/ Student Government MInutes
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
9:03 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Student Union Coville Conference Room


  1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the general public and to all members of the CSU Channel Islands Student Government that:

A meeting of the Student Government Senate will be held on Wednesday, September 9th , 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union Conference Room (room 1080), located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:

Call to Order

  1. Call to Order – 9:03 a.m.
  2. Roll Call
  3. President – Monique Reyna (P)
  4. Vice President – Michelle Noyes (P)
  5. Senate
  6. Academic Affairs – Travis Hunt(P)
  7. Commuters & Transportation – Elizabeth Salgado(P)
  8. Housing & Residential Education – Hannah Senninger(P)
  9. Student Engagement – Tracy Davis (P)
  10. Veterans & Non Traditional – Matt Stanger(P)
  11. Wellness & Recreation – Aron Uribe(P)
  12. Executive.
  13. Director of Operations – Marlene Pelayo(P)
  14. Director of External Affairs – John Butzer(P)
  15. Director of Events –
  16. Chief of Staff –
  17. Interns
  18. Judicial.
  19. Chief Justice – James Forrester(P)
  20. Associate Justice –
  21. Associate Justice –
  22. Advisor – Genesis DeLong (L) – 9:36 a.m.

Advisor – Bethany Banuelos (P)

  1. Members of the public – Andrew Lorenzana
  1. Approval of the Agenda –
  2. Motion to approve the agenda made by Senator Hunt.
  3. Motion to approve the agenda seconded by Senator Davis.
  4. Approval of the Minutes –
  5. Motion to approve the minutes made by Senator Salgado.
  6. Motion to approve the minutes seconded by Senator Hunt.

Public forum

Public forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Senate on issues affecting any student(s) and/or organizations of California State University Channel Islands.


  1. Unfinished Business
  2. Informational Item
  3. Discussion Item
  4. Action Item
  5. New Business
  6. Informational Item
  7. Voter Registration – John Butzer (30 minutes)
  8. Talked about the annual event of voter registration and Student Governments involvement. Reminded everyone that constitution day is September17th.
  9. Talked about the non-partisan group the league of women voters who will be helping us next Wednesday training us to register people to vote. It is usual a very successful event and their presence brings a sense of legitimacy.
  10. President Reyna asked if Director Butzer could please let the Senate know what dates the event will take place.
  11. Director Butzer announced that it would be held this month on the 22nd and 23rd from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. in front of the library.
  12. Vice President Noyes announced that this is not mandatory but Senators should attend if they do not have class
  13. Director Butzer clarified that this event will also count towards SenatorOffice hours.
  1. Discussion Item
  2. Clubs on Campus – President Reyna (20 minutes)
  • President Reyna informed everyone that the projector was not working and asked for the mater to be placed on the table.
  • Senator Davis motioned for the topic to be laid on the table
  • Motion to lay the matter on the table seconded by Senator Hunt
  • Vote to lay this matter on the table
  • (6) For (0) Against (0) Abstentions
  • Vice President Noyes declared that the Discussion Item – Clubs on Campus was laid on the table
  • Block Party – Vice President Noyes (10 minutes)
  • Informed everyone that the meeting is at ten but the location has moved to Bell Tower, but was unawareof the exact location. Passed around a sign up list for tabling at the block party.
  • Chief Justice Forrester informed everyone that the meeting location was moved to Bell Tower 1188 DJ Swansy and DJ Earworm will be performing.

