Chemistry: Periodicity ActivityNames

Question: How do we use the model of the electronic structure of the atom to understand periodic trends of the elements?

I. Data Collection

Using a web browser access the following address:

When the animation starts you will see Figure I below:

Figure I

1. Using the mouse, click on an atom in the row of atoms above the periodic table and drag them to theirrespective location in the periodic table.

II. Data Analysis and Interpretation

1. Select one of the Groups (1, 2, 16 or 17) in Atom View and complete the following the Table below:

After completing Table I. answer questions 2-4 below.

2. Which columns (c – h) in Table I do not correlate to trend in atomic radii observed in your group? Explain.

3. Which columns (c – h) in Table I correlate to the trends in atomic radii observed in your group? Explain.

4. Write a general statement that explains the trend in atomic radius that applies to any Group in the

III. Data Analysis and Interpretation

1. Select one of the periods in the atom view and complete the table below.

After completing Table II. answer questions 2-4 below.

2. Which columns (c – h) in Table IIdo not correlateto the trend in atomic radii observed in your period? Explain

3. Which columns (c – h) in Table II directly correlate to the trend in atomic radii observed in your period? Explain

4. Write a general statement that explains the trend in atomic radius that applies to any period in thePeriodic Table.

IV. Data Analysis and Interpretation

Effective nuclear charge (Zeff) is a term used to describe the amount of nuclear charge experiencedby a particular electron in an atom. Nuclear charge is the total positive charge in the nucleus. Forexample the nuclear charge for a carbon atom is +6. The nuclear charge is equivalent to the atomicnumber for an element. Carbon has six protons so consider the following information;

Zeff is calculated by using Slater’s Rule. We predict that inner core electrons reduce total nuclear charge by shielding the last electron. The equation for calculating Zeff: Zeff – Z – , where shielding is calculating using Slater’s Rule and the shielding potentials of inner core electrons.

1. Transfer columns (a – h) from Table I and Table II into Table III below.

2. Complete column (i) in Table IV for each element by calculating Zeff for each.

3. In the space below show the calculation for Zeff for any two of the elements in Table III.

After completing Table III. Answer questions 4 & 5 below.

4. Is there a relationship between Zeff and the trend in atomic radius for the elements in the Groupfrom Table I? Explain.

5. Is there a relationship between Zeff and the trend in atomic radius for the elements in the periodfrom Table II? Explain.

V. Data Collection

Switch to the Ion View.

Figure II.

1. Using the mouse, click on an ion in the row of ions above the periodic table and drag them to their respective

location in the periodic table.

2. Describe the relationship between the change in electrons (gained or lost) and the charge of the ion that results.

VI. Data Analysis and Interpretation

1. Using the atomic and ion size information from Figure I and Figure II. select one metal from Group 1or 2 and select one nonmetal from Group 16 or 17 and complete Table IV. In Table IV enter themetal you selected in the first row and complete the row of information. In the next row below enterthe cation for that metal and complete the information in the row. Do the same for the nonmetal youselected.

After completing Table IV. Answer questions.

2. In general what is the relationship between the radius for the neutral metal atom and its cation?

3. In general what is the relationship between the radius for the neutral nonmetal atom and its anion?

4. Write a general statement that explains the trend in radius between a metal atom and its ion thatapplies to any combination of metal and its cation.

5. Write a general statement that explains the trend in radius between a nonmetal atom and its anion thatapplies to any combination of nonmetal atom and its anion.

6. Complete the Table below.

7. Isoelectric ions are ions that have the same electron configurations. Write a general statement that explains the trend in ion radius that applies to a related (isoelectronic) set ofions in the Periodic Table.