Chapter 25/26 Key Terms

Chapter 25:

  1. Jane Addams
  2. Florence Kelley
  3. Emma Lazarus
  4. Mary Baker Eddy
  5. Walter Rauschenbusch
  6. Dwight Lyman Moody
  7. Louis Agassiz
  8. James Gibbons
  9. Booker T. Washington
  10. W.E.B. Du Bois
  11. George Washington Carver
  12. Charles W. Eliot
  13. Edwin L. Godkin
  14. William Randolph Hearst
  15. Joseph Pulitzer
  16. Edward Bellamy
  17. Henry George
  18. Horatio Alger
  19. Mark Twain
  20. William Dean Howells
  21. Stephen Crane
  22. Henry James
  23. Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  24. Carrie Chapman Catt
  25. Ida B. Wells
  26. Anthony Comstock
  27. Emily Dickinson
  28. Henry Adams
  29. Jack London
  30. Paul Laurence Dunbar
  31. Daniel Burnham
  32. Henry H. Richardson
  33. Louis Sullivan
  34. Augustus Saint-Gaudens
  35. Thomas Eakins
  36. James Whistler
  37. Theodore Dreiser
  38. Victoria Woodhull
  39. Carrie Nation
  40. John L. Sullivan
  41. James Naismith
  42. Phineas T. Barnum
  43. William F. Cody
  44. Megalopolis
  45. Dumbbell tenement
  46. Settlement house
  47. New Immigration
  48. Social gospel
  49. Liberal Protestantism
  50. Fundamentalism
  51. Nativism
  52. Evolution
  53. Natural selection
  54. Normal schools
  55. Pragmatism
  56. Talented tenth
  57. Land-grant colleges
  58. Yellow journalism
  59. Dime novels
  60. Literary realism
  61. Single tax
  62. New morality
  63. Macy’s/Marshall Field’s
  64. Sears/Montgomery Ward
  65. Little Poland/Little Italy
  66. Hebrew schools
  67. Hull House
  68. National Consumers League
  69. Henry Street settlement house
  70. The Origin of Species
  71. American Protective Association
  72. Salvation Army
  73. Christian Science
  74. Young Men’s Christian Association/Young Women’s Christian Association
  75. Chautauqua movement
  76. Tuskegee Institute
  77. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  78. Howard University
  79. Johns Hopkins University
  80. Morrill Act
  81. Principles of Psychology
  82. The Nation
  83. Atlantic Monthly
  84. Progress and Poverty
  85. Looking Backward
  86. Ben Hur
  87. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  88. The Red Badge of Courage
  89. The Education of Henry Adams
  90. Lyrics of Lowly Life
  91. Sister Carrie
  92. Comstock Law
  93. Women and Economics
  94. Women's Christian Temperance Union
  95. American Red Cross
  96. Anti-Saloon League
  97. “City Beautiful” movement
  98. World’s Columbian Exposition
  99. “Richardsonian”

Chapter 26:

  1. Sitting Bull
  2. George A. Custer
  3. Chief Joseph
  4. Geronimo
  5. Helen Hunt Jackson
  6. William F. Cody
  7. James B. Hickok
  8. John Wesley Powell
  9. Oliver H. Kelley
  10. William Hope Harvey
  11. Ignatius Donnelley
  12. Mary Elizabeth Lease
  13. Frederick Jackson Turner
  14. James B. Weaver
  15. Jacob S. Coxey
  16. Eugene V. Debs
  17. John Peter Altgeld
  18. William McKinley
  19. Marcus Alonzo Hanna
  20. William Jennings Bryan
  21. Sioux
  22. Nez Perce
  23. Arapahoes
  24. Cheyenne
  25. Comanches
  26. Apaches
  27. Fetterman massacre
  28. Sand Creek, Colorado
  29. Treaty of Fort Laramie
  30. Battle of Little Big Horn
  31. Ghost Dance
  32. Battle of Wounded Knee
  33. A Century of Dishonor
  34. Dawes Severalty Act
  35. Indian Reorganization Act (“Indian New Deal”)
  36. Comstock Lode
  37. Dodge City, Kansas
  38. Homestead Act
  39. Sooner State
  40. Yellowstone
  41. Safety-valve theory
  42. Bonanza farms
  43. National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry
  44. Granger Laws
  45. Farmers’ Alliance
  46. Populist (People’s) Party
  47. Coin’s Financial School
  48. Coxey’s Army
  49. Pullman Strike
  50. Haymarket Square anarchists
  51. Cross of Gold speech
  52. “Gold Bugs”
  53. “16 to 1”
  54. “fourth party system”
  55. Dingley Tariff bill
  56. Gold Standard Act