Level 5 Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Skills and Theory (CBT-L5)
Assignment Handbook
You will need to keep a portfolio of your work during the course in which you cross reference all the assessments to the assessment criteria. The learning review will be the main assessment as this is an ongoing piece of work throughout the course. In your assignments and learning review it is recommended that you write the assessment criteria you have covered in the margin as you go along, and write this on your front marking sheet and tracking sheet each time you hand in a piece of work. (Your tutor will explain this to you when you start the course). This will help you to know where you are in the assessment process and you will be able to track your own progress. There will be regular tutorial sessions to help you with this process. Copies of all documentscan be found on the CPCAB WEBSITE Resources can also be found on Moodle (you will be given details of this by the tutor at the beginning of the course).
The following section outlines the assignments and assessment that you will need to complete to pass the course. Your portfolio will be checked regularly and you will need to hand it in at the end of year one and the completedportfolio at the end of the course.
Please make sure that:
Your name and student ID is on all work handed in.
You include a front marking sheet with all work handed in and a criteria tracking sheet.
You keep electronic copies of all work handed in.
You reference your work using the Harvard System.
You keep a record of all tutorials received in your portfolio (see tutorial form)
Note: You can book a tutorial session with the tutor if you have any concerns about the assignments or assessment process. Please contact your tutor as they are there to help you with this (see course handbook for contact details.
Candidates must be assessed as Proficient inall 7 learning outcomes of the mandatory unit and must be assessed as Proficient in both internal and external assessment to achieve the qualification. Candidates must give two pieces of evidence for each criterion. In addition the Candidate Learning Record, when complete, must include references to all three assessment methods (documents, tutor observation and testimony).
1)Documentation that must be included in your portfolio
- A clinical supervision record
- Essay
- Internal Case Study
- External case study
- A client log (minimum of three different clients and 30 hours)
- Reflective Journals
- One case presentation
- 30 minute CBT counselling recording
Evidence you could also include:
- A written evaluation of your CBT counselling skills session
- Personal development
2)Observation evidence that must be included in your portfolio over the one year
- Written feedback from the tutor and observers on your CBT counselling.
Evidence you could also include:
Any written feedback received from observers, tutor feedback on your contribution to group work, discussions and case presentations.
3)Testimony evidence that must be included in your portfolio over the year.
- A report from you counselling agency.
- Records of peer feedback on their counselling practice session
- A supervisor’s report
Evidence you could include (for example)
- Self and Peer feedback on case presentations and group discussions
- Any feedback received from agency team members, college tutorial records and client feedback and/or evaluation of your practice
All documentation must maintain client and Agency confidentiality at all times
3. Assessment programme – minimum requirementsTo achieve the qualification, candidates must be assessed as Proficient inall 7 learning outcomes of the mandatory unit and must be externally assessed (by CPCAB) as Proficient. Candidates must give two pieces of evidence for each criterion. In addition the Candidate Learning Record, when complete, must include references to all three assessment methods (documents, tutor observation and testimony).
INTERNAL ASSESSMENT – must include all three methods of assessmentProgramme activities / Assessment method [1] / Types of evidence
(2 references for each assessment criterion)
Professional discussion and workshops
Seminars and group work
Projects and presentations
Review of knowledge, skills and clinical work / Documents / Learning review
Client record (at least 30 hours counselling, one-to-one with at least 3 different clients, using CBT)
Supervision record[2]
2 written assignments (3,000 - 3,500 words)
Assessed skills practice
Assessed case presentation
Simulated counselling practice sessions / Tutor observation / 1 written assessment (by tutor) of tutor-observed counselling practice session using CBT skills
1 case presentation
Workplace experience (a min. of 30 hours one-to-one counselling) using CBT skills with at least 3 different clients
Skills practice , Group work , Case presentationsTraining group supervision ,Seminars and workshops, Tutorials / Testimony / 1 supervisor’s report
Peer feedback
Candidates complete a structured case review (3,000 –3,500 words). This is sent to CPCAB for assessment.[3]
Internal assessment: / Candidates must achieve all 7 unit learning outcomes to be assessed as Proficient.
External assessment: / Candidates must achieve at least ONE mark in each section of the case review and an overall mark of 11 out of 21 to be assessed as Proficient.
