Chapter 5 quiz and multiple choice


1. The is the name given to the books Deuteronomy-2 Kings, which narrate the story of Israel from Moses’ speech on the edge of the promised land to the Babylonian exile with a theological perspective that matches that of the book of Deuteronomy.

2. includes a range of approaches that look at how texts and their interpretations are interrelated with structures of colonial domination.

3. is the process by which peoples who must redefine themselves in the wake of oppression adapt and even invert the cultural forms of their former oppressors.

4. Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, and 1-2 Kings together comprise the division of the Bible known in Jewish tradition as .

5. Josiah’s reform is dated to .

Multiple Choice


1. The first text to be known as the “Torah of Moses” was:

a)The Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy)

b)A seventh century edition of the book of Deuteronomy

c)The Tetrateuch (Genesis-Numbers)

d)The book of Exodus

2. Which of the following is NOT part of the Deuteronomistic history?



c)1-2 Kings

d)1-2 Chronicles

3. According to 2 Kings, what event begins the major thrust of Josiah’sreform?

a)The destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel

b)The discovery of a scroll in the temple during renovations

c)Josiah’s ascension to the throne

d)The defeat of the Judean army by the Assyrians

c)Isaiah’s prophetic speech against idolatry

4. During the time of Josiah’s reform:

a)The Assyrian threat was still as real as ever

b)Egypt had control of formerly Assyrian territory, including Judah

c)There was a brief interval in which Judah was free from imperial domination

d)The Babylonian army was advancing on Jerusalem

5. Which of these was NOT a part of Josiah’s reform?

a) He celebration of a national Passover

b)The removal of elements related to Asherah and Baal from the temple

c)The destruction of the “high places” outside Jerusalem and the removal of their priests

d)The outlawing of polygamy

6. Which of these is NOT true about Josiah’s reform?

a)There is archaeological and epigraphic evidence that it actually happened

b)It appears, among other things, to be an effort at political centralization

c)It was carried out when Josiah was just a boy

d)All of these are true

7. Which of these is true of the Deuteronomistic history (DH)?

a)The DH was predominantly composed of material written in the late Judean monarchy

b)The DH utilized large amounts of earlier material which it arranged and supplemented to fit a new theological framework

c)The DH makes clear that it is not describing things as they actually happened in Israel’s history

d)The DH originally ended with the mysterious death of Josiah

8. Which of these is part of the Deuteronomistic history’s perspective?

a)Yahweh’s blessing and curse based on faithfulness to the Deuteronomic Torah

b)An evolution in Israel’s history from worship of many gods in many places to centralized

worship of Yahweh alone

c)Opposition to the Davidic monarchy

d)(Grudging) acknowledgement of foreign influence on many of its ideas

9. The biographical narratives in Jeremiah:

a)Mostly report on Jeremiah’s interactions with the king

b)Almost all concern experiences of difficulty and conflict

c)Are missing from the Septuagint of Jeremiah

d)Are almost certainly fictional

10. Which of these best describes Jeremiah’s response to the Babylonian threat?

a)He urges his hearers to trust in YHWH and the Babylonians will be repelled

b)He goes to Egypt in an attempt to cement an alliance

c)He advises the king of Judah to withhold tribute and prophesies a favorable outcome for Judean resistance

d)He counsels unqualified submission to Babylon