Spring, 2013

CHEM 105. Introductory Chemistry I, 4M, 3 credits

Instructor: Dr. Mallory Cortez Office: 133 Beauregard

Phone: 985-448-4167 Email:

Course Meeting:4M:M,W,F 10:45 am-11:40am Room: 104 Beauregard

Office Hours: Mon/Wed/Friday 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Tues/Thurs 9:00 am-11:00 am; 2:00 pm-3:00 pm

Whenever I am in the office you are welcome to come in and ask questions.

Course Description: Chem105. Introductory Chemistry I. 3-3-0. MATH 101. Introductory Chemistry I is the basic study of nature and properties of matter including common elements and their compounds. Periodic classification, atomic and molecular theories, nuclear chemistry, and the relation of atomic and molecular structure to chemical behavior, stoichiometry, nomenclature. (40.0501)

Prerequisites: Concurrent registration in or previous (C or better) credit for MATH 101

Required Texts and Other Materials:

1)Principles of Chemistry A Molecular Approach, 2nd edition, by Nivaldo J. Tro,

Course Goals:

CHEM 105, as a Core Curriculum course, fulfills three hours of general education requirements in the area of the natural sciences and is thus designed to enable students to meet the following broad outcome for all the natural sciences:

Goal: Upon completion of the undergraduate curriculum, students will be able to comprehend and to apply the basic principles of science and methods of scientific inquiry.

Students will be able to

  1. Differentiate among facts, laws, theories, and hypotheses
  2. Define major concepts, principles, and fundamental theories in at least one area of science
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic terminology in at least one area of science
  4. Formulate a hypothesis, given a simple problem or questions, and design a valid experiment to test it
  5. Make informed decisions on contemporary consumer or social issues demanding scientific literacy

For further explanation of the learning objectives associated with this goal, go to

CHEM 105 meets these goals by the following course-specific student learning outcomes:

Student Outcome Objectives:

At the end of the class the student will be able to:

Demonstrate a basic knowledge atoms and molecules: classification of matter, physical and chemical changes, and energy

Demonstrate a knowledge of units of measurements and problem solving

Demonstrate a knowledge of Modern Atomic Theory and Laws

Demonstrate a knowledge of subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons

Understandthe Periodic Table and how to use it to predict chemical reactions

Demonstrate a knowledge of molecules, compounds, and chemical equations

Demonstrate a knowledge of chemical bonds and chemical formulas

Understand how to name and write formulas of both ionic and covalent compounds

Be able to balance chemical equations,

Understand and be able to calculate limiting reactants, theoretical yields, and percent yields

Understand and predict aqueous reactions, acid-base reactions, and oxidation-reduction reactions,

Demonstratea knowledge of gases, gas laws , and gases in chemical reactions

Demonstrate a knowledge of thermochemistry, quantifying heat and work, and enthalpy

Understand periodic trends of atoms and ions

Demonstrate an ability to predict and understand chemical bonding through Lewis Theory

Demonstrate an ability to predict and understand chemical bonding though Valence Bond Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory.

Course Content:

Chapter 1: Matter, Measurement, and Problem Solving

Chapter 2: Atoms and Elements

Chapter 3: Molecules, Compounds, and Chemical Equations

Chapter 4: Chemical Quantities and Aqueous Reactions

Chapter 5: Gases

Chapter 6: Thermochemistry

Chapter 8: Periodic Properties of the Elements

Chapter 9: Chemical Bonding I: Lewis Theory

Chapter 10: Chemical Bonding II: Molecular Shapes, Valence Bond Theory, and Molecular Orbital Theory

Homework: Homework will be given for each chapter and posted on moodle at the beginning of each chapter. The due date will be two days after finishing the chapter. Homework will not be graded, but points will be given for completion. It is your responsibility to make sure that you understand the homework. If you have problem doing the homework, please see me so that I can help you. No late homework will be accepted after the due date. The purpose of homework is to help you practice and prepare for the exam. The total points for each homework assignment will be 5 points.

Bonus Points: 40 pointswill be given for attendance and participation. See details below under attendance.

Exams: 3 exams and1 comprehensive Final examwill be given.

Review Sessions: Review sessions will be given before every test to discuss problems and assignments. The time for these sessions will be announced.

