Chapter 3 Student Study Guide without Answers

  1. “Grievance literature” addressed each of the following except:
  1. Geographical location of the Vatican
  2. Financial excesses
  3. Papal preoccupation with social status
  4. Political power
  1. What is a “diet”?
  1. A public forum for airing debates
  2. A list of books banned by the Vatican
  3. A legislative assembly
  4. A pattern of culturally-shaped behaviors
  1. Frederick the Wise had Luther kidnapped so that he could:
  1. Turn him in for the bounty
  2. Provide him safe refuge
  3. Have him burnt at the stake
  4. Read Luther’s writings before anyone else
  1. Each of the following beliefs was a key aspect of Protestantism except:
  1. Rejection of papal authority
  2. Justification by faith
  3. Rejection of the Old Testament
  4. Priesthood of all believers
  1. Which of the following did Luther refer to as “an epistle of straw”?
  1. Titus
  2. Timothy
  3. Philemon
  4. James
  1. Luther held that each of the following should be in the following should be in the vernacular (the commonly spoken language) except:
  1. The Bible
  2. Papal documents
  3. The liturgy
  4. The sermon
  1. Luther was opposed to the selling of indulgences because:
  1. he wanted the money to be used to build German cathedrals, not Roman ones.
  2. he thought the idea of Purgatory was theologically mis-guided.
  3. he wanted to remain true to the apostolic tradition of holding all things in common.
  4. he did not believe the pope had any authority over Purgatory.
  1. Zwingli understood the Lord’s Supper to be
  1. A sacrament to be celebrated in both kinds.
  2. The real presence of Christ made possible through transubstantiation.
  3. A remembrance of Christ’s death in his absence and an anticipation of his return.
  4. A symbolic gesture of unity.
  1. Calvin was expelled from Geneva because
  1. He rejected Luther’s doctrine of the priesthood of all believers
  2. He supported Luther’s doctrine of justification by faith
  3. He taught predestination
  4. He denied the real presence in the Eucharist
  1. Each of the following were primary elements of Anabaptism except:
  1. Adult baptism
  2. Common ownership of property
  3. Celebration of communion in both kinds
  4. Pacifism and non-resistance
  1. Which of the following is primarily responsible for beginning the English Reformation?
  2. Henry VIII
  3. Charles V
  4. Mary, Queen of Scots
  5. Pope Leo X
  1. Ignatius Loyola did which of the following?
  2. Called for the Council of Trent
  3. Mediated the Peace of Westphalia, ending the Thirty Years War
  4. Advocated on behalf of the Protestant movement
  5. Founded a new religious order
  1. Confessionalization resulted in each of the following except:
  2. The privatization of religious practices
  3. The development of state churches
  4. The politicization of theological differences
  5. The practice of “proof-texting”
  1. The Puritans opposed each of the following practices except:
  2. Bowing at the name of Jesus
  3. Making the sign of the cross
  4. Tithing to the church
  5. Exchanging wedding rings
  1. When science and Scripture seem at odds with one another, Calvin suggested that the Christian interpreter of Scripture bear in mind:
  2. The principle of sola Scriptura
  3. The traditional teachings of the church fathers as a compass
  4. The principle that Scripture interprets Scripture
  5. God adjusts to the limits of the human mind