9:12 (2) Members of the public walked in

  • Hunt spoke favorably of DJ Swansy
  • Davis asked what time each DJ would be performing
  • Vice President Noyes said the event would be from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  1. Food Pantry – President Reyna (20 minutes)
  2. Is seeking approval of the Senate to move forward with this project. Has worked on this for a very long time. Talked about the $500 Seed Grant afforded by Pilar Pacheco. 11-12% students on campus are considered low income. President Reyna added that she is very passionate about this project and has been talking about who would be taking charge of it from year to year. PATH would be the group who we would be working with and Student Government will be dealing with when it will be open and how often. After one successful month, PATH will take charge. After they take charge, we will be able to volunteer for it.
  3. Director Butzer asked if PATH will be having access CCE (Center for Community Engagement)
  4. President Reyna replied that yes they would have access to the storage room and we can ask for donations from different businesses after PATH takes charge.
  5. Director Butzer asked how much the grant would be for.
  6. President Reyna reminded everyone that the grant was for $500 would cover shelving and we can’t take perishable items because the grant won’t cover a cost for a refrigerator.
  7. Director Butzer asked why we would be working with PATH.
  8. President Reyna talked about the student who first talked about the project and their passion for serving students who are in need of items. She mentioned that this will not be advertised so we will be working on a trust system
  9. Senator Uribe brought up the question, “Since this will not be advertised, then will students think this is only for certain students in need?”
  10. President Reyna believed some sort of advertising could be done.
  11. Director Butzersuggested we could do a press release.
  12. Senator Salgado agreed with the idea of a press release and asked if PATH would be taking charge will they start keeping it exclusive to PATH students.
  13. President Reyna said that she trusts the people who work in the PATH office such and thinks Leticia Casarez and Leah Achort do a great job of maintaining the program.
  14. Senator Davis asked if they can verify who lives on campus and who does not to make sure it isn’t being abused.
  15. Vice President Noyes said that the advertisement will not be directed towards students in housing.
  16. Senninger raised the concern that some students get the cheaper meal plan because they can’t offered more food.
  17. President Reyna asked Senator Senninger if this was a need for students in housing.
  18. Senator Senninger said that she does see this being a need for students in housing as well, because many of them will run out of their meal plan and many people who work in housing see it.
  19. President Reyna was not aware of that and asked, “So if someone who works in housing sees a student in need they can direct them to the food pantry, but I will look into it.”
  20. Senator Salgado agreed with Senator Senninger and has had experience with living on campus and thinks that they should also have access to the food pantry.
  21. President Reyna expressed that she was appreciative for the feedback and sees the problem with the limited advertisement. She can see the issue with keeping it exclusive.
  22. Senator Hunt asked for the names of the PATH staff and how they can keep them accountable for having it open to all students
  23. President Reyna talked about Leah Achort, who also sits on the ASI board, and she would be one of the people that will be held to keeping it open to all students.
  24. Senator Hunt asked if another store can be brought on campus to bring competition to UGLEN.
  25. President Reyna mentioned that there is a contract which is why that would be an issue and asked advisor Banuelos if she could get her access to that contract for review. She also mentioned that UGLEN is looking for two students to sit on their committee.
  26. Chief Justice Forrester talked about asking PATH to collaborate with a different organization on campus. He also asked about the contradiction of limited advertising on campus but having a press release.
  27. Director Butzer said it would make the campus look really good to donors and it is something that we should bring to the community’s attention that we care about our students.
  28. President Reyna asked for thoughts on the press release.
  29. Senator Salgado believed that it would definitely attract food donors.
  30. Senator Senninger asked if the food pantry would only be accessible to CI students and how would they enforce it.
  31. President Reyna said that working with food pantry, we can’t have it closed but having it open would be a liability issue. She said, “We are not advertising it to community members and we are an isolated campus so we don’t see it as an issue. If someone is in that much need to come to our campus to get food, we should not turn them away. If we do a press release, we will say it is a closed pantry.”
  32. Senator Davis asked about contacting restaurants in regards to donations.
  33. President Reyna reminded everyone that, “we will not be carrying perishable items so we need to be conscious of the donations we are receiving, but we can contact more restaurants.
