/ Harnham Neighbourhood Association
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Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Wed 26 March 2014

at St George’s Hall, Lower Street, West Harnham

Present: Mrs Cheryl Sibson (Chairman),Mr Andrew Thompson(Vice Chairman)

Mr Bill Roper (Treasurer), Mr Greg Condliffe, Miss Frances Howard,

Mr Brian McLoughlin, Mrs Mary Poynton, Mrs Josa Snow, Rev Becky Roberts,

Mr David Barter.Cllr Grahame Alexander, Cllr Sven Hocking,

Cllr Ian Tomes, Cllr John Collier

Michele Chilcott (Housing Officer WCC)

Apologies: Mr John McGarry, Mrs Cheryl Hill, Mr Stephen Fletcher, Cllr Brian Dalton,

Cllr Patricia Fagan.

1.Welcome and Apologies

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were noted as above. In the absence of the Secretary the Chairman will take the minutes

2.Address by Wiltshire Council Officer Housing Officer

Michele Chilcott addressed the meeting and outlined her role as the WCC Housing Officer.

She has been in post since Feb 2013 part of a team of three based in the Friary. Harnham is part of their area of responsibility. The team deals with tenancy issues and antisocial behaviour. She confirmed that they are currently dealing with a noise issue in Essex Square.

Michele handed out business cards. Contact details are attached at Appendix 2.

Cheryl Sibson thanked Michele on behalf of the HNA for her talk which had added to our understanding of the work and responsibilities of a WCC Housing Officer.

3.Minutes of the meeting of 22 January 2014

Proposed by Andrew Thompson, and seconded by Bill Roper,the Minutes were approved.

4.Matters arising

a) Fire Hazard on Harnham Slope

Gregor Condliffe reported that he is still awaiting the Fire Brigade Report. Michele Chilcott undertook to investigate this and find out what the delay is. Cllr Graham Alexander will e mail the Fire Brigades response to Cllr Brian Dalton to the Chairman.

Action: MicheleChilcott

Cllr Graham Alexander

Gregor also reported that he had a meeting with a member of the Friends of Harnham Slope who had told him that there may be a grant available to that group for dealing with overgrown trees and shrubs but exact details about this were not given.

Bill Roper said that the Slope and Old Government House areas had been mismanaged by Salisbury CC who own that area although there was doubt about ownership of the western end of the Slope.

b) St Georges 900th Anniversary

The Reverend Becky Roberts asked the meeting to consider organising a day of help for those people in our community who are not so privileged. It was agreed that members would consider this idea for the next committee meeting.

Action: All

As it was proving hard to come up with ideas Cheryl Sibson will contact Linda Baker (Parish Administrator) to discuss any suggestions she may have as to how HNA can contribute.

Action: Cheryl Sibson

5.Chairman’s Report

Nothing to report

6. Secretary’s Report

Nothing to report

7.Treasurer’s Report

Nothing to report as there had been no transactions since the last meeting.

8.Other Reports

a) Wiltshire Council

(Cllr Graham Alexander for Cllr Brian Dalton)

Public consultations for the yellow lines at Parsonage Green and the traffic order for Saxon Road run until 7th and 22nd April respectively.

A traffic order in respect of Hollows Close will be advertised in the Salisbury Journal on 27th Mar 2014. The public consultation runs until 22nd Apr 2014.

These two measures have near 100% residents backing.

The Reverend Becky Roberts said that the Church have offered parking in the St Georges Hall car park to parents for the first and last hour of the school day to alleviate any problems with parking should double yellow lines be agreed.

Cllr Dalton has met with Tim Woolford and David Arnup from WCC to agree what work needed to be done on the crossing point and bank on Coombe Road.

b) SalisburyCity Council

(Cllr Sven Hocking)

Cllr Sven Hocking told the meeting that work on the Market Square has now been completed.

The Area Board has rejected Sainsbury’s planning application for a new store on the Southampton Road. Cllr Collier said that it is likely that Sainsburys will not give up easily and that we should expect them to appeal.

Cllr Hocking drew our attention to the newly refurbished Tourist Information Centre at the back of the Guild Hall. He has visited it and was impressed with what has been done and the services provided.

Cllr John Collier reported that the tree on Parsonage Green will be tidied up following it’s demise during the recent bad weather. He also reported that the John McNeil grant had come to an end but this did not mean that the centre was closing but carrying on with less money.

c) Website

Cheryl Sibson told the meeting that this was ongoing but has stalled due to a fault with her computer has been unable to do any work on it.


John Collier told the meeting that the Speed Watch group had carried out it’s 100th session and that they had a good pool of volunteers.

9.Any Other Business

a)Trees in Essex Square - Cllr Graham Alexander told the meeting that, the trees in Essex Square have been treated and pruned, the whole estate is being painted and that the new road surface is already beginning to lift. The Highways Department has been notified.

b)Litter - David Barter said that there was a considerable problem with litter on the strip of land between the Bournemouth Road running from the Nisa shop up to the Dairy. It is not clear as to the ownership of this strip of land and therefore where responsibility lies for clearing the litter.

10.Date of Next Meeting

7.30 pm28 May 2014 St Georges Hall Meeting Room

11.Other Meeting Dates for 2014

7.30 pmWed 23 July 2014St Georges Hall Meeting Room

7.30 pmWed 24 September 2014 (AGM)St Georges Hall Main Hall

7.30 pmWed 26November 2014St Georges Hall Meeting Room

Appendix 1

Contact details for WCC Housing Estate Officer

Michele Chilcott

Housing Estate Officer

Tel: 01722 434299

E Mail:

The Council House

Bourne Hill

