20th July 2016

Commenced: 7.30pm, Terminated: 8.40pm

Present: Clerk C. Kinnersley, Councillors J Mason (Chair), H. Maddox (Vice Chair), A Worrall, I Liversidge, V Winfield, J Haken , M Gill, D Cooper, and S Worrall

In attendance: 2 members of the public


Councillor V Winfield




Cath Swindells - Chair of Charlesworth School Governors came to update the Parish Council about the recent developments about traffic issues in Charlesworth. She has received information from regarding ANPR cameras, Peter Cooper (Member of SPEED) is following this up. It has been mentioned about creating a new path through the back of the toilets and through the George and Dragon carpark, Robinsons have previously not allowed this, however it was RESOLVED Cllr I Liversidge will follow it up with Robinsons. A camera is being supplied to the Road Crossing person to wear on her hat and cut out pictures of children and Police officers will be placed around the school and verges, supplied and funded by local businesses funding.

Vicky Cooper - Speaking about railings outside the new Village Green entrance. - The pavement has been measured and is wider than outside the Infant site of school where there are already railings. Previously Steve Alcock (DCC Highways) has said it wasn't feasible due to the width of the pavement. It was requested the Parish Council go back to Steve Alcock and explain the railings are needed. It was resolved the Clerk to send the plans for the entrance to be sent to Vicky Cooper and these can be discussed with Cllr J Mason.


Minutes from meeting 15th June 2016 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

103/16 - 104/16 ITEMS IN EXCLUSION



Welcome to all.

a)  New Clerks position - Any comments on applications that were sent round, please make comments to Cllr J Mason.


a)  Bridleway off Green Lane - The work that Pennine Bridleways have said they did, has improved the path, however still need some sort of hardcore dropped on it to help level it out a bit more, Cllr J Mason has heard Hargate Hill may help. It was RESOLVED Cllr S Worrall will speak to Hargate when discussing grass verges (as per item b).

b)  Grass verges on Glossop Road - Cllr S Worrall is in communication with Haregate Hill to hopefully get them to allow the excess soil and grass to be dropped back into their field.


a) Cut back the path at the end of Green Lane leading behind Springwood - It was RESOLVED the clerk to ask Jake to do some work. It was also RESOLVED the clerk to speak to Jake about cutting back the Pinfold a little more as it is still quite overgrown.


a)  Playground Maintenance - Playground bark quotes - Only one feasible quote due to not many places stocking the play bark locally, speak to Lymefield which bark they feel is the best and will last the longest. All in agreement to continue with purchase and laying - It was RESOLVED the Clerk to follow this up.

b)  Questionnaire about cutting funds to Voluntary Groups in High Peak - If anyone would like any more information about local Voluntary Groups please speak to Cllr S Worrall - All Councillors were encouraged to fill out the questionnaire.

c)  Lane behind Church Fold - There are different departments involved in the ownership of this land so it will take months to get a decision on whether we can place a bin on the land. It was RESOLVED the Clerk to speak to HPBC to see if a bin can be put just outside the entrance to the land instead.

d)  Counselling Directory request for website - it was RESOLVED all Councillors agreed the link to the National Counselling Directory can go onto the website.

109/16 Councillor's Items

a)  Financial details of each ward of Parish Council - Councillor M Gill -

Cllr Gill is concerned the split between the spending of money in Charlesworth and Simmondley hasn't been a fair split in the past, he would like to create a leaflet funded by himself to advise residents of this and encourage them to come up with ideas for projects.

The Council have said it is alright if he can get the information from any public information, it is personally funded and has no links to the Parish Council on them.

b)  Defibrillators funding - Councillor D Cooper - Placement of the Defibrillators is now the issue, it is possible to adopt the telephone box, remove the telephone and place it in there. The phone box is classed as a low usage one according to BT. However it was only roughly 8 years ago the Parish Council fought to save the telephone box. Other suggestions were in the bus shelter (need permission from DCC), possible to go on any walls in the Village, maybe the church wall near the noticeboard. - It was AGREED Cllr Cooper will continue to investigate venues. Simmondley - Co-op have been difficult to pin down, could be possible to put on newsagents/Post Office, it was AGREED Cllr Gill to continue with discussions about this. It was AGREED a training session would be put on for all members of the public who want training once defib's in place.

c)  Dry stone walling and drainage on Village Green - Councillor S Worrall - The wall at the front of the Village Green is bowing - It was RESOLVED the clerk will speak to Jake and ask him to look at it. It was discussed the drainage wasn't as good as it could be, there is some drainage underneath which might need looking at again. It was thought that quotes for a whole new drainage system had been given around 2013, it was RESOLVED the clerk and Cllr S Worrall to look for previous quotes. It would have to be something that would possibly need to be community funded as well as possible Parish Council funding.

d)  Public Toilets Long Lane - Councillor H Maddox - The disabled buzzer was going off it was RESOLVED the clerk to speak to HPBC and see who is responsible to respond to it.

e)  Leak on Long Lane - Councillor A Worrall - It was AGREED to wait and see if it was just ground water running off.

f)  Publication of minutes and agenda - Councillor D Cooper - Cllr Cooper concerned about the gap between meeting and minutes being publicised, however they have to be approved at a meeting before being publicised.

110/16 FINANCE

(a)  Accounts for payment - It was RESOLVED that the following accounts nos. 97-102 be paid:-

97 HPBC Licence fee for Village Green - £70.00

98 Zurich Insurance 12 months insurance - £372.37

99 Mrs C Kinnersley July salary and stamps - £398.64

100 Mrs C Kinnersley August salary and extra hours (claimed for and paid by insurance company) £519.34

101 JS Marriott Internal Audit £200.00

102 ADC construction Work on memorial - claimed through insurance £7,500

(b)  It was NOTED the statement of accounts was read by the Clerk.


a) HPK/2016/0367 - The Barn, Bankfield Farm - Proposed conversion of existing barn to create 1 no 2 bed dwelling with associated parking and landscaping. - The Council agree in principle - although slight concerns over septic tank, which have had problems in the past.


a)  DALC Circular 11/2016

b)  DALC Circular 12/2016


Items for Information - can be circulated if requested.

a)  HPBC - information about collection of small items

b)  Boxap Street furniture - brochure

c)  SLCC newsletter

d)  Rural Services network - 2 News digest, rural opportunities bulletin, Rural Vulnerability service

e)  Public Sector Executive online - 4 newsletters