Qualification Outline
CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing
CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
The Need
Target Market
Entry requirements
Program overview
Delivery and Assessment
Pre requisites
Delivery arrangements
Work environment & placement
Assessment and Work Placement
Facilities and Equipment
Trainer Materials
Student Materials
Trainer requirements
Trainer Allocation
Foundations Skills
Access & Equity
Support Services
Industry Partners
Participant Satisfaction
The Purpose of the Qualification Outline
The purpose of this document is to provide a robust platform for the delivery and assessment of the CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Supportcompleted as an online delivery with a minimum of 120 hours ‘Work Placement’
This is your training and assessment plan.
CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
/ Wise Education is a national RTO delivering work based qualifications in partnership with local and national clients. We have been delivering in various sectors for over 7 years and hold a strong portfolio of participants.Our products offerings include qualifications in the following industry sectors:
- Business
- Business Administration
- Sales
- Customer Engagement
- Work Health & Safety
- Hospitality
- Management
- Warehouse Operations
- Aged Care
- Child Care
- Disability Services
- Employment Services
- Education Support
- Volunteering Services
- Retail
- Record Keeping
- Marketing & Advertising
- Small Business Management
- Franchising
- Tourism & Events
- Accounting & Bookkeeping
- Project Management
We provide flexible work based solutions for employers and staff
Have a strong team of trainer’s expertise
Have demonstrated knowledge in developing concepts for training regimes that reflect the industry needs
Have a strong account management structure
Have a sound internal working management system that ensures we commit to our promise
Have a culture that is built entirely on customer care
Have a Work Placement Scheme that supports most qualifications
Have logbooks that record your work placement activities and supports your practical learning
Have available webinars which can be undertaken at any time as a recorded session or Live led by your trainer
The Need
/ General:Workers and managers within the Community Services industry need to develop new skills to adapt to the client-led model of care, particularly with autonomous care environments. Critical skills that the training package now incorporates are service coordination, financial management and goal-based planning.Having employees hold a qualification in the Community Services industry creates a common pathway of competencies, so that workers at all levels and across the industry can respond appropriately to complex care needs. Common pathways which have the potential to increase the retention of skilled workers, may assist career planning and development within the industry, provided cultural issues and hierarchies are considered.
From an industry perspective:
Community Services and Health is Australia’s largest industry grouping employing 9 per cent of the workforce and contributing significantly to the nation’s economy and welfare. Employment in the industry is projected to grow by at least 35 per cent over the next ten years. More sustainable models of quality care are required that alleviate the pressure on professional roles, particularly Registered Nurses, giving greater prominence to existing and new VET-based roles.
From potential participants’ perspective:
Staff irrespective of the industry they are in, require training in order to undertake their roles effectively. They require internal on the job training and monitoring with the view of a training plan so they can also determine their job readiness. Participants also are looking to have these skills form part of a nationally recognised qualification so they can demonstrate their sound industry knowledge by way of an industry specific qualification. This strengthens their personal resume and provides a platform for determining their career path.
Employer’s perspective:
All individuals need to have some understanding of the required skills and what they are responsible for, as well as those skills that rest with their supervisors, coordinators or other specialists. Providing frontline workers with the necessary support via a nationally recognised qualification as well as organisational practises around risk management, reporting, mentoring and supervision will be critical to an employer’s success.
Target Market
/ This qualification reflects the role of support workers who complete specialise tasks and functions in aged services; either in residential, home or community based environments. Workers will take responsibility for their own outputs within defined organisation guidelines and maintain quality service delivery through the development, facilitation and review of individualised service planning and delivery. Workers may be required to demonstrate leadership and have limited responsibility for the organisation and the quantity and quality of outputs of others within limited parameters.This qualification is well suited to those who have previously studied the CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) but this is not a pre- requisite to being able to enter into this qualification.
Entry requirements
/ Training Package: No entry requirements specified.However, you will need to obtain a Working with Children (WWC) Check before completing your work placement. Please visit:
Smart & Skilled eligibility requirements
- An Australian citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder, or New Zealand citizen,and
- Aged 15 years or older, and
- Have left school, and
- Live or work in New South Wales.
If a person has no previous qualifications at Certificate IV or higher they will be eligible for the entitlement, which includes select foundation courses and full qualifications up to and including Certificate III.
Wise Education Requirements: Participants must be able to fulfil the following specific requirements:
- Pay your student contribution fee of:
$2300 Second qualification
$240 concessional
$1000 Traineeship
Fee Free Scholarships
Refer to for definitions of concession and non-concession
Wise Education Requirements: Participants must be able to fulfil the following specific requirements:
- Complete a language, literacy & numeracy test
- Good physical and mental health
- A National Police clearance is required
- Hold a first aid certificate (statement of attainment in HLTFA311A Apply first aid)
- an aptitude for caring for, relating to, and working with older people and/or people with a disability
- the ability to communicate in English orally and in writing in order to prepare accurate reports and effectively communicate with clients and co-workers once they enter the workforce.