Grading: The grading will be as follows

Item Total Points

Homework 50

Exams 300

Final Exam 200

Method of Evaluation: The grades earned will be as follows

90%-100% A80%-89% B65%-79% C55%-64% D

Make-up Policy: Make-up exams for excused absences will be given on the last day of class only. This is the only opportunity to take a make-up exam. Other assignments will not be accepted late.

Attendance Policy: It is highly recommended that you attend class every day. Promptness is expected. I will give 40 points extra credit for attendance and participation. A student who misses1 to 2 classes will earn 30 points,3 to 4 classes will earn 20 points,5 to 6 classes will earn 10 points, and missing7 or more classes will result in no extra points. A sign in sheet will be available at the beginning of the class. It is the student’s responsibility to sign that they attended the class.

Academic Honesty Policy: Any student found cheating will be subject to the penalties as stated in the Student Code of Conduct handbook; including but not limited to a score of zero on exam, expulsion from the class or expulsion from the University.

Semester Withdrawals: The last day to withdraw from the class with a “W” is 17th April 2012.

Academic Disabilities Policy: If you have a documented disability that requires assistance, you will need to register with the Office of Disability Services for coordination of your academic accommodations. The Office of Disability Services is located in Peltier Hall, Room 100-A. The phone number is (985) 448-4430 (TDD 449-7002).

Class Disruptions: Are not tolerated. The use of cell phones, pager and/or any other electronic personal devise in class is prohibited. Any infractions will result in the dismissal from class.

Academic Grievances: The proper procedure for filing grade appeals or grievances related to academic matters is listed in Section 5 of the Code of Student Conduct and at the following link:

Continued Learning following an Extreme Emergency:

In order to make continued learning possible following an extreme emergency, students are responsible for:

  • Reading regular emergency notifications on the NSU website;
  • Knowing how to use and access Blackboard/moodle;
  • Being familiar with emergency guidelines;
  • Evacuating textbooks and other course materials;
  • Knowing their moodle student login and password;
  • Contacting faculty regarding their intentions for completing the course.

Faculty are responsible for:

  • The development in the use of the moodle software;
  • Having a plan for continuing their courses using only Blackboard and email;
  • Continuing their course in whatever way suits the completion of the course best, and being creative in the continuation of these courses;
  • Making adjustments or compensations to a student’s progress in special programs with labs, clinical sequences or the like only in the immediate semester following the emergency.

Note: This is not a binding contract. This syllabus is subject to change throughout the course.

