Full Body Scooter Workout:
Lower Body:
- Quads,Hamstring, Glutes – Pushing the scooter with their feet and legs backwards. Advanced: You can add resistance by having a partner and both of you hold a jump rope, they pull back to make it harder for you to push yourself across the gym.
- Hamstrings and Calves- Pulling themselves back facing forwards and using their heels.
Upper Body Strength:
- Knees or bottom on Scooter (Shoulders/triceps) - Push your body keeping your arms off to the side for safety.
- Knees or bottom on Scooter (Shoulders/biceps) – Pull your body backwards keeping your arms to the side for safety.
- Scooter Wheelbarrow –
- Easy: Knees or shins on the scooter and walk on hands to a line and back without stopping.
- Hard: Feet (up on toes) on the scooter and holding your body straight to keep thescooter rolling straight walk on hands.
- When they get to the destination, make them use their body to swing the scooter and head back without touching the floor with their feet. Great for their core!!!
- Triceps Drag –
- Easy: Legs are on the scooter at the knees and the student pulls themselves to a line and back.
- Hard: Feet are on the scooter with knees up in the air. Creates more bend in the arms, which makes it harder.
- Push-up with arm slide out – perform a push-up on knees (easy) or off (harder) with one hand on the scooter and then push it out to the side and bring back in. You may alternate or overload one arm.
For Abs:
All of these exercises will work out your full body.
Knees or Feet on Scooter and your body is in a push-up position:
Easy:Knees on scooter (keep butt down) and quickly.
Medium: Knees and slowly
Hard:Feet on scooter (butt down) and slower.
1)Knees to chest and back out.
2)Knees up and out towards the shoulders (More Obliques). Your knees should come close to the outside of your elbow.
Forearms on Scooter:
Knees on the floor and feet up and crossed.
1)Easy: Roll the scooter out as far as you can and roll it back squeezing your abs.
2)Medium: Extend arms completely out so body is parallel with the floor. Use your abs to bring you back in, not arms.
3)Hard: Trying to roll out and make a circle.
Specifically CORE:
- Plank: Students can also try to do a plank on the scooter.
- Easy: Placing their forearms on the scooter.
- Medium: With knees or feet on scooter.
- Hard: Lifting one leg will make it harder or try putting it out to the sides.
- Side Plankon the Scooter – they can just try to balance on the scooter.
a)Keep knees on the ground and then extend the scooter out with arms and bring it back trying to isolate your obliques.