ROSEMONT MINE RECOMMENDATION ESSAYworth 100 pts., due February 23

Directions: You will research the proposed Rosemont Copper Mine, located just south of Tucson in the Santa Rita Mountains, on private land and on public Coronado National Forest land. Your team will first research a few of the many effects, either pro (good effects), or con (harmful effects). Your team will share these effects with your classmates, in a folder on my website.

You will then write your own recommendation, based on your consideration of all of the possible pro and con effects. DO YOU APPROVE OF THE MINE OR NOT? Your opinion must be based on correct facts, based on the science, but there is no wrong opinion if you state the correct facts.

1. Type your essay in an 11 font, single-spaced, in an ARIEL font, (these are the default settings for Google Drive). Write your name, period, date in the top left margin, using one line. Skip a line, then type your title. Center the title.

2. Your first paragraph is your INTRODUCTION. Pretend I know nothing about the mine proposal. Use the 6 “W’s” to compose this paragraph. Be as specific as you can, (how far from Tucson, in which direction, etc…). SAVE YOUR OPINION FOR THE LAST PARAGRAPH.

3. To start your next paragraph hit TAB to indent the TOPIC SENTENCE OF THIS PARAGRAPH. In this and the next several paragraphs you will describe the various possible effects of the mine. The topic sentence for each paragraph tells me what effects you will be describing in each paragraph, ( ex. “ First I will describe the possible effects on water use and water quality.”)

4. Continue to write paragraphs of possible effects, both pro (for the mine) and con (against the mine). USE YOUR 6 SHARED FOLDERS OF CLASSROOM RESEARCH TO ORGANIZE THESE PARAGRAPHS.

5. Write your opinion in the last paragraph: do you approve the mine or not? Give your reasons for the judgement that you make: which effects are most important to you, that cause you to have the opinion that you have? YOU CANNOT BOTH APPROVE AND DISAPPROVE THE MINE, THAT’S NOT HOW THE WORLD WORKS. Perhaps this year the National Forest Service will announce their decision. So you are doing what many adults have been doing for the past few years, submitting their input about this controversial mine.

6. Your bibliography is last and is easy. Since most of your research comes from a credible (believable and fair) source, the ARIZONA DAILY STAR newspaper, you don’t have do to do the usual type of bibliography.


As an adult you will have the opportunity to voice your concerns about all sorts of issues: politics, the environment, laws, etc… That is one of our responsibilities, and benefits, of living in a democracy. This is good practice for you, to prepare you for adulthood in America.