Scheme of Assessment
Hand out date / Hand in date /observation date / Type of evidenceSelf- Review / All to be completed 13/05/15 / Completed self-review
Assignment 1
An analysis of CBT Theory and techniques) / 13/01/15 / Assignment (3000-3500 words)
written Case Study 1 Assignment2
Comprehensive / 01/04/15 / Case Study (3000-3500 words)
Tutor feedback sheet
Client record (minimum of three different clients and 30 hours) / 20/05/15 / Client Log signed by supervisor
Supervision record / 20/05/15 / Supervision report and supervision log signed by supervisor
Reflective Journals
(Learner review) / 20/05/15 / Reflective journal cross referenced to the assessment criteria and all front sheets signed by tutor
Therapy record (minimum of 10 hours) / 20/05/15 / A signed form recording counselling hours received
Self-reviews. / 20/05/15
Verbal case presentation 1 / TBA To be completed end February 2015 / Case presentation notes
Peer feedback sheets
Tutor Feedback Sheet
Skill practice:
- Tutor and Peer assessed Skills Practise using the CBT Approach
Written evaluation
To be completed 20/05/15 / DVD
Self-evaluation of session linking theory to practice
Tutor Feedback form
Peer Feedback form
Feedback from peers on personal and professional development and skills demonstrated / 20/05/15 / Peer feedback forms
Report from supervisor / 20/05/15 / Signed and dated by supervisor
Feedback and/or report from agency (managers) / 20/05/15 / Signed and dated by Agency Representative/manager
Mock external assessment and review paper / Tutor feedback
Peer Feedback
Self feedback
Completed Case Review
3000-3500 Externally Assessed / 10th June 2015 / Externally marked by CPCAB / 07/09/15
Internal Assessment
The following section contains details of the internal assessments for the two year programme which are marked by the course tutors. A percentage of these will be second marked throughout the course by an Internal Moderator.
CPCAB LEVEL 5 / Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Skills and Theory (CBT-L5)Self-review and Personal Learning Goals
Hand in date / Discuss with Individuals
Aim / To explore your thoughts and feelings related to where you are now in your personal developments and to set a plan for future learning on the course.
- To give you the opportunity to explore where you are at the beginning of the course and to identify any needs or concerns you may have that could be addressed by the group and/or tutor.
- It can record the thoughts and feelings you have embarking on your counselling training, you will be able to reflect on these at the end of the first year and then again at the end of the course.
- You will be able to revisit and review the aims that you have set yourself during the course.
Task: Using the attached document write approximately 800 words addressing the questions.
Document needed: Self review form (See student CD, CPCAB website and/or moodle)
CPCAB LEVEL 5 / Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Skills and Theory (CBT-L5)
Reflective Journal (learning review)
Date / 0ngoing throughout course
Aims / A reflection on your learning, self development and application of theory and skills to client work
This is the main assessment ofthe course and is a record and reflection on your learning and self awareness during the course. It will give you the opportunity to reflect on your own process and self development and you will be able to demonstrate how you have linked theory to practice.
The journal should not be a descriptive account but a reflective evaluation of your learning and self awareness. It sometimes takes students a while to develop a reflective style of writing, but the journal will give you the opportunity to meet the assessment criteria of the course.
You will need to submit your journal for marking regularly and each entry will need to have an assessment front sheet (evidence) cross referenced to the page and assessment criteria covered.
It is good practice to write the assessment criteria that you have covered in the margin of the page, this will help you and the tutor keep track of criterion covered.
You will need to link theory to practice and reference all sources used with theHarvard Method of referencing.
Indicative content:
What Ihave learnt.
What has challenged my values and beliefs in relation to the group work or learning.
What I have found easy/difficult.
What I have learned about me
How am I using what I have learnt in my work with clients.
How I can put my learning into practice.
My action plan for future development.
Assessment criteria: This piece of work has the potential to meet any criteria.
Guidance Notes:
- Please hand in completed journal (up to date) for marking on hand-in dates. (Do not hand in single weeks). The journal needs to be handed in with the tracking sheet so the criteria can be signed off by the tutor.
- Indicate in the margin which assessment criteria have been covered.
- Number pages 1-50 ….
- Use headings, bullet points etc
- Leave gaps between paragraphs etc.
- Reference quotes (Harvard)
- Use font Times New Roman, size 12 with 1.5 spacing
- Please present journal in an assignment wallet (no plastic wallets)
Assignment 1 Theory 3000-3500 words
Date / 13/02/15
Aims / Critically assess the CBT approach in working with a client who suffers from either
Anxiety, Depression, Social Phobia or condition of your choice
You will need to explore:
What is CBT
What research says about the evidence base of the approach (NICE Guidelines) in relation to your chosen condition e.g. depression, anxiety
An explanation of the condition e.g. depression, anxiety.
Ethical considerations
How the approach addresses diversity and difference
The importance of the therapeutic relationship and how this applies to CBT
The process of therapy
An evaluation of the approach.
Presentation of written assignments :
- Page number your pages
- Use font Times Roman Size 12
- Spacing 1.5
- Headings
- Bullet points
- Use theory to support your work and reference your sources using the HARVARD System
- Include a References and Bibliography page at the back
- No Plastic wallets
CAS Sheet tutor feedback
Note: Confidentiality must be adhered to in both the presentation and written assignment at all times
CPCAB LEVEL 5 / Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Skills and Theory (CBT-L5)
Video Skills Assessment 1
Date 20/05/15 / To assess working within a CBT framework
To practice in the counsellor role a range of CBT techniques
To give and receive feedback
To experience and practice the role of the observer
To experience the role of the client
To apply theory in your counselling practice
To develop reflective practice skills.
