Cheetwood Community Primary School

Year 1 Curriculum News - Autumn Term 2 2014

Class Teacher: Mrs Solomon Teaching Assistants: Mrs Tomlinson and

Mrs Ahmed

Topic – ‘The Very Hungry Ladybird’

·  Geography

Seasonal Changes: answering questions about the weather, keeping a weather chart, explaining what different clothes we would wear at different times of the year, explaining how the weather changes with each season.

·  Science

Light and Dark: identify and name sources of light, explain what darkness is, compare sources of light, observe and describe shadows during the day, know the sun lights up the earth, stay safe when observing the sun, describe how the sun moves across the sky, recognise that electricity is an important source of light and some everyday appliances that use electricity.

·  PSHE and RE

Relationships and Anti-Bullying: how to recognise bullying and abuse, how to develop and maintain a variety of healthy relationships.

Light: Christingle, how it is used in the celebration of Christmas

·  Art

Collage – Eric Carle: looking at layering techniques and using different materials e.g. paper, cardboard, fabric, plastic and comparing techniques.

·  Music

Learning Christmas songs

·  Computing

Graphics and programming Beebots

How you can support your child:

·  Discuss with your child what they have learnt in Topic.

·  Talk about Bullying and how we should ask for help and be kind to each other.

·  Talk to your child about seasonal changes, about the days getting shorter and darker. Discuss safety around the sun and how to keep safe at night - how people can see you while walking in the dark.


Stories with patterned language – Eric Carle

·  Reading and writing stories with patterned languages

·  Looking at non- fiction books and understanding information about seasons, weather, light and dark.

·  Reading and writing poetry about winter and Christmas.

·  Using chronological vocabulary to describe life events, e.g. before, after that, now and then.

·  Using conjunctions such as and, or, but, so, because, then and after. Using sentence openers such as while, when and where. Also using punctuation such as full stops and question marks.


·  Reading and writing numbers to 100

·  Learning pairs of numbers that equal 2,3,4,5 and 10

·  Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s

·  Learning the days of the week and ordering the months

·  Counting and using 1p, 10p and £1 coins

Helping your child at home

·  Help them with their Talk Homework.

·  Retell stories you have shared with your child and encourage them to use story language.

·  Practise counting to 100 in ones and then 10s.

·  Practise counting to 50 in 5s.

·  Practise counting in 2s to 20.

·  Order and write numbers to 100.

·  Learn number bonds to 10 and 15.

·  Please take time to read with your child every night and make a note in their reading diaries

Useful websites

The BBC site has a schools area with lots of games and learning resources for English and maths. - lots of activities and learning resources.

We also have links on our own website and will be developing these throughout the year.


We will be continuing to practise throwing and catching; exploring different ways to jump, roll and balance; and following instructions in dance. We will be having Yoga lessons.

Pupils will be doing PE on the following days:

Outdoor Games - Friday

Dance/Gymnastics - Tuesday

Please can you ensure that your child has their PE kit in school on these days or if you wish you can leave their PE kit in school all week and take it home to be washed at the weekend. As pupils are not permitted to wear any jewellery for PE it helps if earrings and other jewellery are not worn to school on the PE days.


Each week your child will be given:

·  A piece of talk homework – this is to help them with their Big Write on Monday morning. Please find time over the weekend to talk to your child about this homework.

A short piece of Maths and English homework is given out on Friday

·  This needs to be returned by Wednesday.

·  A set of spellings to be learnt for a test on Fridays.

·  They will also be given a short list of tricky words to learn to read and spell. There will be a spelling test each Friday


·  If you wish to speak to me or Mrs Tomlinson please feel free to drop in class after school. If it is something important you can speak to us in the morning, to enable us to support your child. Alternatively you can send me an email on: