Unit 4

(1 week)

The Great Dpression 1930-1939

Chapters The American pageant 33

Quiz on each Chapter, Objective test chapters 33

Short response test 33


NEW DEAL 1.0 weeks

Organizing Principles

The Great Depression and New Deal led to the expectation of government intervention to maintain the economic stability of the nation.

Topics: Great Depression, New Deal, relief, recovery, reform, make work, labor, political realignment, changing function of government)

Unit 4 Chap 33 The Great Depression

The Dawn of FDR

5th cousin of T.R. married to Eleanor his distant cousin and niece of T.R. Born with infantile paralysis it hit him in 1921 confined to a wheel chair – he served as a member of the New York Legislature, nominated as the V.P. but lost election, Asst. Sec of the Navy and the Gov. of New York. 1932 nominated as the presidential candidate for the democrats over Al Smith Eleanor would become the first active first lady and she always helped get FDR elected. At the Chicago convention he pledged “I pledge you I pledge myself to a New Deal for the American people”.

1932 election

Hoover v. Roosevelt

Hoover blamed for depression Roosevelt scene as a savior with a smile landslie victory 472 to 59 electoral votes

1932 marked a turning point in the Black vote – moved from republican party of Lincoln to the democrat party of Roosevelt – the Northern inner cities mostly black were pro Roosevelt

The Three “R’s” Relief – recovery- reform FDR declared war on depression

Inaugural address “Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”

March 6-10 1933 declared Bank Holiday to get the Banks under control and restore confidence in them.

FDR’S Congress was controlled by the democrats FDR asked for 100 days. March 9 – June 16 1933 a salvation plan would be created and called the New Deal Congress became a rubber stamp

The Plan based on Progressive ideas

First two years Relief and Recovery

Long term goals Recovery and permanent Reform

1933 Banking Act Presidential power to regulate banks and began his fire side chats these were radio talks to America and the first chat was to restore the faith in the banks not the mattress

Glass Stegall Banking reform Act reated the FDIC first at 5000 now 100,000 He recalled all private holdings of Gold and took the U.S. off the gold Standard this raised the price of gold from $21 to $35 an ounce.

Unemployment was at 25% highest in U.S. history – FDR wanted to use federal money a primer to the pump to return America to economic stability.

CCC Civilian Conservation Corps March 1933 3 million men put in uniform and given a job and a place to stay with food used for reforestation – flood control – fire fighting – restoration of historical sites –

Federal Emergency Relief Act created the FERA Federal Emergency relief Administration it was run by Harry Hopkins this sent 3 billion to the states to kick start economy

AAA Agricultural Adjustment Act Money given to farmers to reduce Mortgages would lead to HOLC Home Owners Loan Corp refinance home mortgages

CWA Civil works Administration. Branch of FERA provided seasonal temporary work

Rise of Demagogues

Father Charles Coughlin a Catholic Priest Anti-FDR “Social Justice” blamed the Jews and attracted 40 million listeners via radio 1930-1942 removed by Catholics

Huey Long “Kingfish” Social Wealth share the wealth of the rich with the poor –controlled all of the business in LA – could have become a fascist dictator in America wanted to run for president taken out by an assassin. FDR called him one of the two most dangerous men in the United States the other was Douglas Mc Arthur

Women under FDR and the New Deal

Roosevelt appointed the first female cabinet member Sec of Labor Frances Perkins.


The creation of the National recovery Administration NRA most aggressive plan to provide immediate relief and long term recovery for the nation. Designed to assist industry labor and the unemployed - for Labor it allowed worker to organize and bargain collective and to appoint who it wanted to negotiate with companies and it restricted child labor - For Industrial recovery it promised Fair Competition in business and companies belonging to the idea of the NRA displayed a BLUE EAGLE and was considered patriotic to belong so much so Philadelphia created the Philadelphia Eagles. Supreme Court shot this down in 1935 as a violation of constitution powers the legislature cannot delegate powers to the president.

The end of the NRA lead to congress creating the National Labor relations Act 1935 created a board to insure labor had the right to collectively bargain through its own representatives – lead to John L Lewis and the creation of the CIO – Committee for Industrial Organization. CIO developed the sit down strike first in 20th century Flint Michigan prevented scabs from coming in. forced the company to given into demands of the labor – CIO was able to move into the US Steel Co. a company who never had a union member . lead to the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act. U.S. Govt. required all companies that engaged in interstate trade and commerce to meet minimum wage and maximum hour requirements and adhere to new child labor laws no one under 16 and under 18 if job was dangerous (damaged Southern business)

In 1938 CIO broke and became the rival of the AF of L and changed from Committee IO to Congress IO – by 1940 had 4 million members

After the end of the NRA the PWA was created Public Works Administration. Targeted industrial recovery and unemployment relief sect interior ran it Harold Ickes - $4billion spent 34,000 projects buildings, highways, parkways largest was the Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River it became one of the largest power plants in America rivaled the TVA.

Liquor law changed 21st amendment 1933

Subsidized farming 1936 Supreme Court outlawed AAA its tax provisions were unconstitutional. Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act 1936 plant

crops to save soil.

Dust Bowl

1933 massive drought and high winds Colorado to MO thousands of farmers displaced inspired s

Stienbeck to write The Grapes of Wrath

Native Americans

Group worst hit by the depression – Commissioner of Indian Affairs John Collier sought to reverse the Dawes Act ( forced assimilation) by creating the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 encouraged the tribes to create their own governing bodies and maintain there culture and customs


TENN Valley Authority

Passed into act by congress under the 100 days the TVA was designed to compete and force self regulation of electric companies by creating a Govt. company that controlled power to prove it could be sold cheaper – it dammed up the Tenn. river creating thousands of jobs for the TVA as well as subsidiary jobs. became the example for other dam projects but none would ever again be controlled by the Govt. it still is today. Govt. Monopoly

Social Security and Housing Acts

Lower income housing became a govt. plan for recovery and long term reform. FHA was created Federal Housing Authority still exists today.

Social Security Act of 1935 – by 1939 45million people were eligible – sent the country into a recession in the depression as paychecks were now be deducted from.

1936 election

Roosevelt Demo.

Landon Rep.

Republicans accussd Roosevelt of being a socialist Landon received only two states Maine and VT. Electoral vote 523 –8

FDR won on the poor, minority vote and immigrant Catholic and Jewish vote.

FDR’s mistake Challenge to the court

9 old judges 6 of the 9 were over 70 and ultraconservative and voted against and attacked a lot of FDR’s policy’s. FDR appealed to congress to have a new one added for everyone over 70 allowing for up to 15 judges – he wanted to pack the court with his people.

His own Congress turned on him calling him a wanna-be dictator – by the end of his four elections Roosevelt do to death and retirement was able to replace all 9 judges.

Effectiveness of New Deal

1933-37 did not end depression-lowered unemployment to 15% - and recovery was slow 1937 recession hit with the SS tax

Keynes theory adopted of deficit spending launched U.S. into further national debt. 1939 Congress growing a little more conservative created the Hatch Act prevented administrative officials from campaigning for a candidate. 1938 the new deal lost its steam.

Conservatives called Roosevelt a potential American Marxist and Socialist he had developed the largest employer in the U.S. the U.S. Govt. increased the national debt – 19 billion in 1932 – 40 billion by 1939 Business accused of Roosevelt of only looking out for 25% of the people and that business if left alone could have gotten the country out of the depression faster. As WWII broke out in Europe a demand for more American goods was created.

Also Roosevelt was accused of providing to much relief and not enough focus on fixing the economy- His socialist scare on America brought back to the Americans a stronger sense of patriotism and nationalism against socialism. The American Socialist party said Roosevelt was there worst enemy his attempt at it killed it.