Task 1: Working in 3/4s each students must: 30 minutes
Produce a 30 minute recording of their work using the role-play scenarios
Be a client in a 30 minute counselling session.
Be an observer in a counselling session and provide verbal and written feedback to the counsellor
Task 2: Critically reflect via a reflective evaluation your use of skills within a CBT Approach linking theory to practice.
Task 3
Reflect on your experience of being the client in the skills sessions Unit 5 5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4,.5.5
You will need to submit:
the recording skills session
a tutor observation and feedback form
A peer feedback form
a self-evaluation
CPCAB LEVEL 5 / Diploma in Cognitive Behavioral Therapeutic Skills and Theory (CBT-L5)
Assignment 2
Case Study 3000- 3500 words
Date / 01/04/15
Aims / To demonstrate ongoing learning and development
Produce a case study of your work with a client with whom you have had a minimum, of 6 sessions. This does not have to be a client with whom you have had a successful outcome.
Indicative content
Why did you decide to work this way with this particular client?
Demonstrate your understanding of the theory underpinning your choice of intervention
How has this impacted on your theoretical understanding?
How have you identified and focused on the client’s needs and concerns?
Your awareness of the client-counsellor relationship
An evaluation of the skills /techniques used
How did your use of the skills impact on the client?
Awareness of self in the process and its affect on the work with your client (did you make any changes in the way you work as a result of your self- awareness?
Creativity using the skills, use of self and a coherent approach.
Tutor feedback sheet
Observer feedback sheet
Self evaluation
CPCAB LEVEL 5 / Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Skills and Theory (CBT-L5)
Case review presentation (supervision)
Date / TBA with individual students
Aims / Give students the opportunity to present a client in group supervision and via a written paper to explore the process of supervision and how the training can be applied to their work with clients
This purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to present your work with a client in a supervision setting and then reflect on your learning experience. The session should be based on a client whom you have worked with for a minimum of two sessions.
Task 1 : PRESENTATION should take the following format: (5 minutes)
a)A brief introduction to your client
b)Details of the referral
c)The number of sessions to date.
d)The presenting issue
Note: Select one or two issues that you may need support with. These could be:
Ethical issues.
The skills used.
Working with diversity.
Personal awareness.
Proficiency/lack of knowledge or information.
Task 2: Group Supervision (15min)
Task 3 The written paper
The written overview should be more than a narrative of what took place and should focus on your learning needs in group supervision and client outcomes. It should identify how you have used supervision to explore the client/counsellor relationship and how you have applied the learning in your work.
Indicative Content (the presentation/assignment should demonstrate several of the following)
How you are working ethically and safely. You can link this to agency policies and the BACP Framework
Establishing a professional framework to your work with clients
Your understanding of theory, skill
Your understanding of professional practice
Your awareness of the counsellor client relationship
Your capacity to work with difference and diversity Unit
How you identify and focus on the client’s needs
How you have use supervision to reflect on self within the relationship and personal understanding to help you manage the counselling process
How you have evaluated your effectiveness with a recognised tool to monitor client outcome.(Unit 7.1)
How you have worked creatively using self/skills/and techniques within a theoretical approach .Your awareness of common mental health issues (Unit 6)
Each client that we work with is unique and the group supervision session may give you the opportunity to explore several of the above.
Presentation of written assignments :
- Page number your pages
- Use font Times Roman
- Size 12
- Spacing 1.5
- Headings
- Use theory to support your work and reference your sources using the HARVARD System
- Include a References and Bibliography page at the back
Tutor feedback sheet
Observer feedback sheet
Self evaluation
Note: Confidentiality must be adhered to in both the presentation and written assignment at all times
You could hit the following criteria relating to Supervision
Unit 7 7.1,7.2,7.3
CPCAB LEVEL 5 / Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Skills and Theory (CBT-L5)
Self -Review
Date / TBA with individual students
Aims / Give students the opportunity to reflect on the course.
This purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to reflect on your learning on the course. . You can use a creative media in your presentation.
The assignment needs to be a verbal presentation of yourself, your personal growth, awareness of self in the process and needs to relate to the seven process units.
* You need to select a few criteria to address in your presentation.
Using any format (3D, PowerPoint, flipchart, whiteboard, OHP or any creative media) to support your verbal presentation.
(You will need to choose 2 students to provide verbal and written evaluative feedback on your progression and the units addressed)
You will need to hand in for assessment your presentation notes
A observer feedback sheet from 2 observers (2)
A reflective journal about the experience and what you have learned about self.
Unit 7 7.3
External Assessment
/ CBT-L5 - Guidance to writing external assessment Case ReviewThe case review is expected to show that you have developed the skills and knowledge necessary to work safely and effectively within a CBT framework at level 5.