will find an alternate location to walk his dog and will keep his dog on leash while on the common areas. He is currently working to clean the oil in the street and understands the parking regulations for the community. After much discussion, the Board of Directors agreed to accept his solutions for curing the violations noted on the property, however, should the same violations occur again within a 6 month period and automatic fine will be levied per the communities governing documents.
2. 386 Chancero-Golf Cart Parked in Front Yard-Issue resolved.
8. Member Comments-Homeowners inquired about acceptable paving material for driveways. Comment made the speeding in the community is an issue. Homeowners asked to submit complaint forms when witnessed. Management will contact Sheriff Auxiliary to see if they may be able to patrol the community for speeders as they have done for other communities in the area.
9. Adjournment-There being no further business, a motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting. (Whitefield/VaAbel) Meeting adjourned at 11:25am.