
Chapter 22: The First Emperor of China- Reading Notes

Section 2
List 3 things you see. Describe in 1-2 sentences what is happening.

1. How did Qin Shihuangdi conquer rival states? When did he gain control of China?

2. Describe how he controlled his government.

Rate the Emperor
Did the Emperor of Qin’s efforts to unite China make him an effective ruler?
Mark your answer with an X on the spectrum below. Write a sentence below the spectrum to explain.

Very Ineffective ………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………Very Effective

Section 3
What do you think EACH object is? Explain why.

1. Why did the Emperor of Qin create a unified set of laws? What types of punishments were there for not following the laws?

2. How did Qin Shihuangdi improve trade and writing in China?

Rate the Emperor
Did the Emperor of Qin’s efforts to standardize Chinese culture make him an effective ruler?
Mark your answer with an X on the spectrum below. Write a sentence below the spectrum to explain.

Very Ineffective ………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………Very Effective

Section 4
List 3 things you see. Describe in 1-2 sentences what is happening.

1. How did the Emperor protect China’s northern border? What was it made out of?

2. Who constructed the Great Wall? What difficulties did they face?

Rate the Emperor
Did the Emperor of Qin’s efforts to protect China’s northern border make him an effective ruler?
Mark your answer with an X on the spectrum below. Write a sentence below the spectrum to explain.

Very Ineffective ………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………Very Effective

Section 5
List 3 things you see. Describe in 1-2 sentences what is happening.

1. Why was there a conflict between Confucian scholars and the emperor?

2. What did the emperor do to prevent people from learning about Confucianism?

Rate the Emperor
Did the Emperor of Qin’s efforts to end opposition make him an effective ruler?
Mark your answer with an X on the spectrum below. Write a sentence below the spectrum to explain.

Very Ineffective ………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………Very Effective

Section 6

1. Explain whether you think the Emperor achieved each of these goals:

Goal 1: To become immortal

Goal 2: To be remembered for a long time

2. List 3 things that were buried in the Emperor of Qin’s tomb. What do these items reveal about the emperor?