Cheever: Ruth Putnam isn’t in the courts, neither are the other kids.

Danforth: Kids, take a seat. Mary Warren has given her testimony. She has said that she never saw the Devil. She also says that none of you have seen him either. Now, kiddos, this a court. A court of law. A court of law that is based on the Bible—the Bible written by a Holy God—refuses to allow witchcraft, and claim death as the penalty for anyone who practices witchcraft! On the other hand, the Bible also does not allow people to say bad things about one another. We are considering that Mary Warren has given this testimony to lie to us about your involvement with witchcraft. We can also assume that Mary Warren has been taken by the Devil. If this is really true, she will be punished—we will break her neck. Butttttttt, if her words are true, please just confess it. If you just ‘fess up, your punishment will be lighter. Will the real Abigail Williams please stand up??? **Abby rises** Is there any truth in what Mary Warren says?

Abigail: It’s not true.

Danforth: Well kids, I hate to do this, but we will drill a true confession out of your soul. Are you going to ‘fess up, or am I going to have to question you individually?

Abigail: Dude, I’m confused… I told you the truth, so I can’t “’fess” up, as you say. It’s Mary Warren who lies! She’s craycray.

Danforth to Mary: Are you changing your mind on your testimony? Or do you still claim that all these little gals are involved in witchcraft?

Mary Warren: Duh, I have nothing to lie about!

Danforth turns to Abigail: A itty bitty puppet was found in Mr. John Proctor’s house. The puppet had a needle stickin’ in its belly. Mary Warren, here, claims that you were sitting beside her in the courtroom as she worked on making it. She said herself that you saw her stick a needle into its belly so she wouldn’t lose it. What do you have to say about that?

Abigail: Oh, oh, oh, THAT is a LIE!

Danforth: When you were working at Proctor’s house did you see any poppets sitting around?

Abigail: Geeze Louise, Goody Proctor ALWAYS kept puppets around!

Proctor: Judge, my wife never kept any puppets in the house. My crazy servant, Mary Warren, always kept the puppets… not my WIFE!

Hathorne: But a puppet can hold powers for up to 15 years, right?

Proctor: I guess, but Mary Warren swears she never saw a puppet in the house.

Parris: Well, isn’t it possible…maybe, just maybe…that the puppets were hidden to where no one would see them?

Proctor: There could be a dragon with five legs in my house, too, but no one has ever seen THAT!

Parris: Judge, the whole purpose for us being here is to find out what the Proctor is trying to hide.

Proctor: Judge Danforth, what is it going to benefit to question this girl??

I mean, really?? What is it going to benefit Mary?

Danforth: Do you understand that you are accusing Abigail Williams with plotting to commit murder?

Proctor: I do, but she is plotting to commit murder!

Danforth in disbelief: This girl, THIS GIRL, this little girl wants to murder your wife!?!!?!??!

Proctor: She is NOT a little girl!! She was kicked out of the church twice this year for laughing during prayer! She’s not as innocent as you think!!

Danforth shocked and looking at Abigail: Laughter!? During prayer!?!?!

Parris: Judge, Judge, it wasn’t her fault!! Tituba had a spell put on her. She was under Tituba’s power at that time, but she has apologized for her wrong-doings. She is right with God now.

Giles: Yeah right! She’s “right” with God now, but she wants to lie about other people and make them hang!?

Danforth: SHUT UP!

Hathorne: Why do we need to question her?? He is accusing her of murder!

Danforth: Yes, you’re right. Looks at Abigail for a moment. Go on, Mr. Proctor.

Proctor: Mary, tell the Governor how you danced in the woods last night.

Parris: Judge, this man has done nothing but try to spread lies about me and ruin my name in Salem. He, he-

Danforth: Hush. You can finish talking in a minute. Looks to Mary Warren.Tell me more about this dancing.

Mary Warren: Well, uhmm, uhh, well, Looks at Abigail who will not make eye contact with Mary. Mr. Proctor…he…--

Proctor: Abigail led the girls away into the woods. They danced there… NAKED!!

Parris: Your Honor, this…this is outrageous!

Proctor: Judge, Mr. Parris found these girls a-dancin’ naked HIMSELF! And you called Abigail a child…what child dances naked in the woods!?

Danforth surprised again, and looks to Parris for an explanation: Would you care to explain this, Mr. Parris?

Parris: Sir, sir, I did NOT find any of them naked!! See, I told you, Mr. Proctor is making up lies about me!

Danforth: But, you did find them dancing in the woods? Abigail, is this true?

Hale: Judge, when I first came to Salem, that is what Mr. Parris told me.

Danforth: Can you deny this Mr. Parris?

Parris: I cannot. I did not see any of the girls naked!

Danforth: But were they dancing??

Parris: …Yes, sir.

Danforth sees Abigail through new eyes.

Hathorne: Judge, will you please allow me? As he points to Mary Warren.

Danforth: Yes, please proceed.

Hathorne: Mary, you say you never saw any of the Devil’s spirits, that you were never threatened or hurt in any way by the Devil or his workers.

Mary Warren: Right, Mr. Hathorne.

