Chapters 1-2 Vocabulary

“The Outsiders”

Incredulous- unbelieving or doubtful

Loping- walking with an easy, bounding gait

Scatterbrained- silly and careless

Editorials- articles giving the views of the editor or publisher

Jumped- made a sudden attack

Shanghaiing- forcing aboard a ship for service as a sailor

Madras- a fine, cotton fabric, usually plaid or striped

Scowled- frowned or gave a nasty look

Savy- a slang word for understand

Clammy- sweaty or damp

Unfathomable- not able to reach understanding of

Rumble- a street fight especially among gangs

Striding- taking long steps

Roguishly- Mischievously or playful

Sarcastically- in a manner with cutting or taunting remarks

Complicated- tangled or snarled

Quivering- shaking or moving with a slight trembling motion

Rueful- exciting pity or sympathy

Slouched- an awkward stooping of head and shoulders

“Loned it” –doing something by oneself

Chapters 3-4 Vocabulary

“The Outsiders”

Reputation- overall quality or characteristic as judged by people in general

Aloofness- the quality of being unconcerned or distant

Stammered- hesitated or stumbled in speaking

Reeling- walking unsteadily

Glared- looked at with anger

Premonition- a previous notice or forewarning

Hilt- to the very limit

Smoldering- showing suppressed anger or hate

Reformatory- an institution to which young offenders are sent for improved behavior

Flicked- struck lightly with a quick sharp motion

Defiance- willingness to fight

Contemptuously- in a manner showing open disrespect

Thug- a thief or gangster

Impersonally- with a fair, matter of fact manner

Self-preservation- a natural instinctive tendency to act as to save one’s existence

Snooker- a variation of pool played with twenty-one balls

Glint- a tiny, bright flash of light

Gallantly- with bravery or glory

Apprehensive- fearful

Pickled- drunk

Chapters 5-7 Vocabulary

“The Outsiders”

Groggy- weak and unsteady on the feet

Reluctantly- in a manner of showing unwillingness or carefulness

Imploringly- in a begging manner

Sullenly- gloomily or resentfully silent

Quavering- trembling or shaking

Plantations- a settlement in a new country

Eluded- avoided or escaped

Vital- important to life

Wolfishly- hiding hostile intentions behind a friendly manner

Wistfully- full of unfulfilled desire

Bewilderment- confusion

Dimly- characterized by an unfavorable attitude

Keeled- to fall or faint

Hysterics- a fit of uncontrollable laughter or crying

In Stitches- uncontrollable laughter

Exploits- a deed notable for a heroic action

Chapter 8-12 Vocabulary Words

“The Outsiders”

Abruptly- sudden or unexpected

Aimlessly – without a purpose

Awed - an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc.,

Debating - a discussion, as of a public question in an assembly, involving opposing viewpoints

Acquitted - to relieve from a charge of fault or crime; declare not guilty

Flinching - to draw back or shrink, as from what is dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant.

Grimacing- a facial expression, often ugly or contorted, that indicates disapproval, pain, etc.

Leery- wary; suspicious

Idolized - to regard with blind adoration, devotion, etc

Stupor - suspension or great diminution of sensibility, as in disease or as caused by narcotics, intoxicants,

Mock - to attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision.

Reformatory – designed to train or change

Vaguely - not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed

Veered - to change direction or turn about or aside

Stifled - to quell, crush, or end by force

Underprivileged - denied the enjoyment of the normal privileges or rights of a society because of low economic and social status