Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Chelmsford Hockey Club held at Chelmer Park on Friday 22 June 2012 at 8pm.

1. Present: President, Chairman and 29 members (details recorded in minute book).

Apologies: 18 members (details recorded in minute book).

2. Adoption of the minutes of the AGM held on Friday 24 June 2011

The minutes were confirmed and signed as a correct record by the President having been proposed by Fred Matthews, seconded by Matt Pappin.

3. Matters arising.


4. To receive the Chairman’s report.

a. A report (attached in minute book) was circulated by Spencer Wilcox. He highlighted the fantastic efforts of the captains over the season and working together with the Borough Council and England Hockey looks forward to making the best of the Olympic legacy.

b. At the proposal of Chris Randall, seconded by David Young, the report was adopted.

5. To receive the Treasurer’s report and to approve the accounts for the year ending 31 May 2012.

a. The treasurer circulated his report (attached in minute book) and copies of the draft accounts. The following points arose and were discussed:

·  Remarkable level of subs (despite being a team down) thanks to Peter Carter (membership sec), would have been £2.3k down without his efforts

·  By the end of Peter’s exercise there are no non-members playing

·  Possibility of up to £9k refund from Anglian Water due to water leak and therefore wrongly imposed sewage charges

·  With a loss of £4k this year, why is no change to subs proposed? If the expenditure is analysed there are one-off expenses for kit, equipment, scoreboard and training software which when excluded would have left a break even figure.

b. At the proposal of Bryan Heelis, seconded by Crawford McKee, it was agreed to adopt the accounts.

6. To set the subscriptions and match fees for the 2012/13 season.

a. No proposal to alter from 2011/12 rate but to give further consideration next year.

b. At the proposal of Bryan Heelis, seconded by Chris Randall, the proposed subscriptions and match fees for the year were agreed.

7. To receive a report on the Chelmsford Sports Club

a. The Sports Club representative gave an oral report advising the usual efforts have been made on the clubhouse which is looking in good shape, but emphasised the need for all members to use it as much as possible. Profit on the bar was down £1k. There had been discussions on expenditure which the roof needing replacing soon, with only minor patching required at the moment, carpet has been replaced (now green), bar stewards need replacing, thanks recorded to Nigel King and Ian Hunter. Explanation of differences between usage by hockey/cricket sections but common theme that both need to use as much as possible.

b. At the proposal of Fred Matthews, seconded by Jonny Wilcox, the report was adopted.

8. To receive a report on the Youth Section

a. Time-consuming renewal of Clubs First application which expired in November 2011. Accreditation expected for start of next season, now an ongoing process of renewal rather than leaving now for next 3 years.

b. Links with local schools reinvigorated – St Johns, Chelmsford County High, Mildmay, Baddow Hall. Slight disappointment in lack of interest to take up free coaching but hope successful. Extend programme to interest players at all levels, desperately need boys.

c. January – indoor tournament at Brentwood – u10 to u18.

d. Congratulations to several individual youth members.

e. Zevenbergen a success, 84 visitors from Holland and u18 boys from Lisbon, dates already set for 2013.

f. Youth committee – proposal to restructure to focus more effectively on affairs. A number of people stepping down, thanks recorded to Polly Bird, Mark Clark, Graham Rumbold, Amanda Waite.

g. At the proposal of Jonny Wilcox, seconded by Mark Harrison, the report was adopted.

9. To receive a report on Facilities Management

a.  The facilities manager circulated his report (attached in minute book), the principal items have been the scoreboard and the pitch.

b.  Questioned whether we are redistributing algae from the brushes by not cleaning machine between pitch cleans

c.  At the proposal of Chris Randall, seconded by David Lines, the report was adopted.

10. Update on the Club Development Strategy – progress and next steps

a. Change in youth structure, looking for a development director to support the youth coming through to adult section but also continue with Chair of Playing Committee. Aim to ensure male and female players playing in right teams and receiving right coaching. Have all coaches playing the same system and L1/M1 coach overseen by the director.

b. Bringing youth and adult sections together.

c. Youth members discontent with standard of hcokey can be counteracted by Development Director/Chair of Playing Committee having time to implement academy. In 1-3 years see members increasing and also more attractive to schools. Closer knit across club.

11. Election of Officers for the 2012/13 season

a. The details of the officers elected are in the attached schedule (attached in minute book).

b. The President recorded thanks to all outgoing officers; and thanks to all those officers who had submitted reports and for their efforts over the year.

12. To appoint an accountant to review the accounts

It was agreed that the re-appointment of Edmund Carr would be remitted to the Management Committee.

Proposed by Ursula Heelis, seconded by Mark Harrison.

13. Any Other Business

There being no other business the meeting closed at 21:35 hours.


June 2013


Office / Elected Official / Proposed / Seconded
President / Nigel King / Ian Hunter / David Carr
Chairman / Spencer Wilcox / *
Treasurer / Doug Denman / *
Secretary / Janine Martin / Peter Hollebon / Crawford McKee
Fixture Secretary (Ladies) / Fred Matthews / *
Fixture Secretary (Men’s) / Fred Matthews / *
Facilities manager / Crawford McKee / *
1st XI manager (ladies) / Gordon Heggie / Mark Butterworth / *
1st XI manager (men’s) /

Angus Rayner

/ *
Chairman of Selection Cttee (ladies) /

Sam Blair

/ *
Chairman of Selection Cttee (men’s) /
Jonny Wilcox
/ *
Chairman of Playing Cttee /

Owen Thom

/ Jonny Wilcox / Adam Hunter
Youth section representative /

David Kitchiner

/ *
Chelmsford Sports Club rep / Chris Randall / *
League liaison officers:
Ladies EHL / Gordon Heggie / *
Men’s EHL / Angus Rayner / *
Ladies - Essex league / Kat Hales / *
East League /

Kat Hales

/ *
Umpires Secretary (East league) /
Bunny King
/ *
Umpires Secretary (Essex league) / Bunny King / *
1st XI ladies / Hayley Heggie / Louisa Taylor / Sue Rhodes / Adam Hunter
1st XI men’s / Adam Hunter / *
2nd XI ladies / Ally Farrar / *
2nd XI men’s /

Nathan Spargo

/ Jonny Wilcox / Carl Wright
3rd XI ladies /

Remitted to MC

3rd XI men’s /

Simon King

/ Carl Wright / Danny McCamlie
4th XI ladies /

Sue Rhodes

/ *
4th XI men’s / Danny McCamilie / Matt Pappin / Jonny Wilcox
5th XI ladies /

Remitted to MC

5th XI men’s /

Paul Fielding

/ *
6th XI men’s / N/A / N/A
Vets XI men’s / David Woods / *
Evergreens / Peter Hollebon / *
Ladies Veterans /
Karen Cooper
/ *
Indoor Ladies (east and national) / Hayley Heggie / *
Indoor Men’s (east and national) / Owen Thom / Adam Hunter / Danny McCamlie
Indoor Men’s (Essex) / Simon King / *
Indoor Women’s Essex / Kat Hales / *
Mixed XI /
Bryan Baker
/ Danny McCamlie / Matt Pappin
VPs /
Fred Matthews
/ Peter Hollebon / Bryan Heelis
Reviewer of accounts /
Edmund Carr & Sons
Sponsorship and marketing Sec /
Doug Denman
/ *
Membership secretary /
Peter Carter
/ *
Press officer & media relations / Remitted to MC
Social Secretary / Becca Budd / *
Bar Secretary / Remitted to MC

All those marked * were proposed en bloc by Fred Matthews and seconded by Bryan Heelis and elected unopposed