- Participate in an induction into the training program where all enrolment paperwork will be completed and all course information provided to participants. They can expect to receive:
- Enrolment form
- Visit sheet for induction
- VET Handbook
- Qualification Outline
- Training Log
- Pay your student qualification fee
- Complete an enrolment form
- Complete a language, literacy and numeracy test as part of the enrolment form
- You will also be provided with a copy of the Qualification Outline and Participant Handbook.
/ This program has been designed to equip participants at Wise Education Group (see target market) with the skills and experience required to work within the roles mentioned. They will obtain the following skills and knowledge:- Working effectively in aged care sector
- Maintain an empowering environment
- Support individual health and emotional well being
- Implementing individualised plans and providing support
- Knowing the importance of culturally aware and respectful practice
- Communicate using alternative strategies
- Organisational support
- Maintenance of information systems
- Administrative support
- Assistance with implementation of individualised plans
- Follow WHS processes
- Contribution to implementation of service delivery strategy
- Accommodation support worker
- Care Team Leaders
- Care assistant/services/worker
- Assistant Hostel Supervisor
- Residential Care Worker
- Personal Care Worker
- Program Coordinator- Social programs
- Care Supervisor
Program overview
/ This qualification is delivered in a blended mode a combination of online workshops, directed self-study and structured work placement.Delivery and Assessment
/ Prior to enrolment, each candidate is given a pre-enrolment package that includes important information relating to the qualification in which the candidate wishes to enrol into, so that they are able to make an informed decision relating to their study and learning. This pre-enrolment package includes information on training and assessment strategies, candidate expectations, work placement requirements, support provided and all fees and charges relating to the training.Each candidate wishing to enrol in the CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support is required to complete a pre-enrolment Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) assessment specific to health care to determine whether they meet the minimum LLN requirements for the qualification, and to determine additional support that may be required to assist the candidate to successfully complete the qualification.
The nominated trainer/assessor will also review and confirm any additional support needs prior to enrolment into the course. This will ensure a fit between the candidate’s needs and the services provided. Where agreed, we will arrange additional support to meet any identified needs.
Prior to enrolment being processed, the candidate must confirm their ability to participate in the practical components of the program and wewill liaise with both the candidate and the health care facility to ensure that an appropriate work environment is secured prior to the commencement of training and assessment activities.
The candidate is required to complete a minimum of 120 hours’ unpaid work experience at an accredited health care provider for example a hospital or community organisation (refer to the section below Work Placement and Worksite / Work Placement Suitability Assessment).
Assessment strategies include a combination of knowledge based questions and scenarios or projects, workplace observations and Third Party Reporting in order to demonstrate competence. Close liaison with the candidate’s work placement supervisor will assist in determining competence in the practical components of the program.
Additional assessment strategies include simulated exercises / role play and practical exercises.
/ This program will be delivered over a 6 month period as stated above and in Delivery arrangements. As a self-paced program, this qualification can be extended up to 12 months where full time study isn’t able to be allocated due to external or personal commitmentsPre requisites
/ There are no unit level pre requisites that participants must complete to enter this program.Packaging
/ To complete this qualification, participants must complete a total of 18 units of competency as set out by the Training Package. This is to consist of15 core units and 3 elective units.Units
/ Wise Education Group is able to deliver and assess the following units of competency.Core Units:
CHCADV001 / Facilitate the interests and rights of clients / Compulsory
CHCAGE001 / Facilitate the empowerment of older people / Compulsory
CHCAGE003 / Coordinate services for older people / Compulsory
CHCAGE004 / Implement interventions with older people at risk / Compulsory
CHCAGE005 / Provide support to people living with dementia / Compulsory
CHCCCS006 / Facilitate individual service planning and delivery / Compulsory
CHCCCS011 / Meet personal support needs / Compulsory
CHCCCS023 / Support independence and wellbeing / Compulsory
CHCCCS025 / Support relationships with carers and families / Compulsory
CHCDIV001 / Work with diverse people / Compulsory
CHCLEG003 / Manage legal and ethical compliance / Compulsory
CHCPAL001 / Deliver care services using a palliative approach / Compulsory
CHCPRP001 / Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships / Compulsory
HLTAAP001 / Recognise healthy body systems / Compulsory
HLTWHS002 / Follow safe work practices for direct client care / Compulsory
Elective units:
Elective units
CHCCOM002 / Use communication to build relationships
HLTHPS006 / Assist clients with medication
CHCAGE002 / Implement falls prevention strategies
Delivery arrangements
/ This program has been structured to allow for delivery and assessment over a minimum 23 week period. This is considered a full time load, in that students will be engaged in program specific activities for a minimum of 30 hours per week over a 23-week period. This is a total of 920 nominal hours not including the 120 hours of work placement.Mode / Duration (per week) / Weeks / Total hours
Self-directed study and learning activities / 40 hours / 23 / 920
Work Exp. / 1 x 8 hours / 15 / 120
Student Support Officer / 1 x 1 hour per week / 23 / 23
Trainer/ Assessor Support / 1 x 1 hour per week / 23 / 23
Total / 1086
The minimum of 120 hours of work placement must be completed prior to a qualification being issued. A record of completed work placement hours is to be recorded in the candidate’s Work Placement Training Record Book.
