Under the terms of the 1988 Education Act, the school may not compel parents to pay for any activity and may only ask for a voluntary contribution towards the cost. No pupil will be debarred from any activity because parents do not wish to make a voluntary contribution. It must be pointed out, however, that the school has no residual funds to pay for extra activities and that unless voluntary contributions from parents cover the whole cost of an activity then it will not take place.

Various activities are organised for the children who attend Elm Road Primary School whereby an element of cost is involved.

At present there are three categories of activities with a cost element:

1. Swimming sessions at the Hudson Sports Centre where a coach is required for transport, and the services of a lifeguard for health and safety.

2. Occasional day outings of an educational nature which involve the hire of a coach and payment of various entrance fees.

3. Annual residential school journeys that are organised for children in the upper school (9 - 11 year olds). These are charged in full as they are organised by an external provider so there are no exemptions.

All of these activities take place for the benefit of the children; however, it is not possible to arrange them without some extra funding being available. It is the practice to point out to parents what is being offered and the cost implication. If parents feel able to make voluntary contributions such that the cost of the activity is covered then the activity will take place. If, however, parents do not feel able to support their child in taking part in an activity, then it is highly unlikely that the activity would take place.

Any charge, however, can be remitted in full if a family is in receipt of Income Support and an application for remission can be made to the headteacher. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.