Monday – Wednesday – Friday

Tentative Schedule

Date / Topic / Date / Topic / Date / Topic
Jan. 21 / Martin Luther King Holiday / Jan. 23 / Introduction
Ch. 1 Atoms and molecules. The scientific approach/Method. Matter. Physical and chemical changes and energy / Jan. 25 / Ch. 1 Units of measurement. Conversion, significant figures, precision and accuracy, solving chemicals problems.
Jan. 28 / Ch. 1 Solving chemical problems cont
Ch. 2 Scientific laws. The electron and the structure of the atom / Jan. 30 / Ch. 2 Protons, neutrons, and electrons: what they are and what defines them. / Feb. 1 / Ch. 2 The periodic table. Atomic mass and molar mass and conversion between mass and number of moles.
Feb. 4 / Ch. 3 Dihydrogen monoxide. Chemical bonds: Ionic and covalent. Chemical formulas and molecular models. / Feb. 6 / Ch. 3 Elements and compounds: molecular and ionic. Naming and writing formulas of ionic and covalent compound. / Feb. 8 / Ch. 3 Formula mass and molar mass of compounds. Avogadro’s number and conversion of grams to the number of molecules. Mass percent composition and conversion factors from chemical formulas.
Feb. 11 / MARDI GRAS / Feb. 13 / ASH WEDNESDAY / Feb. 15 / Ch. 3 Determining a chemical formula from experimental data, calculating molecular formulas for compounds. Writing balanced equations.
Feb. 18 / Ch. 3 Organic compounds.
Ch. 4 The combustion of fossil fuels. Reaction stoichiometry / Feb. 20 / Exam 1 on Chapters 1, 2, and 3. / Feb. 22 / Ch. 4 Reaction stoichiometry continued. Mass to mass conversions. The importance of and calculating the limiting reactant, theoretical yield, and the percent yield.
Feb. 25 / Ch. 4 Solution concentration and using molarity in calculations. Dilutions and making stock solutions . Types of solutions, electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions, and solubility. / Feb. 27 / Ch. 4 Precipitation reactions. Molecular euations, complete ionic equations, and net ionic equations. Acid-base reactions and gas-evolution reactions. / Mar. 1 / Ch. 4 Oxidations-reduction reactions, oxidation states of electrons, and identifying redox reacctions. Combustion reactions
Mar. 4 / Ch. 5 Molecular collisions and pressure: units and conversions. Simple gas laws: Boyle’s Law, Charles Law, and Avogadro’s Law. The ideal gas law and using it in calculations. / Mar. 6 / Ch. 5 The ideal gas law and using it in calculating molar volume, density, and molar mass of a gas. Mixtures of gases and partial pressures and calculating gases over water. / Mar. 8 / Ch. 5 Gases in calculations and stoichiometry. Kinetic Molecular theory: temperature and velocities.
Mar. 11 / Ch. 5 Mean free path, diffusion, and effusion of gases and the effects of size and intermolecular forces of gas particles. / Mar. 13 / Chapter 6 Key definitions of energy and units of energy. Law of thermodynamics: internal energy, heat, and work. Quantifying heat and work and temperature changes. Thermal energy transfer and pressure-volume work / Mar. 15 / Ch. 6 Measuring the change in energy for chemical reactions. Enthalpy: exothermic and endothermic processes.
Mar. 18 / Ch. 6 constant-pressure calorimetry, measuring the change in heat of a reactions, and the relationships involving the change in heat of reactions. / Mar. 20 / Ch. 6 Standard heats of formations
Ch 8. Understanding the periodic table: the development. / Mar. 22 / Exam 2: Chapters 4, 5, and 6
Mar. 25 / Ch. 8 Electron configurations and how electrons occupy orbitals. Electron splitting in multielectron atoms: Coulomb’s law, shielding, penetration, and electron spatial distributions and sublevel splitting, / Mar. 27 / Ch. 8 Electron configurations for multielectron atoms. Electron configurations: using the periodic table to distinguish between core electrons and valence electrons. / Mar. 29
Apr. 8 / Ch. 8 Periodic trends in size of atoms and nuclear charge. Atomic radii and the transition elements. / Apr. 10 / Ch. 8 Electron configurations, magnetic properties, ionic radii, and ionizing energy of ions. Trends and exceptions in first and second ionization energies. / Apr. 12 / Ch. 8 Electron affinities and metallic character
Ch. 9 Types of chemical bonds and lewis dot structures. Ionic bonding, electron transfer, and lattice energy.
Apr. 15 / Ch. 9 Trends in lattice engeries: ion size and charge. Predicting ionic bonding. Covalent bonding using Lewis Structures: single, double, and triple covalent bonds. / Apr. 17
W / Ch. 9 Electronegativity and its relationship to bond polarity, dipole moments, and percent ionic character. / Apr. 19 / Ch. 9 Writing Lewis Structures of molecular compounds and polyatomic ions. Resonance and formal charges. Exceptions to the Octet rule.
Apr. 22 / Ch. 9 Bond energies and bond lengths and using the average bond energies to estimate enthalpy changes for reactions. Bonding in metals. / Apr. 24 / Ch. 10 VSEPR theory and shapes of molecules, the effect of lone pairs. How molecular shape relates to polarity. / Apr. 26 / Ch. 10 Valence bond theory: orbital overlap as a chemical bond and hybridization of atomic orbitals.
Apr. 29 / Ch. 10 Hybridization of atomic orbitals. / May 1 / Ch. 10 Molecular orbital theory: electron delocalization, LCAOs, homonuclear diatomic molecules. / May 3 / Ch. 10 Molecular orbital theory continued.
Ch. 11 Vaporization and vapor pressure?
May 6 / Test 3
Chapters 8, 9, and 10 / May 8 / Review for Finale / May 10 / FINALS
May 13 / FINALS
4M – 1:00-3:00 / May 15 / FINALS / May 16
Grades Due 9:00 am