Hathorne: And yet, when people who were accused of witchcraft were in the courts and you saw them, you said that you were able to feel the Devil’s spirit come out of their bodies and choke you…

Mary Warren: Sir, I’ve already told you…I was just pretending!

Danforth: Huh? Speak up! I can’t hear you.

Mary Warren: I said…THAT IT WAS ALL JUST PRETEND! I didn’t mean anything by it, sir.

Parris: But your skin did turn cold, right? I mean, I felt it and your skin was icy. Mr. Danforth, surely you know what this means!

Danforth: I’ve seen this happen many times before!

Proctor: She’s already told you—she was just pretending! She didn’t mean to faint. Judge, all these girls are perfect at pretending…I mean, they’re girls! What do you expect?? Manipulative little crazies…

Hathorne: Let’s see it! Can she pretend to faint now??

Proctor: Right now?

Parris: Sure, let’s have it! She doesn’t have any spirits inside of her and there isn’t anyone in this room that is accused of witchcraft. Let her body turn cold now! Let her pretend that she has been attacked by the Devil now—let her faint! Turns to look at Mary Warren. Faint, sister! I said, “FAINTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!”

Mary Warren: uhhh…Faint???

Parris: Yes. You. Heard. Me. I said, “FAINT!” Show us how you can pretend so easily!

Mary Warrenlooks to Proctor: I cannot faint right this second, sir.

Proctor: cannot pretend to faint??

Mary Warren: Well, I, uhh…I just can’t do it right now.

Danforth: Why? What’s the issue with doing it right now?

Mary Warren: I, I, I cannot tell you that right now…

Danforth: Could it be that the Devil’s spirit isn’t loose in here, but that it is in the court?

Mary Warren: But I told you…I didn’t feel any spirits in the court!

Parris: Then faint now. Prove it to us! Prove to us that you CAN faint, and that you were just pretending to faint.

Mary Warren stares blankly, then shakes her head: I…I just can’t do it!

Parris: Then confess that the Devil’s spirits attacked you! Confess that the spirits made you faint!

Mary Warren: No, no, I will not confess something that is not true.

Parris: Your Honor, she’s trying to trick us! She is trying to trick the court and its officials.

Mary Warren: I am NOT trying to trick you or anyone else! I used to be able to faint because I thought I saw the Devil’s spirits, but I was mistaken!

Danforth: You thought you saw the Devil’s spirits!?

Mary Warren: But I didn’t! I didn’t see them! I was mistaken!

Hathorne: How could you make this mistake? How could you think you saw them one minute, but then claim that you didn’t the next?

Mary Warren: I can’t tell you how I did, but I did. I heard the other girls screaming and since you, Judge, seemed to believe them, I had no choice but to agree with you and the rest of the world who were accusing them!

Danforth stares at Mary Warren

Parrissmiling, but nervous because it seems as if Danforth believes Mary Warren’s story: You Honor…surely you’re not going to believe this girl!?

Danforth turns to Abigail: Abigail. Tell me the truth, girl. Be careful with how you answer because God’s wrath can be terrible on those who murder others without a legitimate cause. Is it possible that you were mistaken about the spirits also? Could you have been pretending, too?

Abigail: Well, isn’t that a stupid question?

Danforth: Abigail, I just want you to consider the question…could it be true?

Abigail: I was stabbed because of the puppet!! My belly was bleeding from this injury! I have done my job to bring justice to those people who are taken by the Devil—and this is how I’m rewarded?? I am questioned, mistrusted, and denied…like I am the criminal!

Danforth weakening under the weight of her words: Abigail, I do not mistrust you…

Abigail threatening: You think you’re so high and mighty that Hell cannot get you? Well, watch yourself! Watch that you are not taken by the Devil’s spirits!!

Abigail appears frightened all of a sudden.

Danforth: What is it, Abigail?

Abigaillooks about the room and clasps her arms together as if she is cold: I…I am not sure…A cold, cold wind has come into this room. She turns to stare at Mary Warren.

Mary Warren terrified and pleading: Abby!!

Mercy Lewis, shivering: Your Honor, I’m freezing too!!

Proctor: They are pretending!!

Hathornetouches Abigail’s hand: She is cold! Touch her, Your Honor!

Mercy Lewis teeth chattering as she speaks: Mary, did you send this spirit on me to make me shiver?

Mary Warren: Oh dear Lord, SAVE ME!

Susanna Walcott: I’m freezing! I’m freezing, too!

Abigail: It is a wind! The Devil’s wind sent by Mary Warren!

Mary Warren: Abby!! Please, please don’t do this!

Danforth: Mary Warren, c’mon. Seriously. Did you send the Devil’s spirit on her to witch her?

Mary Warren cries out hysterically and starts to run, but Proctor catches her.

Mary Warren: Let go of me, Mr. Proctor!

Abigail, crying out to the heavens: Oh, Heavenly Father, dear God, please take away this wind and spirit of the Devil!

Without any warning, Proctor leaps towards Abigail and grabs her by the hair. He pulls her to her feet. She screams out in pain and Danforth shouts, “What do you think you’re doing!?!” Hathorne and Parris shout at the same time, “LET GO OF HER!!!!” and above all of their voices, Proctor’s voice roars:

Proctor: HOW DO YOU CALL OUT TO THE HEAVENS!?!?!?!?! YOU ARE A WHORE!!!!!!! A WHORE, I SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Herrick breaks Proctor’s grip on Abigail.

