February 24, 2016
Charleston Field Trip Information: 7th Grade HiRMS
The trip is approaching fast and we are getting excited. The following information will be helpful in preparing for the trip. If you have any questions not covered in this letter, please ask/emailyour team’s appropriate teacher(Bielinski, VanEseltine, Ritch, Kurtz).
Drop-Off on Wednesday, 3/9
Please drop your child offPROMPTLY AT 6:00AMin the Car Rider Line out front. They should report immediately to the following areas:
- Guardians of the Galaxy…Cafeteria
- Justice League…Main Gym
- The Avengers…Auxiliary Gym (via the locker room hallway)
- The Incredibles…ENCORE hallway
Upon reporting to your designated area, your teachers will check your luggage and give youaField Trip Shirt to place in your bag. You will also get your bus assignment and report to the appropriate section for your bus number, where you will remain with your luggage until we load the bus.
Pick-Up on Thursday, 3/10
Please plan to pick up your child at HiRMS on Friday night, at 10:00PM, in the front of the school. We may arrive sooner than this….students will call from the road to provide updates and estimates for our arrival time. Please be on time! Feel free to park in either of the main lots while waiting for your child, but PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN OR BLOCK THE BUS LOT, as we will have 7 charter busses that need to pull through there!
Dress Code
Normal HiRMS dress code will apply, but please feel free to wear sunglasses or hats.
Please check the Charleston weather forecast prior to packing!
On Wednesday:
ALL students are required to wear 1) Team T-Shirts if they have one, 2) HiRMS shirt with the school name on it, or 3) Please wear a navy blue shirt. If a student arrives on Thursday morning not wearing one of these 3 options, they will be asked to wear the Charleston Field Trip shirt on Wednesday AND Thursday.
On Thursday:
ALL students are required to wear the Charleston Field Trip Shirts. They will get these the morning of our departure. If weather forecast is for cooler temperature and you desire to wear long sleeves, please plan for this to be UNDER your Charleston T-shirts.
Items TO Pack
You may bring 1 SMALL piece of luggage (under bus) and one soft-sided carry-on, similar to a backpack (on the bus)
- Comfortable shoes for lots of walking!
- Jacket/hoodie (check weather; bus ride)?
- Poncho (we are visiting our sites rain or shine!)
- Sunglasses and/or hat
- Sunscreen (we will be on two boat trips out on the water)
- Change of clothes forThursday (in addition to the required T-shirts)
- Pajamas (these MUST still meet dress code as well!)
- Toiletry items(if you need anything for the bus ride, please pack it in your carry-on)
- Snacks (no mess) for bus ride or hotel
- Water (only water allowed on bus…NO sodas, sports drinks, etc.). Be smart! Only one restroom stop along the way!
- Media players/devices with HEADSETS are allowed for the bus (we are not responsible for lost or stolen items)
- Extra moneywill be needed for a Food Court fast-food dinner on Thursday night. Everything else is included in the trip cost. Of course, if you plan to purchase souvenirs or snacks, you would need to bring your own money for those.
* PLEASE NOTE: Anything that you may need with you during the bus rideand ALL DAY WEDNESDAY needs to be packed in your carry-on bag. Your other bag will be below the bus and NOT accessible until hotel check-in at 10:30PM!
Items NOT TO Pack
(We have very little hotel time, so you don’t need much)
- DVD/Movie Players (the busses have one for the road)
- Game consoles (don’t bring them)
- Hairdryers (the hotel room will have one)
- Energy drinks (don’t bring them…they will be thrown away if seen)
Cell Phones
Students will be allowed to carry and use cell phones. We expect them to be used appropriately. If taking photos/video, you must have the permission of those in it. Our expectation is that you will NOT be on your phone all day. We will talk with any students abusing this privilege. Of course, you and your child will be able to contact one another if you need to do so. Our desire is that students enjoy their trip and not spend it on their phone!
