Cheetham Church of England Community Academy

Pupil Premium Grant

Strategy Statement 2017-18

Overview Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have received free school meals at any point in the last six years. Looked after children and children whose parents are serving in the armed forces are also entitled to Pupil Premium funding. The Pupil Premium is used to raise the attainment of disadvantaged children and narrow the gap between them and their peers.


 The Pupil Premium will be used to provide additional educational support to improve the progress and to raise the standard of achievement for these pupils for these pupils.

 The funding will be used to narrow and close the gap between the achievement of these pupils and their peers.

 As far as its power allows the school will use additional funding to address any underlying inequalities between children eligible for Pupil Premium and others.

 We will ensure that the additional funding reaches pupils who need it most and that it makes a significant impact on their education and lives.

We use the Pupil Premium in 4 main areas:

Achievement and Standards

 To raise the attainment of identified children in order to narrow the gap.

 To ensure better than average progress for identified learners.


 To provide first hand experiences for children in relation to their learning.

Therapeutic Work

 To provide therapeutic interventions for identified children and measure their impact upon outcomes.


 To support our more vulnerable families in relation to attendance, punctuality and social care.

 Ensuring all learners are fully included.


*We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of the pupils.

 We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed.

 In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged.

 We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals.

 Pupil premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals. Limited funding and resources means that not all children receiving free school meals will be in receipt of pupil premium interventions at one time.

 Where possible we use pupil premium funding in ways which benefits all pupils, not just those currently eligible, for example funding additional professional development time for teachers and TAs enhances and develops their practice and leads to rising standards for all.

