AP U.S. History / October 2015
Calendar of Activities & Assignments
Monday / Tuesday / Thursday
Overview of Second Great Awakening & Republican Motherhood
HW: Read Chapter 9 / 10/6
Nationalism after War of 1812
Antebellum Economic Trends/Docs
Crash Course: Market Revolution
HW: Finish Chapter 9 / 10/8 Chapter 9 Due
Short Answer (on Ch. 8 concepts)
Intro to Andrew Jackson
HW: Read Chapter 10;
10/12 1-4 Block Day
Jacksonian Era
Jacksonian Document Activity
HW: Read Chapter 10; Read Jacksonian essays / 10/14 Wednesday
All juniors take PSAT / 10/16 Chapter 10 Due
Review Legacy of Jackson/Era
Review 1790-1840 Charts/P/E/S
HW: Prepare for Ch. 9/10 MC Test Read Chapter 11
No School for Students
Staff Development Day / 10/20
Ch. 9 & 10 MC Test
Intro to Antebellum Reform
HW: Review Chapters 8-10 for LEQ; / 10/22
In Class Essay (LEQ)(1790-1840) (45 min)
Antebellum Reform Groups
HW:Read Ch. 11 for 10/26
10/26 Chapter 11 Due
Reform Presentations
HW: Chapter 12 / 10/27
Finish Reform Presentations
Abolitionism Documents/Discussions
HW: Finish Chapter 12 / 10/29 Chapter 12 Due
SDLA (Ch. 12) & Debrief
HW: Prepare for Ch. 11/12 Test
Ch 11 & 12 Test
HW: Read Chapter 13 / 11/3
Short Answer
Manifest Destiny
Expansion & Conflict PowerPoint
Mexican War docs
HW: Read Chapter 13 / 11/5 Chapter 13 Due
SDLA (Ch 13)
HW: Chapter 13/14 will be a partner test

Chapter 9 –Economic Transformation, 1820-1860

Industrial & Market RevolutionsCyrus McCormickSamuel Slater

Women’s Workers/Lowell, Mass.Journeymen Artisansunions & blacklists

Working Men’s PartyEli Whitney/Mass productionCommonwealth v. Hunt

Labor Theory of ValueComparative AdvantageErie Canal

Robert FultonJohn DeereInternal Migration Patterns

Middle Class Social Trends “Benevolent Empire”Irish & German Immigration

NativismCharles FinneyTemperance movement

Chapter 10 –A Democratic Revolution 1820-1844

Alexis de Tocqueville“New” DemocracyElection of 1824 (“Corrupt Bargain”)

Political machineClay’s American systemJohn Quincy Adams as President

Tariff of “Abomination”King “Mob” & King “Veto”National Appeal of “Old Hickory”

Jacksonian DemocracyAndrew Jackson as President“Kitchen” Cabinet & “Spoils” System Nullification & South Carolina Nicholas Biddle & the “Bank War” Jackson’s “Pet Banks”

Indian Removal Act of 1830“Trail of Tears”Five “Civilized Tribes”

Worcester v. GeorgiaThe Taney CourtCharles River Bridge Case

Whig PartyAnti-Masonic PartyMartin Van Buren

Panic of 1837Independent Treasury ActWorking Men’s Party

Election of 1840 (“Tippecanoe & Tyler Too” & “Log Cabin & Hard Cider”)

Chapter 11: Antebellum Religion & Reform, 1820-1860

For this chapter, you will be assigned to a specific reform group. Skim p.331-344 and read the sections on Abolitionism and the Women’s Movement more carefully.

Second Great AwakeningGeorge WhitefieldBenevolence/Good Works

Ralph Waldo EmersonTranscendentalismTemperance movement

Henry David ThoreauWalt WhitmanNathaniel Hawthorne

Herman MelvilleUtopian CommunitiesMormons

NativismAbolitionist StrategiesNat Turner’s Rebellion William Lloyd Garrison Grimké Sisters Underground Railroad

“Gag” RuleAmerican Anti-Slavery Societyseparate spheres

Dorothea DixHorace MannHarriet Beecher Stowe

Sojourner TruthSeneca Falls ConventionElizabeth Cady Stanton

Chapter 12: The South Expands: Slavery & Society, 1800-1860

This is a thematic chapter on slavery. Focus on the larger themes and trends and pay attention to how the institution of slavery and the experience of slaves changes over time.

Internal Slave TradeKing CottonSocial Impacts on Slaves

Slave Marriage trendsOld South gentry cultureSlave-holding trends

Southern Defenses of SlaveryPlanter elite/aristocracy“necessary evil”/“positive good”

Small planters/yeomenproperty-less whitesgang-labor system

Demographics on slave ownershipTexas annexationSouthern Economic Division

Regional economic differencesBlack ProtestantismOrigins of African American culture

Forms of slave resistanceNorthern Free Black SocietySouthern Free Black Society

Chapter 13: Expansion, War, & Sectional Crisis: 1844-1860

Manifest DestinyOregon FeverPlains Indian Lifestyle

“54° 40” or Fight!”James PolkElection of 1844

Mexican-American WarZachary Taylor“conscience” Whigs

Wilmot ProvisoTreaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo“Free Soil” Party

Popular SovereigntyCalifornia Gold Rush“higher law”/”fire eaters”

Compromise of 1850Fugitive Slave Act & Personal Liberty LawsGadsden Purchase

Kansas-Nebraska ActCreation of Republican Party“Bleeding” Kansas

Dred Scott v. SanfordStephen Douglas & Freeport DoctrineJames Buchanan

John Brown & Raid at Harper’s FerryAbraham LincolnElection of 1860