Chapter 27: Plant Kingdom: Seed Plants

  1. What is a seed? Where do they develop?
  1. What groups of plants have seeds?
  1. How is a seed protected?
  1. How do seed plants differ from seedless plants?
  1. From what does a seed develop?
  1. What are integuments?
  1. What is the dominant generation in a seed plant’s lifecycle?
  1. What are the general characteristics of a seed plant’s gametophyte?
  1. All are heterosporous meaning…
  1. What are the advantages of having a seed?
  1. What are the general characteristics of Gymnosperms?
  1. What are some examples of Gymnosperms?
  1. Name the 4 groups of gymnosperm phyla.
  1. Describe the traits of conifers and include examples.
  1. Discuss resin in regards to conifers.
  1. Describe the needles of conifers.
  1. What does it mean that conifers are monoecious?
  1. What is the ecological importance of conifers?
  1. List the general features of the Pine.
  1. Describe the male pine cone.
  1. Describe the female pine cone.
  1. List the steps of the lifecycle of a typical conifer (pine).
  1. What adaptations do conifers have that seedless plants do not?
  1. Describe the characteristics of phylum Cycadophyta.
  1. Describe the characteristics of phylum Gingkophyta.
  1. Describe plants in the phylum Gnetophyta. Why are they often considered more advanced than other gymnosperms?
  1. How are angiosperms different from gymnosperms in general?
  1. Give some angiosperm examples.
  1. How are angiosperms economically important?
  1. Contrast the features of monocots and dicots.
  1. What are the usual 4 parts of a flower?
  1. Define in regards to flowers:
  2. Inflorescence:
  3. Peduncle:
  4. Receptacle:
  5. Complete:
  6. Incomplete:
  7. Perfect:
  8. Imperfect:
  9. Sepals:
  10. Calyx:
  11. Petals:
  12. Corolla:
  13. Stamens:
  14. Filament:
  15. Anther:
  16. Carpels:
  17. Pistil:
  18. Stigma:
  19. Style:
  20. Ovary:
  1. List the steps of a typical angiosperm lifecycle:
  1. What are the flowering plant adaptations that have made them the most successful of the plant species?

Chapter 35: Reproduction in Flowering Plants (Asexual and Sexual)

  1. Discuss self-pollination vs. cross-pollination. What is more advantageous and why?
  1. How do plants prevent self-pollination?
  1. Give examples of plants and animals have coevolved for animal pollination.
  1. Discuss wind pollination.
  1. What steps must take place before a seed can be formed?
  1. What are the parts of a seed? Describe each one.
  1. What is a fruit? What are its purposes?
  1. Describe the various fruit types and list examples for each one:
  2. Simple fruit
  3. Fleshy
  4. Berry
  5. Drupe
  6. Dry
  7. Follicle
  8. Legume
  9. Capsule
  10. Grains
  11. Achene
  12. Nuts
  13. Aggregate fruit
  14. Multiple fruit
  15. Accessory fruit
  16. Dehiscent – dry fruit that splits at maturation
  17. Indehiscent – fruit does not split at maturation
  1. Discuss the following types of seed dispersal and give examples:
  2. Wind
  3. Animals
  4. Water
  5. Explosive dehiscence
  6. For asexual reproduction in angiosperms, what parts do not form? How many parents are there?
  1. What parts of a plant can asexually reproduce?
  1. Define the following terms in regards to asexual reproduction in flowering plants – give examples.
  2. Rhizome
  3. Tubers
  4. Bulb
  5. Corm
  6. Stolons (runners)
  7. Apomixis