1.Summary information
Academic Year / 2017-2018 / Total PP budget (indicative) / £233,534 / Date of most recent PP Review / Nov 2017
Total number of pupils / 620 / Number of pupils eligible for PP / 171 / Date for next internal review of this strategy. / Nov 2018
2. Current attainment and progress for disadvantaged pupils
School % / Pupils eligible for PPG, BVPS
(schools own data2017) / National All Pupils
Key Stage Two 2017
% achieving expected + in reading, writing and maths / 51% / 71% / 53%
% achieving expected + in reading / 60% / 75% / 66%
% achieving expected + in writing / 84% / 83% / 74%
% achieving expected + in maths / 69% / 79% / 70%
% achieving expected + in SPAG / 74.5% / 79% / 72%
% achieving Greater Depth in reading, writing and maths / 1.8% / 4.2% / 9%
% achieving Greater Depth in reading / 14.5% / 21% / 25%
% achieving Greater Depth in writing / 7.3% / 13% / 18%
% achieving Greater Depth in maths / 29.1% / 38% / 17%
% achieving Greater Depth in SPAG / 24% / 29% / 31%
Progress score for reading / +0.04 / +0.79 / 0.00
Progress score for writing / +2.46 / +1.51 / 0.00
Progress score for maths / +2.47 / +3.55 / 0.00
Key Stage One 2017
% achieving expected + in reading / 58 / 46 / 76
% achieving expected+ in writing / 49 / 46 / 68
% achieving expected +in maths / 60 / 64 / 75
% achieving Greater Depth in reading / 13 / 14 / 16
% achieving Greater Depth in writing / 4 / 9 / 21
% achieving Greater Depth in maths / 14 / 14 / 25
Phonics Check 2017
At end of Year Two / 99 / 93% / 92%
Year One % meeting the expected standard / 73 / 63.2 / 81%
Early Years Foundation Stage 2017
% obtaining Good Level of Development / 61% / 88% / 71%
3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant, including high achievers).
In-school barriers
A. / Official Pupil Premium numbers are falling significantly, but this does not reflect what we know about our families. Universal Free School Meals is believed to be partly responsible for this, as is the changing nature of our family backgrounds / countries of origin
B. / Reading and Writing attainment for disadvantaged boys is significantly lower across almost all year groups
C. / At the end of Key Stage One not enough pupils eligible for PPG reached the expected standard in reading and writing. This was due to 20% of PP pupils with SEND or either new arrivals to the school.
D. / Review new system in place to monitor the impact of PP interventions.
External barriers
E. / An expectation of 97% attendance has raised whole school attendance figures, and attendance for disadvantaged pupils for 2016-17 was below National average. Extended leave by some of our non-disadvantaged families is believed to have resulted in these figures.
F. / Children enter our school with speech, language and communication development well below that expected of their age.
4. Outcomes
Desired outcomes and how they will be measured
Barrier A / Ensure that all families who are eligible for Pupil Premium support are identified and aware of the necessity of accessing this support.
Review procedures for ensuring all pupils are checked for eligibility on a regular basis. Ensure that all families who may be eligible for PP are aware of this right, focusing on targeting those in KS1 who may be receiving Universal Free School Meals. Review communication regarding PP with parents and families so they know how it can help their child in school. Identify and target those families who are not PP, but whom we believe may be eligible based on what we know about family backgrounds and status. Target those families who are not PP, but are disadvantaged in other ways. Liaise with Pastoral and Welfare teams to target these families for further support.
Barrier B / Attainment for disadvantaged boys to improve significantly in English, with a particular focus on boys’ writing.
Whole-school focus on reading to continue to develop, using Pie Corbett’s Reading Spine to target disadvantaged and reluctant reading groups to engage with reading. English Leads (MK&HT) has a detailed plan for diminishing the difference in whole-school English attainment, which includes a specific focus on disadvantaged groups. Further investment to be made into promoting disadvantaged boys’ reading across school through the purchases of further reading resources. Whole-school adoption of the Primary Writing Project, to focus on developing Teaching and Learning experiences for all children to improve writing skills. Monitoring of children’s attitudes to English is embedded within the PWP, and baseline data has been collected which can be more directly used to monitor impact on disadvantaged groups.
Barrier C / Higher rates of progress expected across key stage One for pupils eligible for PP and other disadvantaged groups.
At the end of Key Stage One the gap between the attainment of pupils eligible for the PPG and all pupils will narrow and become closer to the national average in all subjects.
Consistent systems for targeting, tracking and increasing accountability for disadvantaged groups of children will improve the identification of best practice and areas of concern. This will lead to further intervention and training to allow all pupils to thrive. Difference is diminishing between PP pupils and all pupils nationally, with aspirational target for 70% of all pupil s to achieve ARE. Disadvantaged groups in KS1 to receive focused support and short-term intervention in order to accelerate their progress in RWM.
PP children in Y2 and Y6 to receive further intervention earlier in the year in order to diminish the difference in end-of-year data. Interventions to be much more focused on using advice from EEF toolkits. Where interventions are having little sustained impact, these will be re-evaluated on a regular basis and adapted accordingly. Staff will require further training and CPD to encourage further accountability for progress. Evaluation of impact will also be encouraged further from support staff who lead these interventions.
Barrier D / Monitoring and tracking the progress of Pupil Premium / Disadvantaged groups to be standardised across the school, using a PP provision mapping system which also includes information about Barriers to learning as well as G&T pupils.
Pupil Premium agenda in school to be continued to be given a higher priority within monitoring of the quality of teaching and learning. Clear systems in place for the identification of PP children in each class, year-group and phase. Pupil groups to be tracked more consistently across school and further barriers to learning to be identified more consistently.
PP Lead to continue to monitor systems in school. Pupils in classes and their work to be more subtly visible to enable more effective targeting of pupils within teaching, as well as enabling clearer monitoring of progress.
To put effective support in place to target the barriers to children’s learning.
Barrier E / Attendance and Punctuality for specific disadvantaged families to increase to meet whole-school expectations.
Continue to encourage high-levels of attendance and punctuality across the school. Continue to reduce the number of absentees among pupils eligible for PP to 5% or below. Overall PP attendance improves to 97%.
Reward 100% attendance and punctuality each week / half-term, and Pupils with 100% attendance at end of year to be targeted for further reward. PP class profiles to be updated each half-term, including attendance and punctuality data for children. Class Teachers to actively encourage children and families whose attendance may be beginning to show concern. Disadvantaged pupils with more significant attendance / punctuality issues to be targeted by pastoral team
Barrier F / An early screening tool will be introduced in EYFS to sort children into red, amber and green bands based on their speech, language and communication and be used, alongside speech and language therapist support, to identify and intervene early with children with high levels of difficulty. CLLD at, or above, age related expectations by the end of Nursery will increase to 50%+ and by the end of Reception to 80%+
Speech and language therapy support across the whole school and also develop capacity building.
5. Planned expenditure - £233,534
Academic Year 2017/18
  1. Quality of teaching for all

