Fauquier County Public Schools Technology Pacing Guide

Fifth Grade

1st Nine Weeks
C/T 3-5.3, 3-5.4, 3-5.5 – Digital Citizenship (All Year)
·  Recognizes ownership of own work
·  Understands and follows Copyright and Fair Use policies http://www.cyberbee.com/cb_copyright.swf
·  Understands and follows the Acceptable Use Policy for FCPS http://portfolio.fcps1.org/policy/Appendices-Forms-Schedules/IIBEA-F.pdf
·  Follows the school’s rules for using computers (post rules in the classroom and computer lab)
·  Demonstrates appropriate behavior when using equipment
·  Follows personal safety rules on the Internet (Sign safety pledge) http://www.colonialhts.net/internet_safety/pledges/pledge35.pdfhttp://www.cybercrime.gov/rules/kidinternet.htm http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/edcams/kidzprivacy/kidz.htm
·  Respects other’s work and workspace
·  Work collaboratively when using technology
·  Understand how technology expands opportunities for learning (Email, Webcams, Internet)
C/T 3-5.1 – Vocabulary (applications, backup, virus, document)
·  Introduce and use throughout the year
C/T 3-5.1 – Basic Technology
·  Saves and retrieves personal work from folder (Network Folder, KidPix, educational software)
·  Uses correct login (STAR, Accelerated Reader, websites)
C/T 3-5.2 – Keyboarding
·  Uses correct finger placement on “Home Row” to strike all keys (Classworks Gold Keyboarding, websites) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/
C/T 3.5 – Word Processing
·  Uses Tab key to indent paragraphs (Word, Kid Pix)
·  Uses RIGHT-click to activate Spell Check and Grammar Check (Word, PowerPoint, Publisher)
·  Inserts Graphics(Clip art folders, copying and pasting from internet, digital images, and scanned images)
·  Uses Thesaurus to increase the reading level of the passage
C/T 3-5.5, 3-5.6, 3-5.7, 3-5.8 – Telecommunications
·  Launches Browser (Internet Explorer)
·  Uses online educational activities
·  Uses Favorites (Favorites under Internet Explorer or Portaportal) http://www.portaportal.com
·  Uses Browser Buttons
2nd Nine Weeks
C/T 3-5.1 – Basic Technology
·  Controls positions and size of windows (title bar, minimize, maximize, close, and toggle)
·  Knows the difference between save and save as (Word, Publisher, Powerpoint, Escel)
C/T 3-5.5, 3-5.8 – Multimedia
·  Uses basic drawing tools (KidPix, Paint, MapMaker Toolkit)
·  Uses multimedia resources (websites, educational software)
C/T 3-5.2 – Spreadsheets
·  Sorts and classifies data (Excel, eTools) http://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com
·  Constructs and interprets graphs using spreadsheets (Excel, eTools)
·  Compares graphs (Excel, eTools)
·  Inserts a formula in a spreadsheet (Excel)
C/T 3.5-2 – Keyboarding
·  Increases speed and fluency to 15-20 words per minute with 5 or fewer mistakes (Classworks Gold Keyboarding, websites) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/
C/T 3.52 – Word Processing
·  Uses templates for desktop publishing (Word, Publisher)
C/T3.5, 3-5.6, 3-5.7, 3-5.8 – Telecommunications
·  Uses individual or group email (electronic postcards or ask an expert)
·  Participates in on-line scavenger hunts, webquests, and simulations
·  Uses Virtual Field Trips
3rd Nine Weeks
C/T 3-5.2 – Keyboarding
·  Uses dual keys for certain keystrokes (Classworks Gold Keyboarding or websites) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/
C/T 3-5.5, 3-5.8 – Multimedia
·  Creates an individual or small group multimedia presentation (PowerPoint, KidPix, Movie Maker)
·  Inserts graphics (Clip art folders, copying and pasting from the internet, digital images, and scanned images)
·  Views or uses a slideshow
C/T 3-5.5, 3-5.6, 3-5.7, 3-5.8 – Telecommunications
·  Uses on-line encyclopedia http://go-passport.grolier.com/splash or http://www.worldbookonline.com/wb/Home
·  Utilizes age appropriate search engines http://www.askforkids.com/ or http://www.kidsclick.org/
·  Evaluates accuracy of websites
C/T 3-5.8 – Word Processing
·  Uses cut, copy, paste as editing tools (Word, Publisher, PowerPoint)
·  Uses drawing tools (Kid Pix, Paint)
·  Creates a hyperlink in a document (Word, Publisher, PowerPoint)
·  Uses numbered and bulleted lists (Word, PowerPoint)
C/T 3-5.3 – Digital Citizenship
·  Sites sources for research and graphics used http://www.factmonster.com/homework/t8biblio.html
4th Nine Weeks
C/T 3-5.2 and 3-5.6 – Databases
·  Understands what a database is and what it is used for (Library Card Catalog, Access, Internet)
·  Accesses, retrieves, and sorts data from a database (Library Card Catalog, Access, Internet)
C/T 3-5.3 – Digital Citizenship
·  Identifies how technology changed society in communication, transportation, and the economy
http://www.growing.course.com/level_5/index.html (See link for time machine)
C/T 3-5.1 – Basic Technology
·  Manages files in folders
·  Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using computers

FCPS updated 7/3/07 Fifth Grade