Chapter13Reading Guide Page 1

The Corrupt Bargain of 1824

  • ID the four candidates, their appeal, and the results of the initial election
  • Explain the “corrupt bargain” and the ultimate outcome.

A Yankee Misfit in the White House

  • Describe JQA’s characteristics and personality
  • What were his views and public reaction concerning:
  • Current Officeholders
  • Nationalism
  • Land Policy

Going “Whole Hog” for Jackson in 1828

  • Describe the two camps that existed prior to the election and tactics that each used to win the election.
  • Explain the results of the election.

“Old Hickory” as President

  • Describe Old Hickory
  • What does the term “King Mob” mean?

The Spoils System

  • Explain

The Tricky “Tariff of Abominations”

  • Explain the 1824 tariff and what occurred in 1828.
  • What was the reaction from the south
  • What other anxieties did the southern states have at this time? Explain.
  • ID the South Carolina Exposition

“Nullies” in South Carolina

  • Why had the nullies failed prior to 1832?
  • ID the Tariff of 1832. What was the reaction of South Carolina
  • Explain Henry Clay’s compromise (Tariff of 1833). What were the ultimate results to South Carolina?

The Trail of Tears

  • ID theFive Civilized Tribes. Explain how the Cherokees were trying to adopt American ways.
  • Explain the issue over the Cherokee tribal council and the Court’s decision
  • Explain Jackson’s response.
  • ID the Indian Removal Act
  • Sauk and Fox Indians
  • Seminoles

The Bank War

  • How did the BUS encourage sectionalism in the US?
  • Jackson’s views
  • ID Nicholas Biddle
  • Explain Henry Clay’s bill to re-charter the BUS and Jackson’s veto.
  • The results to executive power and sectionalism

Old Hickory Wallops Clay

  • ID the election of 1832. What made this campaign especially memorable?
  • The results

Burying Biddle’s Bank

  • Explain the death of the BUS
  • What were the negative results to the US in general?

The Birth of the Whigs

  • Explain the birth of the Whig party.
  • What was their early platform and to whom did they appeal?

The Election of 1836

  • Whig strategy
  • Results

Big Woes for the “Little Magician”

  • Background—Martin Van Buren
  • Challenges that he faced

Depression Doldrums and the Independent Treasury

  • ID the Panic of 1837
  • Whig’s proposals for dealing with it
  • Van Buren’s proposals
  • Ultimate results


  • Gone to Texas
  • ID Stephen Austin and his agreement with the Mexican government
  • Issues b/t Texans and the Mexican government
  • The Lone Star Rebellion
  • ID the Texan War for Independence
  • Why was the US in a sticky situation?

Log Cabins and Hard Cider of 1840

  • Election of 1840
  • Explain the Whig campaign
  • Results

Politics for the People

  • List and explain the major change in American politics since the Era of Good Feelings regarding democracy and aristocracy.

The Two-Party System

  • Explain the development of
  • Democratic Characteristics
  • Whig Characteristics
  • Similarities b/t the two