Mrs. Legge’s
Fourth Grade Class
Salt Dough Maps
Friday, August 14 2015
Dear Parents,
Our class will be making salt dough maps of Arizona on Friday this week. Your child will need to make their salt dough at home and bring it to school Thursday or Friday. I suggest making it Thursday night and placing it in a Ziploc bag so that it does not dry out. If possible, please supply your child with a 12” x 12” piece of cardboard on Thursday so that they have a hard surface to build their salt dough on. If you have extras of the salt dough or cardboard, please send those in too. The salt dough recipe is below and also can be found on my webpage. The kids are very excited about this project. It will be a lot of fun! J
Salt Dough Recipe
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup salt
1 cup cold water
Directions: In a large bowl, mix table salt and flour together. Gradually add 1/2 cup of water and mix to desired consistency. Knead the dough on a flat surface, adding a few more drops of water as needed (but not making it too moist). The dough should not be runny! J
* If you have enough to make extra, please do so in case a student isn’t able to make the dough. Thanks! J