  34. Vice President Noyes asked Senator Stanger on his thoughts.
  35. Senator Stanger commented that Veterans on campus seem to do well, and as for non-traditional students, he needs to talk to gather more information.
  36. Senator Hunt asked if he should be talking about this matter in the Executive Senate meeting.
  37. President Reyna said yes he can, but only depending on the vote turn out of today’s meeting.
  38. Senator Salgado asked why this is an action item.
  39. President Reyna said a Yes vote would be an agreement to taking on the project and submitting a grant proposal.
  40. Senator Uribe asked what Student Government’s role would be.
  41. President Reyna replied that it would be establishing the operation time of the food pantry. She has already met with food pantry and knows what information needs to be gathered.
  42. Senator Davis asked if we would be reaching out to students to make donations.
  43. President Reyna mentioned that DominguezHills does something like that and hopes that we could have something like that in the future. CCE can advertise it.
  44. Director Butzer spoke in favor of the project.
  45. Senator Uribe asked if students would be to prideful to show up to the food pantry.
  46. President Reyna spoke from said that a hungry student will go because hunger is a natural thing people can’t fight.
  47. Senator Salgado spoke favorably of the food pantry and commends President Reyna for sticking to the project.
  1. Action Item
  2. Food Pantry – President Reyna (10 minutes)
  3. Vice President Noyes reminded the Senators that they will be voting to move forward with the project and with the proposal.
  4. President Reyna asked Chief Justice Forrester and Director Butzer if this matter needed a motion.
  5. Both responded with a clear yes.
  6. Senator Salgado motioned to approve the food pantry project.
  7. Motion to approve the food pantry project seconded by Senator Hunt
  8. In Favor (6) Opposed (0) Abstentions(0)
  9. Motion to proceed with the food pantry project passed.
  10. Presentation Item
  11. Parking and Transportation – Senator Salgado and Andrew Lorenza (30 minutes)
  • Will be answering questions on parking concerns.
  • Parking is an auxiliary department and doesn’t get money from other departments and have to make their own money. In order to make money, they issue parking permits and citations. The price goes up because the need for parking increases. To build one parking stall the cost is $8,000. For a parking structure one stall would cost $13,000. Students aren’t educated on the amount of money it takes. The money they make goes to paying the shuttle and staff. There has been an agreement between CI and the VC Transportation Center. They are the administrators as long as there are passengers. It cost $475,000 per year as a department, and they only made around $600,000 last year. They are trying to add one thousand more stalls. When they asked for one thousand last time, they only got about 500 in the A3 lot. Ray Porras believes they will only give around 500-700 spaces. They take out loans to pay for the lots. The cost for the construction is around a couple hundred thousand just for cleaning up and striping. Each campus surface parking numbers are collected and the data is released every year. Parking on our campus is very generous in comparison to the other campuses. The ratio is 2 FTE (Full Time Equivalents) to one parking stall.
  • Senator Uribe asked if there is a quota on citations.
  • Lorenza said no
  • Senator Uribe asked for how the percentage is broken up.
  • Lorenza responded that close to 50% goes to the bus, the second largest chunk goes towards maintenance, and lastly it is salaries.
  • President Reyna asked if another bus would be added to the Oxnard route.
  • Lorenzana believes that there are no plans to add because they are currently looking at the busy times in order to not spend too much on having two buses at the same time when there is no need.
  • President Reyna asked if there is a way to get a break down to provide students with asSenator Uribe mentioned.
  • Lorenzana will provide a breakdown
  • Chief Forrester asked if parking advertises the numbers.
  • Lorenzana said it is not advertised but it is public knowledge and the information is not hidden from students.
  • Senator Uribe referenced the advertising of the ASI budget last year and how it was successful and feels it would be useful for the them to do.
  • Director Butzer believes a pie chart would be very useful for students to see.
  • Lorenzana reminded everyone that parking is an issue for housing, academics, and staff. It sets of issues for a lot of things on campus.
  • Senator Hunt asked to not have him bring up parking issues to the academic senate because it is an issue they talk about often as it is.
  • Lorenzana talked about a faculty designated area that has been asked about.
  • Senator Salgado believes they should be spreading out classes more to help the parking issue.
  • Senator Hunt addressed that by saying that he will be talking to chairs as soon as possible before schedules are due next semester. Added that maybe reducing the number of students that are accepted to campus should be a possibility since 400 more students were accepted and the resources weren’t added.
  • President Reyna would like Senator Hunt to create a plan before bringing it up to the Academic Senate.
