Minutes of the special meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Connellsville Area School District held in the Connellsville Area Senior High School, 201 Falcon Drive, Connellsville, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, May 25, 2011, at 7:00 PM.

An executive session was held prior to the meeting from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to discuss personnel matters and to discuss the superintendent’s resignation.


The meeting was called to order by the President, Jon Detwiler at 8:04 p.m.

ROLL CALL Dr. P.J. Carte James Fabian Dr. Paul Means

Jon Detwiler Kevin Lape Francis Mongell

Thomas Dolde Denise Martin Gary Wandel

Others present included Superintendent Goodin, District Administrators Clawson, Cunningham, Hampe, Lembo, Marko, Omatick, Parlak and, Building Administrator McDonald, Michael, Porter and Kuhns, Solicitor Stern, two reporters and approximately eighty-five concerned citizens.


A moment of silence was observed and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by President Detwiler.


Laura Cramer and Ann Davin spoke to the board regarding the importance of full day kindergarten.

President Detwiler asked for discussion.

Dr. Carte read the following:

On March 24, we were informed for the first time that we would be losing millions of dollars in state funding as a result of Governor Corbett’s budget. Since learning that we would lose this money, we have been hard at work looking for areas to cut while maintaining programs for our students. Our principals and administrators have also been looking for areas where we can make cuts. We continue to closely follow what is happening in the state legislature. Several votes that will most likely impact our funding are scheduled in the near future. Both the Democrat and Republican plans would restore additional funding to the district. Tonight, we will vote on several furlough motions for teachers in order to meet our contractual obligations with the teachers’ union in order for us to get the teacher assignments distributed by the last day of school. If it weren’t for having to give administration enough time to work through the teachers’ assignments, we would delay voting on the teachers’ furloughs; however, we realize that they need the next week to prepare the assignments. Although we are voting on these furloughs, tonight, we are directing all of our administrators and principals to continue to look for areas where we can cut without impacting education, programs, and services offered to our students. We will continue to work on balancing the budget between now and the June 30th deadline. It is our desire and hope to call back all of the teachers that are furloughed tonight.

Mr. Cunningham provided a handout and discussed budget adjustments from proposed budget.

Dr. Carte read the following motions:

Motion was made by Dr. Carte and seconded by Mr. Wandel to furlough 23 teachers, as proposed, based on curtailment alteration of the education programs based on a larger recommendation of the Superintendent at a previous board meeting. The following voted in favor: Carte, Dolde, Lape, Martin, Means, Wandel and Detwiler. The following voted against: Fabian and Mongell. Motion Carried 7-2

178 / Sapola Kathleen
200 / Blum Linda M
220 / Miller Eleanorann
238 / Rosensteel Richard
296 / Bruno Diana M
297 / Loy Melissa A
328 / McWilliams Jeffrey A
343 / White Elaine B
372 / Hunt Kristen M
373 / Karinchak Geri S
374 / Fosbrink Anita J
375 / Bandemer Jason L
377 / Niswonger Amy M
390 / Pockstaller Sara E
395 / Love Amanda L
397 / Paletta Erin E
398 / Shah Ariana L
401 / Bartley Carrie A
402 / Hixson Stephanie A
403 / Brashear Melanie A
404 / Martin Alicia J
405 / Weir Katie A
406 / Pirl Lora L

Motion was made by Dr. Carte and seconded by Mr. Fabian to accept the resignation letter dated May 17, 2011 from Dr. David R. Goodin, Superintendent of Schools. The following voted in favor: Carte, Dolde, Fabian, Lape, Martin, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Detwiler.

Motion was made by Dr. Carte and seconded by Mr. Wandel to authorize the Director of Human Resources to advertise for superintendent vacancy as appropriate. The following voted in favor: Carte, Dolde, Fabian, Lape, Martin, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Detwiler.

Motion was made by Dr. Carte and seconded by Mr. Wandel to appoint Dr. Tammy Stern as interim Superintendent of Schools at the conclusion of Dr. Goodin’s term at the Superintendent’s current salary.

The following voted in favor: Carte, Dolde, Fabian, Lape, Martin, Means, Mongell, Wandel and Detwiler.


Motion was made by Dr. Carte and seconded by Mr. Wandel to adjourn. With all those in favor the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 p.m.

Vicki D. McWilliams

Board Secretary

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