Chattahoochee Hills Charter School PTO

Date: 08/17/2015 Location: Building J

Meeting Called To Order By: Brooke Lochore Time: 7:00pm

Attendance: A quorum was present.

Minutes: Minutes of 06/08/2015 meeting accepted.

Officers’ Reports

President: Brooke Lochore

Vice President: Blake Pilgrim Walker

Treasurer: Nichole Hedgemon

Principal: Walter Butler

Treasury report

Since July 1, 2015

$4805.21 Checking

$906.07 Savings


Heidi Day Jessup

Membership dues increased from $5 to $10 per family

Announcement of Membership directory app with paid membership

Business may purchase ads

Information is encrypted

Communication board constructed and delivered to announce upcoming school events and activities




New website from school – Click parents tab and PTO is the last link on the drop down menu.

Mr. Lennert - extracurricular activities start September 21st, 2015

Let us know of any community meetings or activities so the school/PTO can participate


Mary Jane Knock

Shared community nights at Oz Pizza 15% of proceeds go to school from 5-10pm

Every third Tuesday of the month

Rosalyn Johnson – Foundation Board

Capital campaign to build Art Center and 6th, 7th, 8th grade buildings


2 days 20 sponsors

70 workshops

4 food trucks

VIP event 100 donors $100 per ticket

700+ people attended

Estimated $86,000 raised

Raised enough for 2 scholar gardens

Administrative Report

Mr. Butler – Administration report

Progress reports going out

Thank you to staff in attendance

Weekly email sign up to keep up to date with activities

4 Ps

1.  Progress report to go out tomorrow (challenges with Fulton County portal)

2.  Picture day Wednesday(free dress down, dress up day)

3.  Parent teacher conferences October 9th, 2015(optional) – online sign up

4.  Parking (no left turns into campus or U-turns at intersections, someone else’s drive way)

-do not park and walk up to pick up scholars

-does not apply to EMAP

-suggested to pick scholars up at 3:30-3:45pm

Clay Johnson – Chairman of Governing Board

Holds school and principal to mission

Pass policy that is in the best interest of school

-Wellness policy

-Invited quest policy

-facilities use policy

Board meets the first Monday of each month

Committee meetings can be attended by the public





External affairs

Volunteer Hours

Jessica Denton – Volunteers

Background check needed to complete

Free if completed before September 10th, 2015

Volunteers needed for lunch everyday

Background checks are needed every year