Charlotte Choice Charter

Board Meeting Minutes

December 7, 2015

Marcus Graham, BoardVice-Chair opened the December 7, 2015meeting at 6:00 pm at 1000 Anderson St., Charlotte, NC. 28205. Board members present include: Montrell Calhoun,Marcus Graham,Blanche Penn,Warren Shinn and Felecia Wright. Board member Linda Cruz was absent. Instructional Director Dr. Eldrenna Durham, Principal Lorenzo Johnson, Assistant Principal Jim Montague andBusiness Manager Sherida Stevenswere also present.


The minutes from the October and November meetings were silently read. Blanche Penn made the motion seconded by Felecia Wright to accept the minutes with the necessary corrections; motion unanimously approved.

II.Finance Report

a)A revised 2015-2016 budget will be presented at the January Board meeting.

III.Academics/Strategies Goals Report

a)Mr. Johnson reviewed the process for the PEP’s, showed the binders and discussed the weekly assessment updates.

b)Mr. Johnson reviewed the Reading 3D results – 34% proficiency for Kindergarten, 40% proficiency for 1st grade and 34% proficiency for 2nd grade.

c)Dr. Durham presented her plan for the next 90-days. She is taking over the middle school and one teacher has been placed on a 30-day action plan. Following Dr. Durham’s description of the difference in the energy displayed by the teacher in the classroom versus the extra-curricular activity, Blanche Penn made the motion seconded by Felecia Wright that teachers on action plans cannot participate in extracurricular activities. The motion was unanimously approved. Following further discussion of the middle school, Felecia Wright instructed Personnel to start looking for certified middle school teachers. Blanche Penn stated that based on the information presented by Dr. Durham and Mr. Johnson, CCC should start looking to replace the entire middle school staff.

d)New teacher approval: Mr. Johnson recommended Robin Williams and Ayana Herbert as 2nd grade teachers. Montrell Calhoun made the motion, seconded by Felicia Wright to hire the recommended teachers; motion unanimously approved.

IV.Governance (Bylaw policy review)

a)A revised organizational reporting chart that moved non-instructional operations from the Principal’s supervision to the Business Manager. Montrell Calhoun made the motion, seconded by Felecia Wright to approve the revision; motion unanimously approved.

b)The current staff handbook was not clear concerning annual leave and in error indicated that part-time employees earn prorated sick leave. Annual leave granted each year is granted based on years of service with CCC. As to the sick time, we are proposing to pay the part-time employees for the sick time earned to date. Montrell Calhoun made the motion seconded by Felecia Wright to make the proposed changes; motion unanimously approved.

V.Other Business

  1. Blanche Penn presented a report indicating $3,816 is still outstanding from the PTO candy sale in October. Following further discussion of the interaction between the Parent Advocacy Committee and the PTO, Sherida Stevens was instructed to include the PTO on the organizational reporting chart.

Mr. Johnson reported the PTO paid $300 toward the Holiday Soiree scheduled for December 10.

  1. Sexual harassment training is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. prior to the meeting on January 25, 2016.
  2. The Board discussed the need to send CMS a letter requesting any of their vacant facilities for the 2016-2017 school year.

With no public comment, Marcus Graham adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. The next board meeting will be January 25, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.