Capegate Bio-Energy has been established as a Subsidiary of Capegate Group to pioneer the provision of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Solutions in Nigeria. It is poised to pursue opportunities that will meet the Nigeria’s current and future energy demands using alternative energy source (Green), with focus in the area of Production, Marketing and investment in Biofuels using Sugarcane and Jatropha as feedstock for Fuel Ethanol and Biodiesel respectively thereby linking the agricultural sector with the Oil & Gas industry, Capegate Bio-energy also focuses on Bio electricity from Biomass, Biogas, waste management solutions, Bio plastic, organic fertilizer, off-grid solar Power solutions, hydrogen to energy technology and Energy Efficiency solutions.

We support our clients at all stages of their projects (design, engineering, implementation, operation and maintenance). Capegate Bio-Energy team can provide turnkey solutions to execute any Renewable Energy Project.

We have been able to leverage the excellent commercial and governmental relationships both to facilitate the expansions of our renewable energy operations and to build new approach in Nigeria and West Africa sub region.

Our Projects are in line with supplementary ACT A/AS.3/07/13 on the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Policy and supplementary ACT A/AS.2/07/13 on the ECOWAS Energy Efficiency Policy as well as the Nigerian Renewable Energy Master Plan and the Nigerian National Biofuels Policy and Incentives.


To be a global player in the Biofuels business by linking Agriculture with the Oil and Gas industry while developing other Renewable Energy resources that are environmentally benign, socially suitable and economically profitable.


To provide quality Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency solutions with Global standards.

Mission statement:

To lead in the sustainable production and commercializing cost effective Renewable Energy and bioenergy products through innovation and advanced technology.

Core values

•We believe stakeholder engagement with esteem and trust.

• We develop through creativity, and innovation.

•We integrate honesty, integrity, business ethics and professionalism in all aspects of our Business.

1. 105,000 ha Fuel Ethanol and Sugar Venture using Sugarcane as feedstock in Kogi, Benue and Gombe states of Nigeria.

Jatropha Biological fencing as part of Great Green Wall programme with a twin object biodiesel and electricity generation and conflict resolution mechanism between farmers and headsmen while producing

Waste to Energy with Biogas as the main Product in the F.C.T using landfill to produce Biogas

Off-grid Solar Solutions and energy efficiency for villages in Jega Local Government Area of State, Nigeria

Capegate Integrated Jatropha Biodiesel Project

Project concept flow

Key Drivers of the project

Key Drivers of the Project:

The prevailing reasons for venturing into biofuels business by Capegate as an investment outfit are:

  • Land availability
  • Market for finished products(Jatropha Methyl Ether & Aviation Fuel)
  • Market for co-products (glycerol, Electricity, etc.)
  • Potential for earning Carbon Credit under the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)Project
  • The presence of regulatory framework in form of supplementary ACT A/AS.3/07/13 on the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Policy and supplementary ACT A/AS.2/07/13 on the ECOWAS Energy Efficiency Policy as well as the Nigerian Renewable Energy Master Plan and the gazetted Nigerian National Biofuels Policy and Incentives.
  • Economic viability of the project in terms of profits and returns on investment.

Organization: / Capegate Bio- Energy Limited
Main contact name: / Bashir NamadinaJega
Expertise: Project Management, Investment Analysis, Business Administration &Management, Business Development, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Strategies
Other Contacts: / 1.Umar, Abdu Azia
Manager Feedstock Development
Expertise: Agro-forestry, policy formulation, Rural economy, Climate change, Reforestation. Land restoration.
Mailing Address: / Melita Plaza,
D14/F13/A29, Second Floor, Ahmadu Bello Way, Area 11 Abuja, Nigeria.
Phone Number: / +2347042020202
Email: / ;
City, State and Country / Abuja, F.C.T. Nigeria