Desired Outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice / How will we ensure it is implemented well? / Staff Lead / Cost / Review dates
Outcome 3- Barrier C
Higher rates of progress across all key stages for pupils eligible for PP. All PP pupils make good progress and the difference is diminishing between PP pupils and all pupils nationally / PP / Disadvantaged pupils to be specifically targeted within class-teaching and subtly identifiable for any adult in the classroom.
Termly tracking of PP outcomes compared with non-disadvantaged groups. / Enhanced systems for identifying barriers to different learning alongside other patterns in specific group’s means that these can be targeted within provision.
We now have a PP Lead who will ensure that PP/ Disadvantaged pupils are tracked and appropriate interventions are put in place / evaluated on a regular basis. / -Whole-school monitoring to include a PP focus.
-PP groups should be subtly indicated in all classrooms, ensuring that all adults are aware of provision for these children. -Weekly before /after school provision targeted at all PP pupil groups.
-Targeted additional adult support in every classroom -Higher expectations in terms of accountability for PP children for all. / SLT Class Teachers TAs / £15,098 (1 day per half term) / Feb
Outcome 3- Barrier C
Intervention programmes for disadvantaged pupils to focus on short-term, sustained impact, which is rigorously monitored and evaluated. These will be more specifically tailored to pupil need in each year group. / Enhance provision of resources for PP children:
-Use of ICT - (ipad /apps) to promote independent learning in Phonics, English and Maths.
-Further provision for INA
-Y2 SATS booster support
-Y6 SATs booster support / EEF- when TAs are used to deliver high-quality structured interventions, they can typically generate three to four additional months’ progress for pupils struggling in literacy and numeracy.
Most teachers are already using data well to address underperformance quickly. TAs now also have accountability for this process.
Enhanced systems for identifying barriers to different learning alongside other patterns in specific group’s means that these can be targeted within provision.
PP Lead who will ensure that PP/ Disadvantaged pupils are tracked and appropriate interventions are put in place / evaluated on a regular basis. / Whole-school monitoring to include a PP focus.
PP groups should be subtly indicated in all classrooms, ensuring that all adults are aware of provision for these children, and able to target within lessons.
Support in every classroom Higher expectations in terms of accountability for PP children for all. / Whole School
YTL to monitor use of provision.
Class teachers
All TAs
Additional adult’s non class based.
Extra Teacher in Y6
ICT Resources. / £833.12
£7,410 / FEB 2018
Outcome 2 Barrier B
Attainment for disadvantaged boys to improve significantly in English, with a particular focus on boys’ writing.
and / Primary Writing Project / Boys’ engagement across the school is a concern, with most year groups having boys’ attainment as a concern. Boys performance in English is one of the contributing factors to our lower percentages of children at ARE.
Whilst behaviour is generally good at Cheetham, certain passive/non-passive behaviours continue to cause concern, with many children still not showing the resilience and self-motivation to extend themselves, despite being offered the opportunities within the classroom. Need to create engagement.
CPD is an important factor if staff have not got the appropriate knowledge and skills will affect the progress of children. / Raised accountability for all stakeholders Evidencing of impact to be at the forefront of all provision / intervention, in particular with PWP.
Higher numbers of PP boys meeting ARE and exceeding. Developing the love of reading through new books.
Provide CPD opportunities through Lesson study and coaching sessions. / Class Teachers
Books / £7,000
£20,000 / March 2018
Outcome 6 – Barrier F
In addition 80% of children accessing direct or indirect (TA delivered, under the supervision of Speech and Language Therapist) therapy will meet targets as set in their IEP or group plan. / -One half day a week commissioned support from speech and language therapist (Slt for kids) - Training - Screening - Direct therapy - Indirect therapy - Work with families
-Building capacity for EYFS TA’s in supporting the development of language of the children through interventions set up by SALT. / Research indicates that addressing language development early has positive impact on learning / Tracking and monitoring systems led by EYFS Leader Fed back to HT and DHT regularly / EYFS Leader
TAs / EYFS PP Budget
£1208.40 / Jan 2018
  1. Targeted Support

Desired Outcome / Chosen action / approach / What is the evidence and rationale for this choice / How will we ensure it is implemented well? / Staff Lead / Cost / Review dates
Outcome 2, 3 and 4
Barriers B, C and D
80% of pupils accessing The Sunshine Room or support from the pastoral team on a regular basis (6 sessions or more) will meet their short term targets, as set by the pastoral. Team. / Effective support in place to target the barriers to children’s learning. In particular supporting children’s SEMH needs.
This will be done via:
-The pastoral team to support pupils who need IBP and SEMH intervention. The children receiving the support to show a marked improvement in behaviour.
-Variety of interventions and mentor sessions in place to support the children’s needs.
- External support:
KW to come and carry out observations, meet parents and staff.
Support creating Profile of needs to support children’s SEMH needs
AH support staff
-Therapeutic staff to have regular supervision sessions and advice. / Raised self-esteem, promoting confidence and self –regulation. Increased attendance, motivation, improved behaviour for learning and higher achievement. / Regular Pupil Premium reviews (internal)
Monitoring systems including learning walks, drop-ins and pupil and staff voice.
Data analysis and pupil progress meetings
Regular pastoral meetings.
Use of SDQs and BOXALL profiles. / Pastoral team
Therapeutic Team
Supervision package
AH for half a term.
Support from KW External agency / £30,224
£1170 / MARCH 2018
Outcome 3- Barrier C
Intervention programmes for disadvantaged pupils to focus on short-term, sustained impact, which is rigorously monitored and evaluated. These will be more specifically tailored to pupil need in each year group. / Effective support in place to target the barriers to children’s learning. In particular supporting children’s barriers to learning in particular SEND needs.
This will be done via:
-External agency via AH carrying out assessments to find out barriers to children’s learning.
-Staff to use this knowledge in supporting the child in their class.
-EP 15 days of support
-The use of the KS1 hubs to support the children who are working behind ARE will have their needs met.
Y1 hub to be led by TA4
Y2 hub to be led by Sam Taylor / Early Identification will support pupils closing the gap. Expert support and advice will support strategic planning. Close the gap between PP children and non PP and raise attainment and achievement across school.
Raised self-esteem, promoting confidence and self –regulation. Increased attendance, motivation, improved behaviour for learning and higher achievement / Monitoring systems including learning walks, drop-ins and pupil and staff voice.