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Chapter 18 – Native Arts of the Americas before 1300

MULTIPLE CHOICE2 points each.

______1. Which of the following has been proposed as the identity of the giant Olmec heads?

  1. priests of the Feathered-Serpent
  2. deities
  3. Maya overlords
  4. rulers

______2. Which of the following DOES NOT describe Nazca lines?

  1. They are polychrome designs on exceptionally fine pottery.
  2. They are communal artworks, probably done over large expanses of time.
  3. They include many animal images including hummingbirds, monkeys, ducks and spiders.
  4. Their purpose is unknown but is likely a religious meaning, marking pilgrimage centers, important shrines and water sources.

______3. Which of the following would account for the unique cosmopolitan character of Teotihuacán?

  1. the city’s diversified populations
  2. the city’s tolerant acceptance of all deities
  3. the city’s position as the most important pilgrimage site
  4. the city’s relationship with the Maya of Guatemala

______4. The layout of the La Venta site is an early form of the temple-pyramid and plaza complex. Which of the following is a possible explanation for the temple-pyramid?

  1. mimics the sacred mountain
  2. mimics the palace of the king
  3. is a very early form of the Maya temple-pyramid complex
  4. forms the diagram of the universe

______5. The human-animal representations used by Olmec religious practitioners are thought to symbolize which of the following?

  1. gods of the underworld
  2. transformations in order to wrest power from supernatural forces
  3. the dance of life
  4. the creation of the Olmec dynasty

______6. What architectural feature has been found in nearly all Mesoamerican cultures?

  1. a circular temple
  2. a ballcourt
  3. a rectangular plaza with a fountain at east end
  4. an open courtyard with a kiva in the center

______7. Teotihuacán as well as its key pyramids are carefully oriented. Which of the following is the commonly suggested reasoning for such placement?

  1. related to the calendar of the gods
  2. related to the topography of the area
  3. related to the legend of the king
  4. related to astronomical phenomena

______8. Which of the following does the urban plan of Teotihuacán most resemble?

  1. Maya city planning
  2. Anasazi city planning
  3. Hellenistic and Roman city planning
  4. Olmec city planning

______9. What does Maya architecture signify?

  1. power of the priesthood
  2. importance of the marriage alliance
  3. importance of the cult of the mason
  4. power of the ruler

______10. Ceramic figures from Jaina most often represented which of the following?

a.memorials to rulers

b.heroic figures from local legend

c.scenes of sacrifice

d.scenes from everyday life

______11. Like most Mesoamerican cities, Teotihuacán had a mural program. One mural features a goddess, earth or nature, thought to be the city’s principal deity. Among the motifs ascribed to this deity are human hearts that were essential attributes in the Mesoamerican ritual of human sacrifice. Which of the following is an explanation for the ritual of human sacrifice?

a.essential to agricultural renewal

b.essential to kingly ritual

  1. essential for the renewal of the city
  2. essential for the inheritance of power

______12. Which of the following was typical of Mayan art and architecture?

a.unornamented architectural construction

b.use of wood for sacred construction

c.creation of huge ceremonial centers

d.use of groined vaults

______13. Most extant objects from the Adena and Mississippian cultures were found in which of the following?

a.village ceremonial sites


c.burial and temple mounds

d.tall stone pyramids

______14. Murals found in the prehistoric pueblos of the Southwest most often depicted which of the following?

a.warriors and conquest

b.royal court ceremonies

c.coming-of-age ceremonies

d.spirits associated with agricultural fertility

______15. Which of the following describes the Southwest kiva?

a.a clay mound attached to the northeast corner of the Pueblo

b.a large circular semi-subterranean structure

c.a small wooden structure located above ground

d.a large tall stone structure located above ground

SHORT ANSWER – Choose five (4 points each)

16.Briefly describe Adena Culture.

17.How are the cliff dwelling sites of the Anasazi significant?

18.How are the gorgets excavated from Native American temple mounds significant?

19.What does the location of the Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde signify?

20.What happened to the Anasazi?

21.How is a Mimbres bowl “killed” and why is it significant?

22.Describe the Eskimo lifestyle.

23.Who are thought to have been the potters of Mimbres and why?

24.Contrast Wari and Paracas textile design.

Chapter 19 – Africa before 1800

MULTIPLE CHOICE – 2 points each

______25. Much African art is created around

  1. spitiruality
  2. representational zoomorphic forms
  3. ceremonial installations of rulers
  4. classical figure modelling

______26. Which material was NOT used in the creation of early African artworks?

  1. wood
  2. ivory
  3. marble
  4. metal

______27. African architecture is predominantly made of

  1. wood
  2. ashlar masonry
  3. corbelled stone
  4. mudbrick

______28. Many African sculptures are representations of

  1. the spirits of funereal rites
  2. the spirits of family ancestors
  3. the spirits of birth rituals
  4. the spirits of ceremonial rites

______29. The nomadic peoples of East Africa in Kenya and Tanzania produced

  1. fine artworks that were portable
  2. fine artworks that indicated their status in society
  3. fine artwork that symbolized their dynastic history
  4. fine monumental artwork

______30. The agricultural West Africans around Sierra Leone and Nigeria achievd greatness with

  1. stone churches
  2. painted walls and ceramics
  3. wood and bronze sculpture
  4. weaving

______31. Traditional African architecture is built to be

  1. as permanent as possible
  2. as inexpensive as possible
  3. as sophisticated as possible
  4. as cool as possible

______32. In a culture that generally eschews stonework, the structures at ______and ______

are unusual.

  1. Royal Complex at Zimbabwe and Ethiopian Churches
  2. Ethiopian Churches and the Great Friday Mosque in Mali
  3. The Royal Complex at Zimbabwe and the Temple complex at Lalibela
  4. The Great Friday Mosque in Mali and the Royal Complex at Zimbabwe

______33. The ciré perdue process is used for creating sculptures made of

  1. Terra cotta
  2. ivory
  3. wood
  4. metal

______34. African sculptures are characterized by their

  1. unusual size
  2. fluid and natural movements
  3. many preliminary drawings to create a finished product
  4. use of mixed media

______35. The largest feature on an African figure

  1. is the head
  2. are the arms
  3. are the fingers
  4. are the feet

______36. Kongo power figures are

a.worn as maks in cremonies

b.used to bring harm to others

c.created for decoration

d.meant to amuse and entertain

______37. Scarification is

  1. from raised knifing patterns in the skin

b.a scarring in sculpture but not on human beings

c.a way of identifying males from females

d.a way of identifying slaves

______38. African artists

a.achieved success through the guild system

b.signed their works

c.dated their compositions

d.held gallery shows where artworks could be purchased

______39. African women specialized in

a.carving masks

b.working in metal

c.making ceramics

d.ivory sculptures

______40. Which of the following is a unique hybrid of African and European cultures?

a.Benin whisks

b.Sapi ivories

c.Jenne figures

d.Ife jewelry

______41. One of the major problems impeding a precise African chronology is widespread illegal “treasure hunting.” Which of the following is a consequence of this activity?

a.nothing too harmful the artifacts are going into major collections

b.artifacts not removed are destroyed

c.removing artifacts disturbs or ruins context

d.“treasure hunters" attribute artifacts to only certain cultures or groups

SHORT ANSWER (Do all) (4 points each)

42.How is Beta Medhane Alem, Lalibela significant to Ethiopia?

43.How is scarification suggested on the Lydenburg Head?

44.What is one interpretation for the conical towers at Great Zimbabwe?

45.What is distinctly African about the Sapi saltcellar?

46.Briefly describe the Nok.