Herrick: JOHN!

Danforth: JOHN! What are you thinking?!

Proctor: She is a whore!!!!!! I know she is!!!!!

Danforth completely dumbfounded: You charge this??

Abigail: Mr. Danforth—he is lying!!

Proctor: Watch her! She will try to kill me for admitting this!

Danforth: Well, you have to prove it! We cannot overlook this charge without you proving it!

Proctor trembling because he knows he is about to ruin his life with this confession: We had an affair, sir. I slept with her.

Danforth: You. Did. What!? You have committed adultery!?!?!?!?!?!!

Francis amazed and horrified: John—you cannot admit to such a thing!

Proctor: Francis, I only wish you were as evil as I am, then you would know how terrible of a person I am. I wouldn’t make this crap up just to ruin my own name!!

Danforth still dumbfounded by this admission from Proctor: When did this affair happen??

Proctor is about to lose it at this time: We did it in the barn. Eight months ago. When she was my servant. He is about to cry…Oh, good grief. God sees everything, which I know now. Please, please. See her as the whore she is. My wife, my dear, precious wife, fired this girl once she found out. Judge, please, please forgive me. Abigail thinks she will take my wife’s place if my wife dies. In the past, she probably would have because I thought about her in that way. I wanted her. But because she is a whore, she has revenge out on my family and myself! Punish me as you see fit, but I had to tell you the truth.

Danforth in full astonishment of the confession, turns to Abigail: You deny every scrap and tittle of this??

Abigail: If you’re going to make me answer that, I will leave and never come back again!

Danforth seems unsure of what to do next.

Proctor: I have announced my wrong-doing to the whole world. I have ruined my good name. Now believe me—my wife is innocent! The only thing she is guilty of is knowing a whore when she sees one!

Abigail noticing that Danforth is looking at her accusingly: Why are you looking at me like that? I’ll not allow you to look at me like that! She turns and starts to leave.

Danforth: YOU WILL NOT MOVE!! STAY WHERE YOU ARE! Herrick steps up to block her path. She looks back at him with fire in her eyes. Mr. Parris, go find Goody Proctor in the courtroom and bring her in here.

Parris: But, Judge, I…I—

Danforth, sharply to show his authority: Bring. Goody. Proctor. In. Here. NOWWWW!!!!!! Whatever you do, do NOT tell her what we’ve spoken of in here. When you come back with her, knock at the door. To Proctor: Do you promise that she is an honest woman?

Proctor: She has never told a lie in her whole life. She is not able to lie! Trust me, I’ve had to sacrifice much to learn this lesson.

Danforth: And you say that she fired Abigail because she was a whore?

Proctor: You got that right!

Danforth: Good. He turns to Abigail to talk: If what Proctor says is true, and Elizabeth Proctor confirms it, may God have mercy on you! There is a knock at the door. Just a sec! To Abigail: Turn around! Turn around! To Proctor: You turn around too! Both turn their backs to the door. Make sure that neither of you turn around to face Goody Proctor, understand? No one else is to speak while she is in here. He turns to face the door and calls for them to enter. Goody Proctor stands by herself, searching for her husband in the small crowded room. Mr. Cheever—take detailed notes on this testimony. Are you ready to begin?

Cheever: Yep, I sho’ is ready!

Danforth: Woman, come here. Elizabeth Proctor comes to him glancing at Proctor’s back. Look only at me—not at your husband! Look in my eyes sir!

Elizabeth: Okay, sir.

Danforth: It has been brought to our attention that you fired your servant, Abigail Williams.

Elizabeth: Yesssss, that is true….???

Danforth: What was the reason for you firing her? There is a slight pause, and Elizabeth tries to look at her husband. I said you will look in my eyes ONLY and not at your husband! You don’t need any help to answer me—I’m asking for what you remember.

Elizabeth not knowing what to sayand sensing that something is going on, stalls for time: Her service displeased me…and my husband.

Danforth: In what way did she displease you, Goody Proctor?

Elizabeth: She was…glances at her husband for a cue on how to answer.

Danforth: WOMAN! I SAID TO ONLY LOOK AT ME!!!! Elizabeth looks back at Danforth. Was she messy? Was she lazy? What did she do??

Elizabeth: Judge, sir, I…during this time I was sick. My husband is a good man. A righteous man! He doesn’t drink or waste time playing games. He is always, always working hard. But when I was sick, you see, I thought he didn’t love me anymore. I thought he was beginning to love someone else. And Abigail..well, Abigail….Elizabeth looks towards Abigail.

Danforth: LOOK! AT! ME!

Elizabeth: Yes, sir. Abigail Williams…

Danforth: What about Abigail Williams?

Elizabeth: Well, I began to think that my husband liked Abigail Williams. One night I went crazy, and I fired her.

Danforth: Did your husband actually make moves on Abigail? Did he actually stop loving you?

Elizabeth in agony: …My husband is a good man, sir.