Origins of Progressivism

I.  ______– reform movement started in the late 1800’s to deal with social and ______problems associated with industrialization and ______.

-  wanted government to be honest and address problems the people had

-  similar to ______Movement

-  goals:

a. eliminate ______in government

b.  eliminate abuses of big ______

c. some reformers motivated by religion wanted to ______.

d.  Wanted better conditions for ______living in ______.

A. ______reveal the need for reform.

______- investigative reporters who wanted to expose the horrors and corruption in business and politics.

______- made up the nickname

1. Ida ______ – exposed the ruthless business practices of ______and John Rockefeller in McClure’s Magazine.

2. ______ – exposed the corruption of city governments in The Shame of the Cities.

3. Jacob ______- wrote ______the ______- focused on problems in ______

4. Upton ______ – exposed the horrible conditions in meat packing plants in ______. Pg. 220

5. ______- Sister Carrie -______

6. Frank ______- ______

-  ______paved the way for many reforms in America.

B.  Reforming Society – cities were growing and couldn’t provide services(police, fire, housing, and garbage collection)

1.  Laws to regulate ______, ______, and schools.

2.  Walter ______- ______should be basis of social reform

a.  ______- create a better society through Bible’s teachings

b.  ______- community center to provide social services to the ______

c.  What did they provide? –

d.  Jane ______- created the ______House

  1. In ______Illinois

3.  1893 Florence ______fights to end ______labor and limit ______for women in Illinois.

a. 1902 ______helps found the National Child ______-try to get state legislatures to ban ______(not all states enforced the child labor laws)

b.  1912 US ______created

A.  Purpose -______

c. Keating-Owens Act - ______

d.  ______reformed education

A.  Believed that children should ______

4.  ______Company Fire - ______1911

a.  more than 140 women and men died because lack of safety laws.

·  leads to Progressives fighting for more laws to provide ______in the workplace. – ______State passed the toughest fire-safety laws in the nation.

b.  ______vs. New York 1905 – Court backs business by refusing to uphold a law limiting bakers to a 10 hour workday.

C.  Reforming Government – Progressives wanted to eliminate political corruption.

-take power away from ______and ______

1.  City Government Reform – needed to control it to reform it.

a.  Commission form of gov’t – ______, Texas 1900, experts in their field not simply party loyalists.(more honest and efficient)

b.  Council-Manager Model – ______, Ohio and Staunton, Virginia 1908,

- Council appoints a ______politician to run the city.

2.  Election Reforms

a.  direct ______– Voters choose who runs

b.  ______Amendment(1913) – voters not state legislatures elect US Senators.

c.  ______Ballot – eases political pressure

d.  ______– citizens propose a law

e.  ______– voters can put law on ballot to vote for it

f.  ______– removal of a candidate

3.  State Gov’t Reform

a.  Robert ______(Wisc. Governor) – reforms known as Wisconsin Idea – examples: regulated rr’s, regulated ______, commissions to oversee transportation, civil service, improve ______, make ______safe, and reform taxation.

  1. “______of ______”

b.  Hiram Johnson - ______