  • Senator Salgado and Lorenzana would like to be a part of the meeting of department chairs.
  • Senator Uribe asked about restricting parking to Freshman
  • Lorenzana said that there have been talks about doing so but they would like for students to take action on it. Also spoke on how alternate transportation parking is not taken seriously. They really want to push the alternative parking programs to reduce cost. Programs such as ride matching are available.
  • Senninger talked about limiting freshmen in housing from parking on campus since 600 will be moving in.
  • Lorenzana believed that with the current phase, it will not add students it will just change the tripling situation. In the next phase, the Santa Rosa parking lot will be a new housing building
  • Senator Davis asked about creating a petition to not have freshmen students park on campus.
  • Lorenzana is open to the idea.
  • Senator Davis also asked about a dirt spot that isn’t being used.
  • Lorenzana said that those spots are used for construction workers.
  • Senator Uribe asked for information on Ride Matching.
  • Lorenzana gave directions on where to find it on the website.
  • Senator Hunt asked if that is something he could access on his phone.
  • Lorenzana said it is only accessible through the website.
  • Senator Hunt also suggested that they match freshmen with an upper classmen if the freshmen are banned from parking on campus.
  • Stanger asked if it would be freshman across the board that would be banned from parking on campus
  • Lorenzana and Senator Salagado believe that those students should be using alternative transportation.
  • Senator Uribe asked if this would be preferred as a student initiative.
  • Lorenzana said yes, it would be better for it to come from the students rather than administrators.
  • President Reyna suggested working with Director Pelayo to advertise alternative transportation. She also commented that to consider all types of students when making a decision on banning all freshman students.
  • Director Pelayo mentioned the idea of having a waiver system implemented for nontraditional students.
  • Lorenzana said that the fear for that would be an abuse of the system and Senator Salgado wants to do more research before agreeing to it.
  • Senator Hunt commented that students would like more bike lanes added.
  • Lorenzana talked about a lane being added one way and goes all the way around and another lane for pedestrians.
  • Chief Justice Forrester commended them for all their work in parking and commented on the inclusivity of our campus. Believes limiting someone based on their age goes against what is preached on our campus.
  • Senator Hunt agreed with Chief Justice Forrester’s point and believes that they should ask the students.
  • Lorenzana believes that it isn’t a punishment to freshman but it is a policy that has worked at other universities.
  • President Reyna mentioned that for the sake of time,the Senators should talk to Vice President Noyes about having this as a discussion item for a different time.
  • Senator Salgado reminded of her office hours on Friday for any questions
  • Lorenzana provided everyone with his e-mail
  1. Tabled Item
  2. Clubs on Campus – President Reyna (20 minutes)
  • The presentation is on Prezi form for access to everyone.
  • There is a list of clubs that will be met with. The first slide is ASI and covers all the entities and our purpose statement as ASI. Anyone can comment on anything based on experience and knowledge they have while giving the presentation. She asked everyone to please talk about it since not many students know what we do.Another thing everyone should want to talk about is CSSA and SIRF and how they help us advocate for students. Talking about SIRF will help us advertise for the spring semester since it was not heavily advertised last year leading up to this year. Also wants everyone to talk about the roles of the Senators. The reason the other branches were not added is because they will be dealing mostly with the Senators.
  • Senator Salgado would like to include Director Butzer and Chief Justice Forrester in the presentation.
  • President Reyna and Vice President Noyes agreed that they can be added.
  • President Noyes also commented that recognizing students will make them feel more open to discuss Student Government.
  • President Reyna continued by saying, that ways to advertise is also something they want to discuss and really push the idea of campus quad since is something our campus is looking to implement.
  • Senator Davis asked what campus quad is.
  • Vice President Noyes informed her that it is a way for students on campus to access events on campus in the form of an app.
  • Director Pelayo will add information on that.
  • President Reyna added that collaborating is something we really want to do on campus with clubs and asked to please inform them that we need to stay neutral when it comes to politics and religion. The digital signage slide is blank because we are still waiting on that information. This is a presentation that Senators will be using at club meetings while introducing themselves. If they have any suggestions, Senators were advised to go to Director Pelayo.
  1. Senator Reports
  • Senator Hunt left for class at 10:51
  1. President’s Report
  2. Executive Reports
  3. Judicial Report
  4. Advisor Report