We will show movies on the bus during the trip. All movies will be rated G or PG. Please pack some DVDs (not BluRay)of these ratings in your carry-on so we have some choices for the bus. Please label them with the student name and team.
Behavior Issues
We expect excellent behavior at all times and expect each student to be obedient and respectful to ALL teachers and chaperones on this trip. If your child behaves in a manner that is inappropriate, they may: 1) receive consequences while on the trip, 2) they may be assigned to an administrator, 3) you may be called, or if needed, 4) you may be asked to come pick them up. Please help to avoid this by talking to your child about behavior expectations PRIOR to departure.
Students are expected to recognize that they are a part of a GROUP on this trip. Poor choices by a few will have an impact on the many. Be considerate. Some freedoms will be given…it is expected these freedoms will not be abused. BE ON TIME, EVERY TIME!
Parents will be responsible for paying for any damages incurred by your child to the bus, hotel room, etc. Again, please help to avoid this by discussing proper conduct.
Lights will be turned out around 10:30PM on Wednesday, depending on arrival time to the hotel. The outside of each room door will be taped at lights-out and not removed until wake-up call/knock. If a student opens the door between those times, we will know it. If this occurs, teachers will address this with the appropriate students in the room. Those at fault will be given consequences that may include loss of free time with their group and if merited, requesting that the parent pick them up. Security guards will be on duty in the halls overnight and will also report to the teachers.
Hotel Information & Contact Information
LaQuinta Inn & Suites-Charleston Riverview
If you have an emergency, please call your child’s cell phone first. If necessary, call our Tour Escorts, Sarah Magruder (Guardians) at 704-408-1538, Shyrl Innis (Justice League) at 704-641-1310, Garla Shinn (Avengers) at 704-564-0991, or John Huffstetler (Incredibles) at 704-634-0570.
Teachers Traveling
February 24, 2016
All 7th Grade teachers (except Sherman, Macon, Bienkievitz) are chaperoning this trip, as well as 15 additional HiRMS educators.
February 24, 2016
February 24, 2016
Student Group Procedures
Students will stay with their roommate groups (typically groups of 4) at all times.
Students may ONLY ‘pair off’ briefly only for restroom use.
Students will NEVER go anywhere ALONE.
Student roommate groups will be assigned to a teacher on the bus Wednesday morning once we are on the road. They will follow, report to, and check-in with this teacher throughout the trip. Any questions or concerns that arise on the trip should be brought to that teacher first.
Students are welcome to hang out with any other roommate groups they would like from HiRMS (if there is the opportunity to do so based on the schedule and itinerary below), they just cannot separate from their own roommates throughout the trip. This is for the safety and enjoyment of all.
The entire 7th grade will be together on the trip to Fort Sumter and at the Aquarium. At all other times, we will be following rotating itineraries based on our teams.
February 24, 2016
6:00 AMCheck-in at HiRMS
Load busses and off to Charleston!
11:45 PMArrive at Patriots Point
12:00PMPatriots Point
toLunch (box lunch-sandwich/chips/cookie)
5:45PMBarrier Island Cruise
6:00 PMDinner at Ryan’s Buffet
toHistoric Ghost Tour
10:00 PMReturn to Hotel
10:30 PMLights Out & Room Checks
(security guard on duty until morning)
6:00 AMWake-up & room checks
toBreakfast & luggage downstairs
7:30 AMLoad busses
8:00 AMTrip to Fort Sumter
10:15 AM
11:00 PMLunch at T-Bonz/Noisy Oyster (chick. fingers)
toOld Market
2:30 PMLoad Busses
2:45 PMSouth Carolina Aquarium
4:15 PMDepart for home
Dinner at Citadel Mall Food Court en route
10:00 PMArrive at HiRMS
(call from road with ETA updates)
February 24, 2016
* Please remember and respect that per school policy, only students and chaperones on our list are permitted with our group in Charleston.
This is for the safety of our students. No tag-alongs!