/ Core Units:Unit / Name / Week
HLTAAP001 / Recognise healthy body systems / Week 1
CHCADV001 / Facilitate the interests and rights of clients / Week 2
CHCCCS025 / Support relationships with carers and families / Week 3
CHCDIV001 / Work with diverse people / Week 4
CHCLEG003 / Manage legal and ethical compliance / Week 5
CHCPRP001 / Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships / Week 6
CHCCCS006 / Facilitate individual service planning and delivery / Week 7 & 8
HLTWHS002 / Follow safe work practices for direct client care / Week 9 & 10
CHCCOM002 / Use communication to build relationships / Week 11 & 12
CHCCCS011 / Meet personal support needs / Week 13 & 14
CHCCCS023 / Support independence and wellbeing / Week 8-23
CHCAGE002 / Implement falls prevention strategies / Week 15 & 16
CHCAGE001 / Facilitate the empowerment of older people / Week 17 & 18
CHCAGE003 / Coordinate services for older people / Week 19 & 20
CHCAGE004 / Implement interventions with older people at risk / Week 19 & 20
HLTHPS006 / Assist clients with medication / Week 21 & 22 &
CHCAGE005 / Provide support to people living with dementia / Week 22
CHCPAL001 / Deliver care services using a palliative approach / Week 23
Work environment & placement
/ 120 hours work placement is required for the program.Work placements are organised for students at one of its partner industry placement facilities. We have an extensive database of appropriate accredited health care providers (hospital facilities and community organisations), which are willing to take students for structured work placement.
Each participating organisation will have a Work Placement Suitability Assessment conducted to ensure that they can provide the
- Required resources to meet Training Package requirements
- range of experiences and on-the-job learning opportunities required by the qualification
- Appropriately qualified supervisory staff
- Understanding of and commitment to mentoring students.
The workplace is contacted to confirm placement and for capacity assessment check, using insurance paperwork, guidelines handbook for placement, letter confirming that the student has successfully completed the written component of the course, first aid and manuals handling. Forms are kept for audit purposes and stored in the student file.
A copy of the candidate’s Criminal Record Check / National Police Check must be obtained prior to work placement commencing. This is to be kept on the candidate’s file.
Once the placement has been confirmed, the Work Placement Agreements are signed by all parties and filed in the candidate’s file. We will, in consultation with the organisation and the candidates, establish a schedule of workplace observations throughout the program.
The candidates are given a Work Placement Training Record Book, so that they are able to log their hours and learning outcomes during their work placement. The Work Placement Record Book also contains the Third Party Reports for each unit of competency, to be completed by the Work Placement Supervisor. These will form part of their assessment evidence.
The nominated trainer/assessor will liaise with the learner’s Work Placement Supervisor prior to the commencement of the work placement to ensure that they are aware of their obligations and responsibilities.
To monitor student progress and the suitability of the placement facility, the trainer/assessor will visit/liaise with the workplace during placement on a minimum of two occasions during the placement. The assessor will conduct workplace observations toward the end of the placement as part of the assessment process.
Assessment and Work Placement
/ There are three forms of assessment required:1.Questions which are free form text answers and also address the employability skill of problem solving
2.A project or multiple projects which are scenario based and will require free form text responses
3. Observation/ Demonstration or 3rd Party Report that will require you to be observed in a real or simulated working environment
You will also be required to complete your Logbook at the workplace you are currently working or undertaking work placement. This will need to be verified by your workplace Supervisor.
Evidence used for this qualification and target group is as follows
B.Written Assessment Questions
C.Third Party Reporting
D.Scenarios & Projects
Unit Code / Unit Title / A / B / C / D / E
HLTAAP001 / Recognise healthy body systems / / / / /
CHCADV001 / Facilitate the interests and rights of clients / / / / /
CHCCCS025 / Support relationships with carers and families / / / / /
CHCDIV001 / Work with diverse people / / / / /
CHCLEG003 / Manage legal and ethical compliance / / / / /
CHCPRP001 / Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships / / / / /
CHCCCS006 / Facilitate individual service planning and delivery / / / / /
HLTWHS002 / Follow safe work practices for direct client care / / / / /
CHCCOM002 / Use communication to build relationships / / / / /
CHCCCS011 / Meet personal support needs / / / / /
CHCCCS023 / Support independence and wellbeing / / / / /
CHCAGE002 / Implement falls prevention strategies / / / / /
CHCAGE001 / Facilitate the empowerment of older people / / / / /
CHCAGE003 / Coordinate services for older people / / / / /
CHCAGE004 / Implement interventions with older people at risk / / / / /
HLTHPS006 / Assist clients with medication / / / / /
CHCAGE005 / Provide support to people living with dementia / / / / /
CHCPAL001 / Deliver care services using a palliative approach / / / / /
Wise are committed to remaining flexible in assessment methods to suit the learner, and to ensure true customisation, flexibility and access, there will be times where additional assessment methods may be used.