Terms Of Reference
Project / Capacity building for Upgrading of Food establishments and Animal By-Product managementComponent / 4. AWARENESS BUILDING
Activity / Activity 4.1Conduct stakeholder mapping and information needs assessment including awareness related meetings with stakeholders, on the upgrading process of food establishments and on regulatory requirements for ABP management. Preparation of stakeholder information, preparation and implementation of the awareness raising plan
Short Term Expert / Mr. Finn Clemmensen, DK
Mr. Torsten Berg, DK
Date of Mission / 5–7October 2015 (2 working days)
Arrival / 05.10.2015
Working days / 06-07.10.2015
Departure / 07.10.2015 after working hours or 08.10.2015
Version and status / Mission no. 34
1Terms of Reference for Activity
1.1Subject of the activity
Conduct stakeholder mapping and information needs assessment including awareness related meetings with stakeholders, on the upgrading process of food establishments and on regulatory requirements for ABP management. Preparation of stakeholder information, preparation and implementation of the awareness raising plan.
1.2Purpose of the Mission
The purpose of the mission is to discuss and give recommendation for amendments to the drafted stakeholder mappingand draftedawareness raising plan and to further asses the information needs related to the upgrading process of foodestablishments the ABP management.
1.3Results of the Mission
The mission will result in a draft awareness raising plan, including a draft stakeholder mapping and information need assessment.
1.4Persons involved
Mr. Budimir Plavšić, Coordinator for component 4
Mr.Zoran Ivanovic,Department for animal health,welfare and traceability department
Ms. Tanya Labus,Department for animal health,welfare and traceability department
Ms. Slavica Nikolić Stajković, Coordinator Component 3
1.5Background of the Project
The overall objectives of the project are:
- to improve the structure and hygienic way of working in meat and milk establishments;
- to set up a management system to safely handle and process animal by-products;
- to improve the knowledge and practical skills of the competent authorities.
The project consists of four components:
1.Strategy development on upgrading of food establishments (meat and milk) and animal by-product management
2.The upgrading of meat and milk establishments
3.To improve the handling of Animal By-Products
4.Awareness Building
1.6Background information of the activity
The Awareness Building Component is supporting the other components of the project in particular the Component 2 upgrading of food establishments and Component 3 implementing of animal by-product legislation. The awareness building part includes the below listed 5 activities. During this mission the draft stakeholder mapping and draft awareness raising plan covering the components activities will be updated. In addition theinformation need assessmentwill be produced.
- 4.1 Conduct stakeholder mapping and information needs assessment including awareness related meetings with stakeholders, on the upgrading process of food establishments and on regulatory requirements for ABP management. Preparation of stakeholder information, preparation and implementation of the awareness raising plan
- 4.2 Food Business Operator’s awareness campaign on National program of upgrading of food establishments and training on general and specific structural and hygiene requirements executed;
- 4.3 Organization and execution of an awareness campaign and training workshops addressed toward stakeholders and their roles and obligations within the regulatory framework and the National strategy for ABP management
- 4.4 Preparation and dissemination of information through manuals, guidelines, as well as articles in relevant newspapers and magazines, and informative leaflets and brochures
- 4.5 Evaluation of the awareness component carried out.the Conduct stakeholder mapping and information needs assessment including awareness related meetings with stakeholders, on the upgrading process of food establishments and on regulatory requirements for ABP management.
1.7Type of Short Term Expert
Senior STE with management experience in the areas to be addressed by this activity.
1.8Used Method
Working group meetings with the BC key persons responsible for Component 4.
1.9Logistics and Local Arrangements
Arrangements will be made for Experts to be picked up in the airport by the Taxi driver Zoran Ristic +381 (0) 64 111 00 83.
Accommodation will be arranged at Hotel Petit Piaf, Skadarska 34, Belgrade 11000, Serbien +381 11 3035252.
2Agenda of the Visit for Activity
Day / Time / Room / Subject / Deliverables06.10 / 09.00-10.00 / 35 / Meeting STE and RTA / A mission report containing:
- All facts collected
- Problems encountered
- Draft stakeholder mapping
- Draftinformation needs assessment
- Draft awareness raising plan
- Recommendation on future actions
- Conclusion on the mission
10.00-12.00 / Meeting STE, BP, TL,ZI
13.00-15.30 / Meeting STE, BP, TL, ZI
15.30-16:30 / STE meeting
07.10 / 08.00-12.00 / 35 / Meeting STE, BP, TL, ZI, SNS
13.00-16.00 / Meeting STE, BP, TL, ZI, SNS