Chapter 3 Choosing Foods for Good Health

I. Lesson One: Why do you need food?

A.People get their energy from the foods they eat

B.Food contains nutrients







C. How do carbohydrates help you?

a.Sugar, starch, and fiber

i.Sugar and starch provide energy

ii.Fiber provides no energy but allows the body to hold water

b.Sugar can be found milk, honey, fruits and vegetables

c.Starches can be found in roots i.e carrots, potatoes

d.Fiber can be found seed coats i.e. wheat rice also celery

D.Why are fats important?

a.They supply energy

b.Substances that contain fat are:

i.Oils, shortenings, butter, mayonnaise,

E.What are Proteins?

a.Nutrients that build, repair, and replace cells

b.Your muscles, skin, hair, and teeth are mostly proteins

c.Many foods high in protein are also high in fat

F.How do vitamins, minerals, and water help you?

a.Vita means life

b.Vitamins keep the body working properly

c.Vitamins are found in many foods, therefore eat a variety of foods.

i.Water soluble vitamins

1.Vitamins BCHM

ii.Fat Soluble Vitamins

1.Vitamins ADEK

d. The body needs EIGHTEEN different minerals

i.They keep the body working properly

1.Calcium and phosphorus work together to build strong teeth and bones

2.Iron and copper work to build RBC

e.You can live weeks without food but not water

i.Water carries nutrients

ii.Water carries wastes

iii.Water cools the body’s temperature

iv.You need 6 to 8 glasses of water everyday

II. Lesson Two: What is a healthy diet

A.How can you make sure you get the nutrients you need?

a.Eat a variety of foods

b.Eat foods from the food pyramid

i.Grains-3oz per day (orange)

ii.Vegetables (green)

iii.Fruits (red)

iv.Fats-use sparingly (yellow)

v.Milk, yogurt, cheese (blue)

vi.Protein (violet)

B. How can you use the food guide?

a.The menus provide food from every food group

b.You don’t need to eat food from each group at every meal

C. What kinds of Foods do you need to limit?

a.Foods with sugar, fat, and cholesterol should be limited

i.Foods with sugar can cause obesity &toothdecay

ii.Can also lead to heart disease

b. Too much cholesterol can also lead to heart disease

i.Foods that come from animals

ii.Eggs and beef liver

c.Limit your salt intake

i.Don’t add extra salt

ii.Bacon, potato chips, soups have extra salt