Objectives for Google Docs for Educators WBID

Learning Task Item and Number / Objective / Outcome Level / Assessment Item
1.0 - Define Google Doc Software Commands / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply Google Docs software commands while creating documents. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs Documents - Rubrics
1.1 - Define form software commands / Given Google Docs form’s software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply software commands to create and use Google Docs forms. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs Form – Rubric
1.2 - Define word processor software commands / Given Google Docs word processor software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply software commands to create and use Google Docs word documents. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs Word Doc - Rubric
1.3 - Define spreadsheet software commands / Given Google Docs spreadsheet software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply software commands to create and use Google Docs spreadsheets. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs Spreadsheet - Rubric
1.4 - Define presentation software commands / Given Google Docs presentation software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply software commands to create and use Google Docs presentations. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs Presentation - Rubric
2.0 - Define Google Docs Interface Commands / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to manage their Google Docs interface. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs Account and Set up Personal Site - Rubric
2.1 - Subscribe to and set up Google Docs on PC / Given a PC and Web browser, learners will be able to install Google Docs on a PC. / Problem Solving / Create Google Docs account and Set up Personal Site - Rubric
2.2 - Define Google Docs toolbar commands / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply Google Docs toolbar commands to create and use Google Docs documents. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs Account and Set up Personal Site – Rubric
2.3 - Define Google Docs file management commands / Given Google Docs software, learners will be able to manage their Google Docs files. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs Account and Set up Personal Site - Rubric
2.4 - Import media to Google Docs software / Given Google Docs software, learners will be able to import outside media to their Google Docs documents. / Problem Solving Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs Presentation - Rubric
2.5 - Create Google Docs templates for educational applications / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to use Google Docs templates for educational applications in the classroom. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs Template for Education - Rubric
3.0 - Apply Google Docs Applications in Classroom / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply Google Docs software in a classroom. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs applications for the classroom - Rubric
3.1 - Apply form software in classroom / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply Google Docs form software in a classroom. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs form for the classroom - Rubric
3.2 - Apply word processor software in classroom / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply Google Docs word processor software in a classroom. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs word doc for classroom – Rubric
3.3 - Apply spreadsheet software in classroom / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply Google Docs spreadsheet software in a classroom. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs spreadsheet for classroom - Rubric
4.0 - Collaborate Projects for Educators Using Google Docs / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply Google Docs collaborate tools for educational projects. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs collaborate project for the classroom - Rubric
4.1.1 - Define terms associated with Google Docs / Given the WWW, learners will be able to define the phrase “Web 2.0”, and the words “server” and “client”. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Short Answer – Define terms
4.1 - Define methods of collaboration over WWW / Given the WWW, learners will be able to define different collaboration methods over the WWW. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Short Answer – Define methods
4.2 - Define collaboration and publishing tools in Google Docs / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to identify collaboration and publishing tools in Google Docs. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs collaborate project for classroom - Rubric
4.3 - Apply collaboration and publishing tools to Google Docs software for student projects / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply Google Docs collaborate and publishing tools to student projects. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs collaborate project for classroom - Rubric
4.4 - Apply collaboration and publishing tools to Google Docs software for administrators / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to apply Google Docs collaborate and publishing tools to school administrative projects. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs collaborate project for classroom - Rubric
4.5 - Create Google Docs templates for educational applications / Given Google Docs software and tutorials, learners will be able to create templates for educational applications. / Intellectual Skills
Define Concepts / Create Google Docs templates for educational applications - Rubric