The following is a checklist that can be used as a guide when doing the new Final in the Field.

The Final Voucher is the most important part of doing the Final in the field. If the Final voucher you submit to us is incorrect it will cause much grief to all of us. The following 6 steps will help you accomplish creating a “clean” voucher.

Create Draft Final Voucher First

1.  Run Draft Final first and review very carefully for correctness (Especially Front Page.)-Make certain that liquidated damages (if any) are correctly shown on Front Page .

2.  Make sure encumbrance is sufficient to create Final Voucher..

3.  Make sure that the Fed Non Part dollars are correct on Front Page.

4.  Check Value of Work Certified columns with previous partial estimate to make sure they match. with Final. They must match or Finance will not process.

5.  Make certain the final voucher # is correct, Finance will not run voucher with incorrect #.

6.  Good idea to review draft final with Contractor if possible ,before running hard copy to avoid Re-Makes

Preparing Certified Mail Package to Send Final Out to Contractor

7.  Run hard copy Final Voucher that will produce all of the required letters needed.

8.  Make 4 additional Xerox copies of the Final Voucher.

9.  Attach the Certificate of Final Acceptance to all 5 copies of the Final Voucher and have original signature of the Engineer only affixed to each. Remember that the ADE does not sign until after the Contractor returns the final to you and all other Contract requirements are present..

10.  Prepare Certified Mail Package to Contractor in accordance with the sample package you received, make sure everything is properly addressed and return addressed .

11.  Place the 5 copies of the Final Voucher in the Package along with 1 copy of all the letters CAARS produced. (i.e. 2 page Contract Requirements Letter ; **Credit letter (If Any – See below Special note under # 14 ).

12.  Staple a copy of the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS letter you received from OCCA office to the Contract Requirements letter before placing in Package, this will assure you that the Contractor will use the correct return address.

13.  Immediately - Make 1 copy of the Front sheet of the Final Voucher and staple a copy of the 2 page Contract Requirements Letter and send immediately inter-office to Contract Admin. Office Mailstop 650 attention Jan Garcia. (Or FAX to (651)296-3811.

14.**Immediately - If there is a Credit letter make 2 copies of the Front sheet of the

Final Voucher stapled to 2 copies of the Credit letter and send inter-office to Contract Admin. Office Mailstop 650 attention Jan Garcia. (Include in same interoffice envelope at the same time as 13 above) (Or FAX to (651)296-3811. **Special Note: Not covered in Contract Admin. Manual – If a Credit Letter is generated by CAARS that is for $4.99 or less destroy and do not send to Contractor. Mn/DOT Finance will not bill a Contractor for less than $5.00.

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15.  Mail Certified Mail Package to Contractor.

16.  Fill in the date in the first slot of Final Voucher Date Tracking Form, “Date Cert. Of Final Acceptance signed by Engineer and sent to Contractor”

17.  If Certified Mail Package is returned as “Undeliverable” Call either Denny Springer or Jan Garcia in OCCA.

18.  Wait for Cert. Mail Green Card to come back and when it does Enter the “Date of Delivery” shown on the Card into the CAARS Field Final Application . CAARS will automatically calculate the 90 day expiration date.

19.  Staple the Certified Mail Green Card to the Final Voucher Date Tracking Form (spot to staple is indicated on Form).

20.  Fill in slots (A) & (B) on the Final Voucher Date Tracking Form.(handwritten)

21.  Monitor progress of Final Voucher .. If you have not heard anything from the Contractor , and the 90 days is almost expired (10 days or so before expiration) , call Contractor and ask why he has not acted as yet. Find out why the delay. Remind him that his time is almost up, and requirements he is still missing.(i.e 1C-134, PR-47 signed voucher etc) Try to Jar it loose. Remind contractor of the danger of being put on *reject bid list as per MN Statute 161.32 . * Note: (Remember only OCCA can put Contractors on the reject bid list)

Question: What If Contractor Disputes Quantities on Final Voucher Prior to Expiration of 90 Days ?

22.  Analyze the Contractors dispute and determine whether you agree or disagree.

23.  If you agree with the Contractor , and he has made his assertion prior to the expiration of the 90 days, (Either verbally or in writing) call Denny Springer 296-8473 or Jan Garcia 297-5714 immediately to request a Final Voucher Recall. Remember that finals can only be recalled by OCCA.

24.  Remember that under no circumstances can the contractor dispute the quantities or initiate legal action after the 90 days has expired.

25.  After you have contacted OCCA you can immediately do the remake of the Final Voucher without having to wait for the actual physical recalled Final voucher to arrive from the Contractor.

26.  The remade Final Voucher then goes through the same process as 1-23 above and a brand new 90 day period for the Contractor to sign begins.

27.  If you here nothing at all from the Contractor and the 90 days expires and you attempt unsuccessfully in making contact with him, call Denny Springer in OCCA.

Question: What if I disagree with the Contractors assertion of incorrect payment or quantities :

28.  If this is the case, you tell the Contractor you disagree with him , it is then up to him to either except the Final as–is or take legal action against the State prior to the 90 day expiration date.

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29.  Many different “one of a kind” circumstances can arrive dealing with the 90 day matter. If undecided to what action to take contact Don Orgeman, Joel Williams or Denny Springer in OCCA before proceeding.

When the Final Voucher package is returned to you with the Contractors signature.

30.  Check to see that all 3 vouchers are present and signed by the Contractor.

31.  Update the Final Voucher Date Tracking form “Date signed final received back in office from Contractor”

32.  Try to gather all of the requirements needed to fill out rest of the Final Date Tracking Form Boxes (E) through (K) mark any boxes that don’t apply N.A.

33.  Retain the 3 Vouchers in the Resident Office until the Final Date Tracking Form is completely filled out. (this may be some length of time if there is a Labor Hold and your waiting for a “Labor Hold Release Letter”

34.  When received by you make sure that the date shown on the IC-134 Form “Month / Year work Completed” covers the period up to the Final Completion Date of your Contract, otherwise you have to ask for a new one that does cover.

35.  Remember you only need the Prime Contractor IC-134 Form to meet final Requirements. Do not need Subcontractors however you may get them and if so keep in your files.

36.  You can use a Xerox copy of the PR-47 provided you have a “live” original signature . (Use blue pen or green pen).

37.  Nancy Moberg in Mn/DOT Contract Admin. Office will contact you when the Credit payment owed by the Contractor (if any) is paid. (Box J on the “Final Voucher Date Tracking Form” can be filled in at that time )

When Final Date Tracking Form is complete submit 4 copies of the Final Voucher to the DSAE for signature.

38.  Make sure you staple a copy of the Final Voucher Date Tracking Form to the top voucher and Certificate of Final Contract Acceptance prior to giving to the DSAE for signature.

39.  DSAE will retain one copy for his/her files.& return 3 copies to you.

When ADE Returns the Signed Vouchers to you Organize and Submit Total Final To the Office of Construction and Contract Administration

40.  Retain one copy of signed voucher in your files.

41.  Review and follow Step by Step process in the Contract Administration Manual and submit to Contract Administration as shown in Section 5-591.410 pages DOCPAYITEM –14 THROUGH 19.

42.  Final should be closed out and the Contractor paid within 5 work days.