NAME ______CLASS ______DATE ______

Chapter 7 Study/Review Guide (2013-2014) 15 points

Using your notes and worksheet/lab packets, complete each section to help prepare you for the Chapter 7 test.


What is an autotroph? How does it obtain food?

What makes a heterotroph different from an autotroph?

What are other names for autotrophs or heterotrophs?

Explain why the sun is so important for ALL living things.

What is the process that converts O2 in to food called?


Define energy.

What are the two MAIN energy types (generically speaking)?

Why is thermal energy kinetic?

Explain what happens to convert chemical energy (potential) in to thermal energy.

What is our main energy source as humans?

What is a calorie? Where do we find them?


What gives the cell energy to do work?

What is that molecule made of?

How does it store PE? KE?

What is the same molecule called when it loses a PO4-3 group?


Define aerobic. Give an example of an aerobic process from this chapter.

Write the cellular respiration equation.

How do you know if c.r. is aerobic? What proof do you have?

How is breathing similar to c.r.?

What does the e- transport chain do?


Where does c.r. occur in an animal cell?

Explain why the structure of this organelle is so important.

List the stages in c.r. in order.

How much ATP is produced after the 1st stage? 2nd stage? 3rd stage?

Why is glucose so important for the entire c.r. process?

What is the end product of the 1st stage that leads in to the 2nd stage of c.r.?

How many turns does the 2nd stage need?

Which stage produces the most ATP?


Define anaerobic.

Name 2 types of fermentation.

What is the product of each type of fermentation?

What can go in to our foods to help them ferment?