Health Education Lesson Plan

Health Education Lesson Plan

Health Education Lesson Plan

Unit: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Common Core State Standard: Standard 1 Comprehension and Collaboration
State Standards: 2.H1B Interpret the legal issue and discuss the consequences of underage alcohol and tobacco uses and or possession.
Topic: Legal Consequences
Objectives: Students will interpret the legal issues and discuss the consequences of underage alcohol usages.
Essential Questions:
1) How does alcohol effect teen driving ability?
2) List three consequences teens face for underage drinking?
3) Identify three strategies to avoid alcohol consumption?
Enduring Understandings:
1) Dialog analyzing peer pressure and how to avoid unwanted environment.
2) Students will formulate an understanding of the ways to avoid teen alcohol usage.
  • Power point materials
  • 15 Class textbook
  • Internet access

Warm-Up: Students will analyze the following independently.
  • How does alcohol effect teen driving ability?
  • List three consequences teens face for underage drinking?
  • Identify three strategies to avoid alcohol consumption?

Motivation: Utilize the key reasons to avoid alcohol usages listed below as a source to generate class discussion.
Key reasons to avoid teen alcohol usages:
  • An estimated number of 254,000 people are injured annually in alcohol related accidents.
  • Alcohol use can lead to alcohol abuse and alcoholism.
  • It’s estimated that 39% of fatal crashes involves alcohol.
  • Long term alcohol usage can damage vital body organs.

  • Instructor will prepare a power point that’s specific to teen alcohol usage.
  • Instructor will identify the effects teen drinking can have on an individual.

  • Analyze the effects of alcohol usages have on teen drivers.
  • Review the legal consequences underage drinking may cause.
  • Share strategies teens can use to avoid alcohol usage.
  • Identify support programs that teens can use if they’re struggle with alcohol usage.
Video: Provide students with a video specific to avoiding alcohol usages.
  • Students will turn and talk with a peer to discuss the essential question.
  • Students will unwrap the enduring questions in a group setting with support from instructor.
1) How does alcohol effect teen driving ability?
2) List three consequences teens face for underage drinking?
3) Identify three strategies to avoid alcohol consumption?
Instructor Memo: Guided practice will provide as a guide for students in the independent activity.
Independent Practice: Students will work in groups of 4 to 6 students.
Activity: Students will work in a group setting to create a 2-3 minute video that’s provides strategies on ways to avoid alcohol usages.
  • Students are required to use the essential questions as a guide in creating their anti-alcohol video.
1) How does alcohol effect teen driving ability?
2) List three consequences teens face for underage drinking?
3) Identify three strategies to avoid alcohol consumption?
  • Students are encouraged to utilize creativity throughout the assignment.
  • Students are required to work collectively to complete the assignment.

1) Active class participation in the guided and independent practice.
1) Instructor will utilize a rubric to assess student’s group performance.
2) Create a clear rubric so students understand how they’re being graded.
3) Rubric should include a portion that assesses if students focused on the essential questions.
Instructional Strategies: Classroom management plan and routines, start and stop signal, Group discussion expectation review, allow student experiences into class and class setup.
Extension: Create a web identifying ways teens can avoid alcohol usage. In paragraph form provide an analysis as to effects alcohol use can effect a teen’s life.
Remediation: Identify three different ways alcohol can impact a person life and provide in-depth suggestions to avoid alcohol use for teens.
Vocabulary: Designated Driver
Research a story or report of drunk driving incident and provide a full analysis of the event. The assignment should include facts of the accident and suggestions to avoid such dangers in the future. The assignment must be in paragraph form with an opening and closing.
1) Preferred seating
2) Differentiated instruction
3) Teaming and collaboration
Key Actions / Examples in lessons / Check all that apply:
T 1 / Communicate standards-based objectives / Review objective
T 2 / Present content clearly / Precise instruction of modeling.
T 3 / Use strategies and tasks to engage all students in rigorous work / Modeling, guided and independent practice.
T 4 / Use evidence-dependent questioning / Essential and enduring questioning
T 5 / Check for understanding and provide specific, academic feedback. / Independent practice, guided practice and homework
T 6 / Facilitate student-to-student interaction and academic talk. / Guided and independent practice
T 7 / Implement routines to maximize instructional time / Instructional strategies
T 8 / Build a positive, learning-focused classroom culture / Instructional strategies along with guided and independent practices
T 9 / Reinforce positive behavior, redirect off-task behavior, and de-escalate challenging behavior / Instructional strategies